C# 程序员参考--线程处理教程

发表于:2007-06-21来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
下一页 1 2 线程处理的优点是可以创建使用多个执行线程的应用程序。例如,某一进程可以具有管理与用户交互的用户界面线程,以及在用户界面线程等待用户输入时执行其他任务的辅助线程。 该教程说明各种线程活动: 创建和执行线程 线程同步 线程间交互 使用线

下一页 1 2 




  • 创建和执行线程
  • 线程同步
  • 线程间交互
  • 使用线程池
  • 使用 mutex 对象保护共享资源



  • 示例 1:创建线程、启动线程和线程间交互
  • 示例 2:同步两个线程:制造者和使用者
  • 示例 3:使用线程池
  • 示例 4:使用 Mutex 对象

示例 1:创建线程、启动线程和线程间交互

本示例说明如何创建和启动线程,并显示了同时在同一进程内运行的两个线程间的交互。请注意,不必停止或释放线程。这由 .NET Framework 公共语言运行库自动完成。

程序从创建 Alpha 类型的对象 (oAlpha) 和引用 Alpha 类的 Beta 方法的线程 (oThread) 开始。然后启动该线程。线程的 IsAlive 属性允许程序等待,直到线程被初始化(被创建、被分配等)为止。主线程通过 Thread 访问,而 Sleep 方法通知线程放弃其时间片并在一定毫秒数期间停止执行。然后 oThread 被停止和联接。联接一个线程将使主线程等待它死亡或等待它在指定的时间后过期。最后,程序尝试重新启动 oThread,但由于线程无法在停止(中止)后重新启动而告失败。有关临时停止执行的信息,请参见挂起线程执行。

// StopJoin.cs
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class Alpha

   // This method that will be called when the thread is started
   public void Beta()
      while (true)
         Console.WriteLine("Alpha.Beta is running in its own thread.");

public class Simple
   public static int Main()
      Console.WriteLine("Thread Start/Stop/Join Sample");
      Alpha oAlpha = new Alpha();

      // Create the thread object, passing in the Alpha.Beta method
      // via a ThreadStart delegate. This does not start the thread.
      Thread oThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(oAlpha.Beta));

      // Start the thread

      // Spin for a while waiting for the started thread to become
      // alive:
      while (!oThread.IsAlive);
      // Put the Main thread to sleep for 1 millisecond to allow oThread
      // to do some work:
      // Request that oThread be stopped
      // Wait until oThread finishes. Join also has overloads
      // that take a millisecond interval or a TimeSpan object.
      Console.WriteLine("Alpha.Beta has finished");
         Console.WriteLine("Try to restart the Alpha.Beta thread");
      catch (ThreadStateException) 
         Console.Write("ThreadStateException trying to restart Alpha.Beta. ");
         Console.WriteLine("Expected since aborted threads cannot be restarted.");
      return 0;


Thread Start/Stop/Join Sample
Alpha.Beta is running in its own thread.
Alpha.Beta is running in its own thread.
Alpha.Beta is running in its own thread.
Alpha.Beta has finished
Try to restart the Alpha.Beta thread
ThreadStateException trying to restart Alpha.Beta. Expected since aborted threads cannot be restarted.

示例 2:同步两个线程:制造者和使用者

下面的示例显示如何使用 C# lock 关键字和 Monitor 对象的 Pulse 方法完成同步。Pulse 方法通知等待队列中的线程对象的状态已更改。(有关脉冲的更多详细信息,请参见 Monitor.Pulse 方法)。

本示例创建一个 Cell 对象,它具有两个方法:ReadFromCellWriteToCell。从 CellProdCellCons 类创建另外两个对象;这两个对象均具有调用 ReadFromCellWriteToCellThreadRun 方法。通过等待依次到达的来自 Monitor 对象的“脉冲”即可完成同步。也就是说,首先产生一个项(此时使用者等待脉冲),然后发生一个脉冲,接着使用者使用所产生的项(此时制造者等待脉冲),依此类推。

// MonitorSample.cs
// This example shows use of the following methods of the C# lock keyword
// and the Monitor class 
// in threads:
//      Monitor.Pulse(Object)
//      Monitor.Wait(Object)
using System;
using System.Threading;

public class MonitorSample
   public static void Main(String[] args)
      int result = 0;   // Result initialized to say there is no error
      Cell cell = new Cell( );

      CellProd prod = new CellProd(cell, 20);  // Use cell for storage, 
                                               // produce 20 items
      CellCons cons = new CellCons(cell, 20);  // Use cell for storage, 
                                               // consume 20 items

      Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(prod.ThreadRun));
      Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons.ThreadRun));
      // Threads producer and consumer have been created, 
      // but not started at this point.

         producer.Start( );
         consumer.Start( );

         producer.Join( );   // Join both threads with no timeout
                             // Run both until done.
         consumer.Join( );  
      // threads producer and consumer have finished at this point.
      catch (ThreadStateException e)
         Console.WriteLine(e);  // Display text of exception
         result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
      catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
         Console.WriteLine(e);  // This exception means that the thread
                                // was interrupted during a Wait
         result = 1;            // Result says there was an error
      // Even though Main returns void, this provides a return code to 
      // the parent process.
      Environment.ExitCode = result;

public class CellProd
   Cell cell;         // Field to hold cell object to be used
   int quantity = 1;  // Field for how many items to produce in cell

   public CellProd(Cell box, int request)
      cell = box;          // Pass in what cell object to be used
      quantity = request;  // Pass in how many items to produce in cell
   public void ThreadRun( )
      for(int looper=1; looper<=quantity; looper++)
         cell.WriteToCell(looper);  // "producing"

public class CellCons
   Cell cell;         // Field to hold cell object to be used
   int quantity = 1;  // Field for how many items to consume from cell

   public CellCons(Cell box, int request)
      cell = box;          // Pass in what cell object to be used
      quantity = request;  // Pass in how many items to consume from cell
   public void ThreadRun( )
      int valReturned;
      for(int looper=1; looper<=quantity; looper++)
      // Consume the result by placing it in valReturned.
         valReturned=cell.ReadFromCell( );

public class Cell
   int cellContents;         // Cell contents
   bool readerFlag = false;  // State flag
   public int ReadFromCell( )
      lock(this)   // Enter synchronization block
         if (!readerFlag)
         {            // Wait until Cell.WriteToCell is done producing
               // Waits for the Monitor.Pulse in WriteToCell
            catch (SynchronizationLockException e)
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
         Console.WriteLine("Consume: {0}",cellContents);
         readerFlag = false;    // Reset the state flag to say consuming
                                // is done.
         Monitor.Pulse(this);   // Pulse tells Cell.WriteToCell that
                                // Cell.ReadFromCell is done.
      }   // Exit synchronization block
      return cellContents;
   public void WriteToCell(int n)
      lock(this)  // Enter synchronization block
         if (readerFlag)
         {      // Wait until Cell.ReadFromCell is done consuming.
               Monitor.Wait(this);   // Wait for the Monitor.Pulse in
                                     // ReadFromCell
            catch (SynchronizationLockException e)
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
         cellContents = n;
         Console.WriteLine("Produce: {0}",cellContents);
         readerFlag = true;    // Reset the state flag to say producing
                               // is done
         Monitor.Pulse(this);  // Pulse tells Cell.ReadFromCell that 
                               // Cell.WriteToCell is done.
      }   // Exit synchronization block


Produce: 1
Consume: 1
Produce: 2
Consume: 2
Produce: 3
Consume: 3
Produce: 20
Consume: 20

