
发表于:2007-05-26来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
我在Freebsd上用Port轻易的安装好ACE,但是在编译环境上有些问题。因此想参考Windows下ACE例程的环境。 在Windows上安装ACE,与安装普通的Windows程序不同。它必须借助于VC等编译工具,在本机重新编译,而不是直接发布2进制的库文件。我想这样是为了向 程序

Building and Installing ACE on Windows with Microsoft Visual C++

Note concerning MSVC 5.0 and Service Pack 3: There has been confusion regarding MSVC 5 and its Service Pack 3. Some ACE users have, in the past, had problems with SP3 that were not present in SP2. Thanks to the diligent efforts of Bill Fulton, the mystery appears to be solved. The key? (Oh, this is a good one...) It would appear that there are actually multiple versions of SP3 in existence. The earlier ones have the bug, while later ones have it fixed. The service pack downloadable from Microsoft's web site as of June 16, 1998 works fine. The CD containing SP3, if it has part number X03-50158 on the disc (the part number on the jacket is probably different), also works fine. Note, however, that regardless of the version of SP3, there are some STL bugs in SP3 which you should get corrected. Please see http://www.dinkumware.com/vc_fixes.html for details. Thank you to Ben Eng for the pointer to the STL fixes.

Right now there is a SP4 (and hopefully only one of them) which fixes a deadlock problem in the STL.

We no longer actively support MSVC++ 5.x or earlier. ACE might work with these compilers but probably not without a bit of effort.

  1. Uncompress the ACE distribution into a directory, where it will create a ACE_wrappers directory containing the distribution. The ACE_wrappers directory will be referred to as ACE_ROOT in the following steps -- so ACE_ROOTace would be C:ACE_wrappersace if you uncompressed into the root directory.

  2. Create a file called config.h in the ACE_ROOTace directory that contains:

    #include "ace/config-win32.h"

  3. Now load the workspace file for ACE (ACE_ROOTaceace.dsw).

  4. Each project will contain several different configurations. These are a mixture of Debug/Release, MFC/Non-MFC, and Static/Dynamic library versions. Make sure you are building the one you'll use (for example, the debug tests need the debug version of ACE, and so on). All these different configurations are provided for your convenience. You can either adopt the scheme to build your applications with different configurations, or use ace/config.h to tweak with the default settings on NT.
    Note: If you use the dynamic libraries, make sure you include ACE_ROOTlib in your PATH whenever you run programs that uses ACE. Otherwise you may experience problems finding ace.dll or aced.dll.

  5. If you are building for Windows NT 4 or later (Windows 2000, XP, etc.) then you can start building without anymore changes. If you are building on Windows 9x/Me, then you should add the line

    #define ACE_HAS_WINNT4 0

    before the #include statement in ACE_ROOTaceconfig.h and it will turn off some WinNT/Win2K-specific code in ACE.

  6. If you want to use the standard C++ headers (iostream, cstdio, ... as defined by the C++ Standard Draft 2) that comes with MSVC, then add the line:


    before the #include statement in ACE_ROOTaceconfig.h.

  7. To use ACE with MFC libraries, also add the following to your config.h file. Notice that if you want to spawn a new thread with CWinThread, make sure you spawn the thread with THR_USE_AFX flag set.

    #define ACE_HAS_MFC 1

    By default, all of the ACE projects use the DLL versions of the MSVC run-time libraries. You can still choose use the static (LIB) versions of ACE libraries regardless of run-time libraries. The reason we chose to link only the dynamic run-time library is that almost every NT box has these library installed and to save disk space. If you prefer to link MFC as a static library into ACE, you can do this by defining ACE_USES_STATIC_MFC in your config.h file. However, if you would like to link everything (including the MSVC run-time libraries) statically, you'll need to modify the project files in ACE yourself.

  8. Static version of ACE libraries are build with ACE_AS_STATIC_LIBS
    defined. This macro should also be used in application projects that link to static ACE libraries

    Optionally you can also add the line

    #define ACE_NO_INLINE

    before the #include statement in ACE_ROOTaceconfig.h to disable inline function and reduce the size of static libraries (and your executables.)

  9. ACE DLL and LIB naming scheme:

    We use the following rules to name the DLL and LIB files in ACE when using MSVC.

    "Library/DLL name" + (Is static library ? "s" : "") + (Is Debugging enable ? "d" : "") +

More information for ACE/TAO on MSVC can be found here. The doxygen version of this document is available under Related Topics in the ACE Library.


The tests are located in ACE_ROOTtests. There is also a workspace in that directory to build all the tests (tests.dsw)

Once you build all the tests (Batch Build works well for this), you can run perl script run_test.pl in the tests directory to try all the tests.


You may want to run ACE on a non-networked machine. To do so, you must install TCP/IP and configure it to ignore the absence of a network card. This is one method:

  • Run Control Panel
  • Choose Network from Control Panel
  • Add Adapter: MS Loopback Adapter
  • Configure MS Loopback Adapter with 802.3 (default)
  • Add Protocol: TCP/IP Protocol
  • Configure TCP/IP Protocol with a valid IP address and subnet mask. Leave everything else at the default settings.
  • Add Service: Workstation
  • Exit and Restart System
  • Run Control Panel again
  • Choose Services from Control Panel
  • The following services are not necessary and may be set to Disabled Startup:
    Computer Browser
    Net logon
  • Choose Network from Control Panel
  • Confirm the following setup. This is all you need to run ACE:
    Installed Software:
    Computer Browser
    MS Loopback Adapter Driver
    TCP/IP Protocol
    Installed Adapter Cards:
    MS Loopback Adapter

  • 原文转自:http://www.ltesting.net
