Nagios程序 开发 人员以及部分程序扩展开发人员日前宣布,他们将从Nagios项目源码上,分支出一个新的 开源 项目,名字为ICINGA,因为目前的开发人员被Nagios的发展前景所困惑。 ICINGA项目是 由Michael Luebben、Hendrik B#228;cker和Joerg Linge等人发起的,
ICINGA项目是 由Michael Luebben、Hendrik Bäcker和Joerg Linge等人发起的,他们都是现有的Nagios项目社区委员会的成员,他们承诺,新的开源项目将完全兼容以前的Nagios应用程序及扩展功能。在新项目的网站上,他们是如此定义ICINGA的,这将是一个介于Nagios社区版和企业版间的产品。特别将致力于解决Nagios项目现在的问题,比如不能及时处理Nagios项目的
Nagios forks to ICINGA
A group of Nagios application and extension developers, frustrated by the lack of a roadmap or progress for Nagios, the open source monitoring package, have created the ICINGA fork.
Nagios is widely used as a component of other monitoring and management packages and according to the "Why a fork?"posting on the new ICINGA site, a rift between the Nagios community andNagios Enterprises over the future development of Nagios has promptedthe launching of ICINGA. Slow integration of community patches was onelong standing problem, but according to ICINGA, community projects andcompanies who worked with Nagios were being asked to change their namesor transfer domains to Nagios Enterprises.
The team behind ICINGA, including Michael Luebben, Hendrik Bäcker and Joerg Linge, all members of the Nagios Community Board,are promising that ICINGA will be fully compatible with the precedingversion of Nagios. What they aim to do with ICINGA is to fix longstanding bugs, make improvements to database integration andstandardise the API for third party add ons. They expect to make thefirst release of ICINGA code by the end of May and a first stableversion is planned for the end of October. ICINGA will be licensedunder the GPL and developers and users are invited to become involved in the development.
According to the FAQ, ICINGA is a Zulu word meaning "it looks for","it browses" or "it examines".