SCJP 310-025 Braindumps

发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
I passed this darn exam with the help of Khalid mughal , not a bad book at all , and some cool links. used alot of mocks and a lot different study guides... both of these links are real cool.

  I passed this darn exam with the help of Khalid mughal , not a bad book at all , and some cool links. used alot of mocks and a lot different study guides...

  both of these links are real cool...
  there was alot of similar questions in my exam from these dumps but not alot of exact ones , so i would say u should really know ur stuff but please do go thru these dumps ;), for the packages hierarchys i recommend the second link which is great ! i passed and u r next hahahha
  Best of luck every1

