发表于:2007-06-10来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
JBuilder 5带来了 100多种新增功能,这将使Java开发更方便快捷。 前言: JBuilder是目前可选的为数不多的Java强力开发工具。2001-05-15 Borland宣布了JBuilder5,并将于2001年6月上市。新产品在功能上、协同管理、对J2EE和XML的支持等方面均有很大改进。小龙









JBuilder 5带来了 100多种新增功能,这将使Java开发更方便快捷。


JBuilder是目前可选的为数不多的Java强力开发工具。2001-05-15 Borland宣布了JBuilder5,并将于2001年6月上市。新产品在功能上、协同管理、对J2EE和XML的支持等方面均有很大改进。小龙亭以最及时的速度为您提供以下介绍。

更多信息可去 http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/jb5



改进了和大多数目前在Java™ 2平台上提供解决方案方面取得广泛声誉的可视化开发工具的产品相一致的性能。


VisualAge® for Java form designer support

Themed audio feedback with customizable audio themes

AppBrowser Editor特性

Macintosh® keymap

CodeWarrior® for Mac® keymap

BeansExpress™ ,用于快速创建Java组件

Enhanced! Creation of property getter/setter methods from existing members

Synchronized scrolling between BeansExpress™ and implementation code

Iterative design of EJB™ Entity Beans


Web Start wizard creates JNLP and generates home page with Java plug-in detection

Deployment with Archive Builder™

Enhanced! Archive Builder™ wizard to quickly build deployable archive types for Applets, Applications, JavaBeans and OpenTools

Web archive (WAR) support for packaging Web applications

Enhanced! Java archive and PkZIP® (JAR and ZIP) format support

Web Start Applet and Application packaging support

Deployment of user defined file types

Adding multiple classes or entire packages to deployment archive

J2EE application client packaging

Resource adapters archive (RAR) support for packaging J2EE EIS connectors

Enterprise archive (EAR) support for packaging an entire set of components of an application

Sample Applications

XML tutorial showing examples of validation, databinding, XSL, database import/output and more

Borland bookstore application to demonstrate InternetBeans Express™ with DataExpress™ for EJB and more


Product uninstall

Dynamic product license registration

Product install from server

Generic product installation for unsupported platforms

CVS client installation

Java/XML 开发



Project support for XML file types: XSD, XSP, DTD, XSL, MAP (XML-DBMS), WML, XHTML

Browser based XML viewer

Tree view for XML in browser view

XML 环境

JAXP and DOM integrated library integration

Xerces (XML) and Xalan (XSLT) integration

Validation with error tracing

Transformation with source and browser view of both XML and HTML output

Transform trace for selection, generation and templates

Cocoon publishing engine integration for creating XML web applications

XML based Web application projects with Cocoon runtime integration

JavaBeans Binding and Persistence

Generate XML instance from DTD

Generate DTD from XML

Generate Java classes from DTD

Generate Java classes from Schema

Open architecture for 3rd party data-binding solutions

领先的 XML支持

SAX parser generator wizard

XML ModelTableBean and XML ModelSQLBean to import/export DTD/XML data from or to relational databases

XML TemplateTableBean and XML TemplateSQLBean to transform automatically generated XSL style sheets from XML to HTML

XML mapping generation from DBMS

XML SQL generation from DBMS

XML SQLBean and XML TemplateSQLBean to generate XML packets complying to Borland XML DTD on declarative SQL templates


JBuilder 5 简化了大型团队的开发协同管理,这是通过提供对Rational® ClearCase®, CVS, 和Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe.™的支持来实现的。另外,还改进了目前的source code management,通过使用带有高生产性工作流模型的integrated concurrent version system repository engine,可以通过网络和Internet进行协作。 使用了history revision browser来可视化地更新和解决版本冲突,协调workspace和repository之间的改变,包括了源码级别的差异显示,唯一性的source revisions和在source editor中的冲突导航等,增加了to-do lists和to-do Javadoc comments来帮助在开发过程中保持对工作的跟踪。


Enhanced! CVS (Concurrent Version System) support

Rational® ClearCase® version 4.1 support

Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe™ support

Merant™ PVCS® Version Manager and Dimension support through SCC

Integrated Team Development

Check out from branch

Set version label: per file, per branch, per project

Synchronized scrolling between source and history pane

Difference view of arbitrary files

CVS Specific

Create local CVS repository

Enhanced! CVS commit browser to resolve conflicts

CVS file locking support with edit, un-edit and watches

CVS server add-on to list projects and branches

Create project from CVS repository

Rational® ClearCase® Specific

View editor for selecting, creating and modifying ClearCase views

Checking in and checking out file to and from Version Object Base (VOB) view and undo check-out

Direct protocol support for ClearCase

Create project from VOB

Place project into VOB

Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe™ (VSS) Specific

VSS commit browser to resolve conflicts

Pull and Post files from and to VSS project

Direct protocol support for VSS

Create project from VSS

Place JBuilder project into VSS

Merant® PVCS™ Specific **

PVCS management through SCC

Pull and Post files from and to PVCS project

Create project from VS Place JBuilder project into VSS


** 在 Companion Tools CD上单独提供;仅用于Windows平台;Borland不提供技术支持。


JBuilder 5 通过与最新的Tomcat 3.2 servlet engine的集成,使得Web开发变得更为容易。Web deployment wizards, Java Web Start support, WAR archives, 一个已经集成了的Web browser和runtime environment for servlets and JSP, remote debugging of servlets, J2EE 1.3-complaint Web development support (包括tag libraries, filters)以及Web deployment descriptors(包括WAR files)。

Web 开发

Servlet Engine Integration

Tomcat 3.2 with Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1

Ready for Tomcat 4.0 with Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2

Servlet engine OpenTools sample documentation

WebLogic® 5.1 and 6.0 Servlet engine support

Web 配置实施

Advanced error detection of embedded Java source in JSP, by pre-compile before deploy to Servlet engine

Web Start Application wizard

Web Start Applet wizard

WAR Web application archives

Two-way descriptor editor aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording to Servlet 2.2/2.3 specification

Java Web Start support

Java Web Start ready applications (JNLP) creation

Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) support v1.0.0

Web Start homepage generation with Java plug-in detection

集成的 Web开发

Unified configuration of AppServer for JSP, Servlet and EJB when used as Web server

JavaScript® execution and viewing for most common JavaScript tasks

Advanced Web Development for Java Servlet support

Servlet 2.3 filters and listeners

Enterprise Application Development

使用Enterprise JavaBeans进行快速开发和实施J2EE

applications, Enterprise Archives (EAR), Resource Archives (RAR)以及Web Archives (RAR),为最新的WebLogic 6,WebSphere和新的Borland AppServer 4.5提供无缝支持。使用了经过改进的EJB Test Client wizard, 新的DataExpress for EJB和 增强了的entity bean modeler来建立和实施分布式应用。

Supported Application Servers

Borland AppServer (BAS) 4.5 with EJB 1.1 and J2EE 1.2

Enhanced! BEA® WebLogic® 5.1 with EJB 1.1

BEA WebLogic 6.0 with EJB 1.1 and J2EE 1.2

IBM® WebSphere® 3.5 with EJB 1.0

Enterprise Deployment Archives (EAR)

EJB Archives according to J2EE 1.2 specification

EAR Group file nodes

Import existing external archives into EAR group

Import from existing EJB groups

EAR packaging, deployment and run for Borland AppServer 4.5 and WebLogic 6

J2EE application client JAR files

EJB Test Client wizard

Boundary testing

Generate test clients from a pre-packaged EJB archive

DataExpress for EJB™

DataExpress for EJB for seamless access of session beans and entity beans through DataExpress

DataExpress access beans SessionBeanConnection, EJBClientDataSet, EntityBeanProvider, EntityBeanResolver to connect back-end business logic to any front-end seamlessly

Rapid J2EE™ compliant development and deployment

Local and remote Hot-Deploy deployment to running EJB container

JMS wizard for creating message producers and consumers

Generate or update source implementation skeletons from remote interface

Resource adapters archive (RAR) support for packaging J2EE EIS connectors

Entity Bean Modeler™

Enhanced! User defined mapping between table metadata and Java data types

Generate BMP source code from table relations

Borland® AppServer™ (BAS, formerly IAS)

Borland AppServer 4.5 development license, a complete EJB 1.1 implementation

VisiBroker® 4.5 for CORBA® ORB™ with full support for OMG™ 2.3 spec and integration into BAS

BEA® WebLogic® Server Support

Integrated WebLogic Server 6.0 (EJB 1.1) development support

Enhanced! Integrated WebLogic Server 5.1.x development support

IBM® WebSphere® Server Support

Integrated WebSphere 3.5 development support

Support for BMP Entity Bean creation

Targeted deployment to WebSphere Server

Integrated Two-Way-Tools for managing and deploying beans, including Deployment Descriptor Editor, Entity Bean Modeler and more

3rd Party Tools Integration

Sitraka™ JClass™ development license

/n software IP*Works! Beans Internet components development license


要了解更多信息可参考 JBuilder Feature Matrix.


