默难 回复于:2005-02-10 18:53:00 |
isdigit |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-10 19:56:59 |
说出来我不能理解没有关系.我会努力去理解的... |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-10 20:25:02 |
没人帮忙吗?我换了好多方法都不行....先将输入的值赋给一个数组,再对数组内的值进行判断.也不行.谁能帮帮我呀.... |
默难 回复于:2005-02-10 20:28:59 |
要求用户输入N个数,输出其中最大的数 对不对? |
默难 回复于:2005-02-10 20:52:04 |
如果输入一个子母,实际也就是输入了一个数字…… 你可以做的就是从标准输入按照字符串的形式读入,然后用isdigit检验~ |
kert_t8 回复于:2005-02-11 04:27:48 |
ISALPHA(3) Linux Programmer's Manual ISALPHA(3)
NAME isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit - character classification routines SYNOPSIS #include <ctype.h> int isalnum(int c); int isalpha(int c); int isascii(int c); int isblank(int c); int iscntrl(int c); int isdigit(int c); int isgraph(int c); int islower(int c); int isprint(int c); int ispunct(int c); int isspace(int c); int isupper(int c); int isxdigit(int c); DESCRIPTION These functions check whether c, which must have the value of an unsigned char or EOF, falls into a certain character class aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording to the current locale. isalnum() checks for an alphanumeric character; it is equivalent to (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c)). isalpha() checks for an alphabetic character; in the standard "C" locale, it is equivalent to (isupper(c) || islower(c)). In some locales, there may be additional characters for which isalpha() is true--letters which are neither upper case nor lower case. isascii() checks whether c is a 7-bit unsigned char value that fits into the ASCII character set. This function is a BSD extension and is also an SVID extension. isblank() checks for a blank character; that is, a space or a tab. This function is a GNU extension. iscntrl() checks for a control character. isdigit() checks for a digit (0 through 9). isgraph() checks for any printable character except space. islower() checks for a lower-case character. isprint() checks for any printable character including space. ispunct() checks for any printable character which is not a space or an alphanumeric character. isspace() checks for white-space characters. In the "C" and "POSIX" locales, these are: space, form-feed ('\f'), newline ('\n'), carriage return ('\r'), horizontal tab ('\t'), and vertical tab ('\v'). isupper() checks for an uppercase letter. isxdigit() checks for a hexadecimal digits, i.e. one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F. RETURN VALUE The values returned are nonzero if the character c falls into the tested class, and a zero value if not. CONFORMING TO ANSI - C, BSD 4.3. isascii() is a BSD extension and is also an SVID extension. isblank() is a GNU extension. NOTE The details of what characters belong into which class depend on the current locale. For example, isupper() will not recognize an A - umlaut as an upper- case letter in the default C locale. SEE ALSO tolower(3), toupper(3), setlocale(3), ascii(7), locale(7) GNU 1995-09-02 ISALPHA(3) |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:49:07 |
虽然对函数的用法还是很模糊.....但知道各个函数的功能.谢谢各位的帮助.,我会查这方面的资料的..... |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:52:30 |
原型:extern int isascii(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为ascii码 说明:当c为ascii码时,返回非零值,否则返回零。ascii码指0x00-0x7F之间的字符 举例: // isascii.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { char s[]="文曲星-BJGGV"; int i=12; // length of string s clrscr(); // clear screen textmode(0xE0); // make sure LCD mode is 3 big line printf("%s\n",s); for(i=0;i<12;i++) { if(isascii(s[i])) putchar('^'); else putchar('.'); } getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:无 |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:53:41 |
原型:extern int isalnum(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为字母或数字 说明:当c为数字0-9或字母a-z及A-Z时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // isalnum.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen c='a'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isalnum(c)?"yes":"no"); c='7'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isalnum(c)?"yes":"no"); c='@'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isalnum(c)?"yes":"no"); getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isalpha,isdigit,isxdigit,iscntrl,isgraph,isprint,ispunct,isspace |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:54:39 |
原型:extern int isalpha(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为英文字母 说明:当c为英文字母a-z或A-Z时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // isalpha.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen printf("Press a key"); for(;;) { c=getchar(); clrscr(); printf("%c: %s letter",c,isalpha(c)?"is":"not"); } return 0; // just to avoid warnings by compiler } 相关函数:isalnum,isdigit,isxdigit,iscntrl,isgraph,isprint,ispunct,isspace |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:55:02 |
原型:extern int iscntrl(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为控制字符 说明:当c在0x00-0x1F之间或等于0x7F(DEL)时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // iscntrl.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen c='a'; printf("%x:%s\n",c,iscntrl(c)?"yes":"no"); c=0x0d; printf("%x:%s\n",c,iscntrl(c)?"yes":"no"); c=0x7f; printf("%x:%s\n",c,iscntrl(c)?"yes":"no"); getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isalnum,isalpha,isdigit,isxdigit,isgraph,isprint,ispunct,isspace |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:55:45 |
原型:extern int isdigit(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为数字 说明:当c为数字0-9时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // isdigit.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen c='a'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isdigit(c)?"yes":"no"); c='9'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isdigit(c)?"yes":"no"); c='*'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isdigit(c)?"yes":"no"); getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isalnum,isalpha,isxdigit,iscntrl,isgraph,isprint,ispunct,isspace |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:56:14 |
原型:extern int islower(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为小写英文字母 说明:当c为小写英文字母(a-z)时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // islower.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen c='a'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,islower(c)?"yes":"no"); c='A'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,islower(c)?"yes":"no"); c='7'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,islower(c)?"yes":"no"); getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isupper |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:56:44 |
原型:extern int isgraph(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为除空格外的可打印字符 说明:当c为可打印字符(0x21-0x7e)时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // isgraph.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen c='a'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isgraph(c)?"yes":"no"); c=' '; // 0x20 printf("%c:%s\n",c,isgraph(c)?"yes":"no"); c=0x7f; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isgraph(c)?"yes":"no"); getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isprint |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:57:36 |
原型:extern int isprint(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为可打印字符(含空格) 说明:当c为可打印字符(0x20-0x7e)时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // isprint.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen c='a'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isprint(c)?"yes":"no"); c=' '; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isprint(c)?"yes":"no"); c=0x7f; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isprint(c)?"yes":"no"); getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isgraph |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:57:53 |
原型:extern int ispunct(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为标点符号 说明:当c为标点符号时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 标点符号指那些既不是字母数字,也不是空格的可打印字符。 举例: // ispunct.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> main() { char s[]="Hello, Rain!"; int i; clrscr(); // clear screen printf("%s\n",s); for(i=0;i<strlen(s);i++) { if(ispunct(s[i])) printf("^"); else printf("."); } getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isalnum,isalpha,isdigit,isxdigit,iscntrl,isgraph,isprint,isspace |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:58:30 |
原型:extern int isspace(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为空白符 说明:当c为空白符时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 空白符指空格、水平制表、垂直制表、换页、回车和换行符。 举例: // isspace.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { char s[]="Test Line 1\tend\nTest Line 2\r"; int i; clrscr(); // clear screen for(i=0;i<strlen(s);i++) { if(isspace(s[i])) putchar('.'); else putchar(s[i]); } getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isalnum,isalpha,isdigit,isxdigit,iscntrl,isgraph,isprint,ispunct |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:58:50 |
原型:extern int isupper(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为大写英文字母 说明:当c为大写英文字母(A-Z)时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // isupper.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen c='a'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isupper(c)?"yes":"no"); c='A'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isupper(c)?"yes":"no"); c='7'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isupper(c)?"yes":"no"); getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:islower |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 07:59:19 |
原型:extern int isxdigit(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:判断字符c是否为十六进制数字 说明:当c为A-F,a-f或0-9之间的十六进制数字时,返回非零值,否则返回零。 举例: // isxdigit.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { int c; clrscr(); // clear screen c='a'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isxdigit(c)?"yes":"no"); c='9'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isxdigit(c)?"yes":"no"); c='*'; printf("%c:%s\n",c,isxdigit(c)?"yes":"no"); getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:isalnum,isalpha,isdigit,iscntrl,isgraph,isprint,ispunct,isspace |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 08:00:02 |
原型:extern int toascii(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:将字符c转换为ascii码 说明:toascii函数将字符c的高位清零,仅保留低七位。返回转换后的数值。 举例: // toascii.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { char s[]="文曲星-BJGGV"; int i=12; // length of string s clrscr(); // clear screen textmode(0xE0); // make sure LCD mode is 3 big line printf("%s\n",s); for(i=0;i<12;i++) { putchar(toascii(s[i])); } getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:无 |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 08:00:23 |
原型:extern int tolower(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:将字符c转换为小写英文字母 说明:如果c为大写英文字母,则返回对应的小写字母;否则返回原来的值。 举例: // tolower.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { char *s="Hello, World!"; int i; clrscr(); // clear screen printf("%s\n",s); for(i=0;i<strlen(s);i++) { putchar(tolower(s[i])); } getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:toupper |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 08:00:40 |
原型:extern int toupper(int c);
用法:#include <ctype.h> 功能:将字符c转换为大写英文字母 说明:如果c为小写英文字母,则返回对应的大写字母;否则返回原来的值。 举例: // toupper.c #include <syslib.h> #include <ctype.h> main() { char *s="Hello, World!"; int i; clrscr(); // clear screen printf("%s\n",s); for(i=0;i<strlen(s);i++) { putchar(toupper(s[i])); } getchar(); return 0; } 相关函数:tolower |
akaaron 回复于:2005-02-11 08:01:14 |
我把我找到的资料贴出来了...方便大家查询......谢谢各位的帮助... |
sinboy2002 回复于:2005-02-28 22:54:23 |
辛苦akaaron兄了 |
Benson_linux 回复于:2005-04-06 00:32:10 |
提供一个我自己编的函数来控制输入的类型: int P_p(char get[20]) { int a, b; int back = 0; int i,j = 0; int n[20]; for (i = 0; get[i] != '\0'; i++) { if ((a = (get[i]-48>=0))&&(b = (get[i]-48<=9))) { n[j++] = (get[i]-48); } else { return (0); } } n[j] = -1; j = 0; while (n[j] != -1) { back = back*10+n[j]; j++; } return back; } 让你主函数中的scanf函数这样写:scanf("%s", p); char *p = (char *)malloc(20); 然后调用在main()中这样调用: scanf("%s",p); while ( !(choice = P_p(p))) { printf("/***Error***/Enter error!\n"); printf("What do you want to do?"); scanf("%s",p); } |
flyer_8601 回复于:2005-04-06 14:29:32 |
程序本身就不正确,const int max=2;
int no[max]; 你定义的no数组长度只有2,你却往里面放3个数 |