http_load runs multiple http fetches in parallel, to test the throughput of a web server. However unlike most such test clients, it runs in a single process, so it doesn't bog down the client machine. It can be configured to do https fetches as well.
You give it a file containing a list of URLs that may be fetched, a flag specifying how to start connections (either by rate or by number of simulated users), and a flag specifying when to quit (either after a given number of fetches or a given elapsed time). There are also optional flags for checksums, throttling, random jitter, and progress reports.
1.2 具体操作及说明
http_load -parallel 5 -fetches 1000 urls.txt http_load -rate 2 -seconds 300 urls.txt
-parallel 简写-p :含义是并发的用户进程数。
-fetches 简写-f :含义是总计的访问次数
-rate 简写-r :含义是每秒的访问频率
-seconds简写-s :含义是总计的访问时间
urls.txt 是一个url 列表,每个url 单独的一行;不可以直接跟一个url,有些博客主说的可以跟一个url是错误的说法。
http_load -rate 5 -seconds 10 urls 49 fetches, 2 max parallel, 289884 bytes, in 10.0148 seconds 5916 mean bytes/connection 4.89274 fetches/sec, 28945.5 bytes/sec msecs/connect: 28.8932 mean, 44.243 max, 24.488 min msecs/first-response: 63.5362 mean, 81.624 max, 57.803 min HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 49
49 fetches, 2 max parallel, 289884 bytes, in 10.0148 seconds
5916 mean bytes/connection
4.89274 fetches/sec, 28945.5 bytes/sec
说明每秒的响应请求为4.89274,每秒传递的数据为28945.5 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 28.8932 mean, 44.243 max, 24.488 min
说明每连接的平均响应时间是28.8932 msecs,最大的响应时间44.243 msecs,最小的响应时间24.488 msecs
msecs/first-response: 63.5362 mean, 81.624 max, 57.803 min
HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 49
一般会关注到的指标是fetches/sec、msecs/connect,它们分别对应的常用性能指标参数QPS-每秒响应用户数和response time,每连接响应用户时间。测试的结果主要也是看这两个值。当然仅有这两个指标并不能完成对性能的分析,我们还需要对服务器的cpu、men进行分析,才能得出结论;