
发表于:2008-05-28来源:作者:点击数: 标签:开发者Blog国外
关键字:.net 开发 Blog 为什么会是12个?来自weblogs.asp.net 的Jon Galloway 为广大.net开发爱好者推荐了10个值得阅读的技术Blog。一位来自Scobleizer Blog 的热心读者在留言中也推荐了2个,加在一起12个。 Christopher Steen - Link blogger extrordinair
关键字:.net开发 Blog


      为什么会是12个?来自weblogs.asp.net 的Jon Galloway 为广大.net开发爱好者推荐了10个值得阅读的技术Blog。一位来自Scobleizer Blog 的热心读者在留言中也推荐了2个,加在一起12个。

  1. Christopher Steen - Link blogger extrordinaire.
  2. Coding Horror (Jeff Atwood - Excellent writer with a lot to say about how software development ought to be done, fun stuff about technology and games, must have tools and utilities, and regular doses of slick code.
  3. Computer Zen (Scott Hanselman) - Yep. If you don't know who this guy is, you've probably stumbled onto my blog by aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccident (or you're related to me). Famous for many things, including his Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List.
  4. Greg's Cool Thing of the Day - Consistently one of the first to write about new software releases, cool software finds, industry events, etc.
  5. Jason Haley - Power link blogger with regular posts into .NET decompiler technologies. Join the "I Love Jason Haley In A Totally Manly Non-Threatening WayClub" today!2
  6. Larkware (Mike Gunderloy) - Mike's Daily Grind is the blog I read if I can only read one. He's omnicient.
  7. Ode To Code (K. ScottAllen) - Great stuff on ASP.NET and .NET in general. Doesn't post quite as often as the rest of this group, but when he does I want to read it right away. How can you not read a blog that has C# code to display joke messages on HP LaserJet printers?
  8. Sam Gentile (feed) - His "New and Notable" linkblog posts are solid, he's got a lot to say about Test Driven Development, and he's a glutton for punishment with all the latest Windows Vista betas. [links updated]
  9. TheServerSide.NET - "Your Enterprise .NET Community"
  10. you've been HAACKED (Phil Haack)- Phil and I met through our blogs, and now I work with him at Veloc|IT. It's good to read your CTO's blog, even if he weren't as frighteningly smart as Phil. Good stuff on ASP.NET, code from his work on SubText and RSSBandit, and practical info on using patterns and frameworkdesign in real life applications.

Larry Osterman - http://blogs.msdn.com/larryosterman/default.aspx
Raymond Chen - http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/default.aspx

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