
发表于:2007-07-14来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
以下代码将演示一个150像数高的文件打开对话框,这个例子很简单,我们要做的就是让对话框更好看和有更多的用途。我们需要考虑的是怎么样用MFC来更简单的定义我们自己的对话框,这儿有许多地方是比较灵活的,所以我们可以把它搞得很好看。 如果我们想改变对话

    stc3,stc2    控件的标签(文件名和文件类型)
    edt1,cmb1    编辑框控件和滚动条
    lst1         显示文件名的窗口


// This is where the real action is going on
// Remember #include <dlgs.h>
BOOL CMyFileDialog::OnInitDialog() // Override
    // This variable should be changed acording to your wishes
    // about the size of the finished dialog
    const UINT iExtraSize = 150;
    // Number of controls in the File Dialog
    const UINT nControls = 7;    

    // Get a pointer to the original dialog box.
    CWnd *wndDlg = GetParent();

    RECT Rect;
    // Change the size
    wndDlg->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0,
                        Rect.right - Rect.left,
                        Rect.bottom - Rect.top + iExtraSize,

    // Control ID's - defined in <dlgs.h>
    UINT Controls[nControls] = {stc3, stc2, // The two label controls
                                edt1, cmb1, // The eidt control and the drop-down box
                                IDOK, IDCANCEL,
                                lst1}; // The Explorer window

    // Go through each of the controls in the dialog box, and move them to a new position
    for (int i=0 ; i<nControls ; i++)
        CWnd *wndCtrl = wndDlg->GetDlgItem(Controls[i]);
        wndDlg->ScreenToClient(&Rect); // Remember it is child controls

        // Move all the controls aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording to the new size of the dialog.
        if (Controls[i] != lst1)
                            Rect.left, Rect.top + iExtraSize,
                            0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE);
        else // This is the explorer like window. It should be sized - not moved.
            wndCtrl->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0,
                                Rect.right - Rect.left,
                                Rect.bottom - Rect.top + iExtraSize,

    // Remember to call the baseclass.
    return CFileDialog::OnInitDialog();
