本教程展示如何在 C# 中创建和使用库。
本教程演示如何使用必要的编译器选项创建托管 DLL 文件,以及如何通过客户程序使用该库。
),从源文件 FunctionClient.cs
若要生成该库,请将 Functions 作为当前目录,并在命令提示处键入下列内容:
csc /target:library /out:Functions.dll Factorial.cs DigitCounter.cs
/target:library | 指定输入文件是个 DLL,而不是可执行文件(这还将阻止编译器查找默认入口点)。 |
/out:Functions.dll | 指定输出文件名是 Functions.dll 。通常,输出名与命令行上的第一个 C# 源文件(本示例中为 Factorial )的名称相同。 |
Factorial.cs DigitCounter.cs | 指定要编译并放入 DLL 的文件。 |
若要编译该程序,请将 FunctionTest 作为当前目录,并在命令提示处键入下列内容:
copy ..\Functions\Functions.dll .csc /out:FunctionTest.exe /R:Functions.DLL FunctionClient.cs
/out:FunctionTest.exe | 指定输出文件名为 FunctionTest.exe 。 |
/R:Functions.DLL | 指定解析引用时必须包括 Functions.DLL 。该 DLL 必须位于当前目录中,或具有完全限定的路径。 |
FunctionClient.cs | 指定客户源代码。 |
这将创建可执行文件 FunctionTest.exe
// Factorial.cs// compile with: /target:libraryusing System; // Declares a namespace. You need to package your libraries aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording// to their namespace so the .NET runtime can correctly load the classes.namespace Functions { public class Factorial { // The "Calc" static method calculates the factorial value for the// specified integer passed in: public static int Calc(int i) { return((i <= 1) ? 1 : (i * Calc(i-1))); } }}
// DigitCounter.cs// compile with: /target:library /out:Functions.dll /reference:Factorial.dllusing System; // Declare the same namespace as the one in Factorial.cs. This simply // allows types to be added to the same namespace.namespace Functions { public class DigitCount { // The NumberOfDigits static method calculates the number of // digit characters in the passed string: public static int NumberOfDigits(string theString) { int count = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < theString.Length; i++ ) { if ( Char.IsDigit(theString[i]) ) { count++; } } return count; } }}
// FunctionClient.cs// compile with: /reference:Functions.dll,Factorial.dll /out:FunctionTest.exe// arguments: 3 5 10using System; // The following using directive makes the types defined in the Functions// namespace available in this compilation unit:using Functions;class FunctionClient { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Function Client"); if ( args.Length == 0 ) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: FunctionTest ... "); return; } for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++ ) { int num = Int32.Parse(args[i]); Console.WriteLine( "The Digit Count for String [{0}] is [{1}]", args[i], // Invoke the NumberOfDigits static method in the // DigitCount class: DigitCount.NumberOfDigits(args[i])); Console.WriteLine( "The Factorial for [{0}] is [{1}]", num, // Invoke the Calc static method in the Factorial class: Factorial.Calc(num) ); } } }
命令行 FunctionTest 3 5 10
使用程序 FunctionTest
计算 3、5 和 10 这三个整数的阶乘。它还显示每个参数的数字位数。
Function Client The Digit Count for String [3] is [1] The Factorial for [3] is [6] The Digit Count for String [5] is [1] The Factorial for [5] is [120] The Digit Count for String [10] is [2] The Factorial for [10] is [3628800]
注意 为运行客户可执行文件 (FunctionTest.exe