
发表于:2007-07-14来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
using System; using com.joybase.DB; using com.oztime.WorkShop.CodeBase; namespace com.oztime.WorkShop.CodeBase.DB { /// summary /// Summary description for DBUser. /// /summary public class DBUser:User { private int m_UserID; private strin

using System;
using com.joybase.DB;
using com.oztime.WorkShop.CodeBase;
namespace com.oztime.WorkShop.CodeBase.DB
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for DBUser.
    /// </summary>
    public class DBUser:User
        private int m_UserID;
        private string m_UserName;
        private string m_Password;
        private Sex m_UserSex;
        private string m_UserEmail;
        private string m_UserTitle;
        public DBUser(string p_UserName)

        public DBUser(int p_UserID)
        public DBUser(string p_username,string p_password)
        public DBUser(string p_UserName,string p_Password,Sex p_UserSex,string p_UserEmail,string p_UserTitle)
        private int InserIntoDB()
            int result=-1;
                Command command=new Command(DBGlobal.DSN);
                System.Data.IDataReader dr=(System.Data.IDataReader)command.Execute();
                throw new Exception("Cannot Add new User");
            return result;

        private void LoadFromDB(int p_Type)
                Command command=new Command(DBGlobal.DSN);
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                        throw new Exception("Error Invode LoadFromDB() method!");

                System.Data.IDataReader dr=(System.Data.IDataReader)command.Execute();

                    throw new Exception("Error to Read userInfo!");
                throw new Exception("Error when load user's Info");
        public int UserID
                return this.m_UserID;
        public string UserName
                return this.m_UserName;
        public string Password
                return this.m_Password;
        public Sex UserSex
                return this.m_UserSex;
        public string UserEmail
                return this.m_UserEmail;
        public string UserTitle
                return this.m_UserTitle;
        public System.Collections.ArrayList getMyCourse()
            System.Collections.ArrayList result=null;
            return result;


using System;

namespace com.oztime.WorkShop.CodeBase.DB
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for DBGlobal.
    /// </summary>
    public class DBGlobal
        public DBGlobal()
            // TODO: Add constructor logic here
        public static string DSN="DSN";
        public static string SelectUserByID="select * from users where userid=@userid";
        public static string SelectUserByName="select * from users where username=@username";
        public static string AddNewUser="insert into users(username,password,usersex,useremail,usertitle) values(@username,@password,@usersex,@useremail,@usertitle)";
        public static string SelectCurrentUserID="select max(userid) from users";
        public static string SelectUserByNameAndPassword="select * from users where username=? and password=?";

