
发表于:2007-07-01来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
//myallocator.h #ifndef _MYALLOCATOR_ #define _MYALLOCATOR_ #include iostream #include windows .h namespace MyLib { template class T class MyAlloc { public: static HANDLE hHeap; // type definitions typedef T value_type; typedef T* pointer;



#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

namespace MyLib {
   template <class T>
   class MyAlloc {
    static HANDLE hHeap;
       // type definitions
       typedef T        value_type;
       typedef T*       pointer;
       typedef const T* const_pointer;
       typedef T&       reference;
       typedef const T& const_reference;
       typedef size_t    size_type;
       typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;

       // rebind allocator to type U
       template <class U>
       struct rebind {
           typedef MyAlloc<U> other;

       // return address of values
       pointer address (reference value) const {
           return &value;
       const_pointer address (const_reference value) const {
           return &value;

       /* constructors and destructor
        * - nothing to do because the allocator has no state
       MyAlloc() throw() {
       MyAlloc(const MyAlloc&) throw() {
       ~MyAlloc() throw() {

       // return maximum number of elements that can be allocated
       size_type max_size () const throw() {
     size_type N;
           N=(size_type)(-1)/ sizeof(T);

     return  (0 < N ? N : 1);

       // allocate but don´t initialize num elements of type T
       pointer allocate (size_type num, const void* = 0) {
           // print message and allocate memory with global new
           /*std::cerr << "allocate " << num << " element(s)"
                     << " of size " << sizeof(T) << std::endl;
           pointer ret = (pointer)(HeapAlloc(hHeap,0,num*sizeof(T)));
          // std::cerr << " allocated at: " << (void*)ret << std::endl;
           return ret;
  char *_Charalloc(size_type N)//vc 所附带的stl的特色
   return (char*)HeapAlloc(hHeap,0,N*sizeof(T));
       // initialize elements of allocated storage p with value value
       void construct (pointer p, const T& value) {
           // initialize memory with placement new

       // destroy elements of initialized storage p
       void destroy (pointer p) {
           // destroy objects by calling their destructor

       // deallocate storage p of deleted elements
       void deallocate (void* p, size_type num) {
           // print message and deallocate memory with global delete
     std::cerr << "deallocate " << num << " element(s)"
                     << " of size " << sizeof(T)
                     << " at: " << (void*)p << std::endl;

   // return that all specializations of this allocator are interchangeable
   template <class T1, class T2>
   bool operator== (const MyAlloc<T1>&,
                    const MyAlloc<T2>&) throw() {
       return true;
   template <class T1, class T2>
   bool operator!= (const MyAlloc<T1>&,
                    const MyAlloc<T2>&) throw() {
       return false;
}//end namespace MyLib



 written by leezy_2000
 03-9-5 15:12
#include "stdafx.h"

#pragma warning(disable:4786)

//#define _STLP_USE_MALLOC
#include "myallocator.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <windows.h>
#include <Tlhelp32.h>

typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR, *PULONG_PTR;

using namespace std;





class HeapInfoCompare
 bool operator() (const HEAPENTRY32& he1,const HEAPENTRY32& he2) const
  return (he1.dwBlockSize < he2.dwBlockSize);

typedef vector < HEAPENTRY32, MyLib::MyAlloc<HEAPENTRY32> > HEAPENTRYSET;

void heapinfo(HEAPENTRYSET& hset,ULONG_PTR heapid);

void getheapid(set<ULONG_PTR>& heapid)
 HANDLE hSnapShot=CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST,GetCurrentProcessId());
 HEAPLIST32  heaplist32;


 BOOL bRet=Heap32ListFirst(hSnapShot,&heaplist32);




 cout<<"the end"<<endl;



int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 set<ULONG_PTR> heapid1,heapid2,heapid3;



 insert_iterator<set<ULONG_PTR> > iter(heapid3,heapid3.begin());


 set<ULONG_PTR>::iterator pos;
 ULONG_PTR newheapid;

 for( pos=heapid3.begin(); pos !=heapid3.end(); ++pos)
  cout<<"The new heap id is\t"<<(*pos)<<endl;


 //vector<int, MyLib::MyAlloc<int> > v1;
 HEAPENTRYSET heapset1,heapset2,heapset3;

 int size;



 HANDLE hCurHeap=GetProcessHeap();

// HeapAlloc(hCurHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,4*1024);

 char* p=new char[4*1024];

// GlobalAlloc(GHND,4*1024);

 char* q=(char*)malloc(4*1024);

 cout<< "the p is"<<(int)p<<endl;



 insert_iterator<HEAPENTRYSET> miter(heapset3,heapset3.begin());



 HEAPENTRYSET::iterator mpos;
 for( mpos=heapset3.begin(); mpos !=heapset3.end(); ++mpos)
  cout<<"The size of the different block is\t"<<(*mpos).dwBlockSize<<"\tand the addresss is\t"<<(*mpos).dwAddress<<"\tdwFlags is\t"<<(*mpos).dwFlags <<endl;
  cout<<"The heapid is:\t"<<(*mpos).th32HeapID <<endl;

 return 0;
void heapinfo(HEAPENTRYSET& hset,ULONG_PTR hid)
 HANDLE hSnapShot=CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST,GetCurrentProcessId());
 HEAPLIST32  heaplist32;


 BOOL bRet=Heap32ListFirst(hSnapShot,&heaplist32);
 static int i=0;

  HEAPENTRY32  he32;
  DWORD totalsize=0,freesize=0;


  DWORD number=10;
  HANDLE ProcessHeap[10];

  DWORD numget=GetProcessHeaps(number,ProcessHeap);

  HANDLE hHeap=GetProcessHeap();



  if(he32.dwFlags & LF32_FREE)
   freesize +=he32.dwBlockSize;
  totalsize +=he32.dwBlockSize;

  cout<< "the heapid is :"<<he32.th32HeapID<<endl;
  cout<<"the information of first block: "<< "Blocksize: "<<he32.dwBlockSize<<"\t Address: "<<(LONG)he32.dwAddress<<endl;
  if((he32.dwFlags & LF32_FIXED) || (he32.dwFlags & LF32_MOVEABLE))

    cout<< "the information of block: " << "Blocksize: "<<he32.dwBlockSize<<"\t Address: "<<(LONG)he32.dwAddress<<endl;

    totalsize +=he32.dwBlockSize;

    if(he32.dwFlags & LF32_FREE)
    freesize +=he32.dwBlockSize;
    //cout<< ++i <<endl;    
    if((he32.dwFlags & LF32_FIXED) || (he32.dwFlags & LF32_MOVEABLE))
    //char*p =(char*)malloc(300);


  cout<<"the total size of heap is: "<<totalsize<<endl;
  cout<<"the free  size of heap is: "<<freesize <<endl;
  cout<<"the commited  size of heap is: "<<(totalsize-freesize)<<endl;



 cout<<"the end"<<endl;
