ADO缺省情况下当然是Apartment线程模型。 If you are using this in IIS and ADO is only being used at page scope then it should be fine. If you are using it at the session or application level then you will need to mark it as both. 那么怎么改为
If you are using this in IIS and ADO is only being used at page scope then it should be fine.
If you are using it at the session or application level then you will need to mark it as both.
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado
okay, you´ll see that the ThreadingModel is adjusted for the following coclasses:
1. Command
2. Connection
3. Parameter
4. Recordset
5. Error
If the threading model selected is "Apartment" (the default), then the
objects listed above can be a
clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessed only by the thread created it. If
threading model is "Both" and the object is created in an STA, then all
access to it will through the single thread that runs in the STA. If
threading model is "Both" and the object is created in an MTA, then any
thread in this MTA will have direct access to it.
If the objects integrate FTM (I don´t know whether ADO does this or not),
then different threads in different apartments will have direct access to
the objects (without proxies).