Errors and Clarifications
Chapter 1:
pg 13 s/(sec B.2)/(with a few minor exceptions; see sec B.2)/
Chapter 3:
pg 55 s/Entry& e =/const Entry& e =/
Chapter 4:
pg 76 A better version of the example:
#include < limits>
#include < iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "largest float == " << std::numeric_limits< float>::max()
<< ", char is signed == " << std::numeric_limits< char>::is_signed << ´\n´;
pg 77 Replace the 5th paragraph with: "An enumerator can be initialized by a
constant-expression (C.5) of integral type (4.1.1). The range of an enumeration
holds all the enumeration´s enumerator values rounded up to the nearest larger
binary power minus 1. The range goes down to 0 if the smallest enumerator is
non-negative. If the smallest enumerator is negative, the range goes down to
-(1+max) where max is the largests value in the positive part of the range. This
defines the smallest bit-field capable of holding the enumerator values using
the conventional two´s complement representation. For example:"
Chapter 6:
pg 109-110: s/left=left+term() and left=left-term) could have been used without
changing the meaning of the program. However, left+=term() and left-=term(/
left=left+term(true) and left=left-term(true) could have been used without
changing the meaning of the program. However, left+=term(true) and left-=term(true)/
pg 125 s/The increment operators are particularly useful for incrementing and
decrementing variables in loops./The ++ and -- operators are particularly useful
for incrementing and decrementing variables in loops./
pg 129 Add comments to
first example:
void* operator new(size_t); // allocate space for individual object
void operator delete(void* p); // if (p) deallocate space allocated using
operator new()
void* operator new[](size_t); // allocate space for array
void operator delete[](void* p); // if (p) deallocate space allocated using
operator new[]()
pg 130 s/an enumeration to an integral type/an integral type to an enumeration/
pg 131 Clarification of the first paragraph after the first example: "The T(e)
construct is sometimes referred to as a function-style cast. Unfortunately, for
a built-in type T, T(e) is equivalent to (T)e (6.2.7). This implies that for
many built-in types T(e) is not safe. ..."
pg 131 s/removing const qualifiers/removing const and volatile qualifiers/
pg 134: s/``does p point to a valid object,´´/ ``does p point to a valid object
(assuming proper initialization),´´/
Chapter 7:
pg 146 s/21.2.1/21.3.2/
Chapter 8:
pg 193 add "++Driver::no_of_errors;" to each catch clause
pg 195 s/depending on where in a class stack/ depending on where in the function
call stack/
Chapter 9:
pg 202: Improved last example:
#ifdef __cplusplus // for C++ compilers only (9.2.4)
namespace std { // the standard library is defined in namespace std (8.2.9)
extern "C" { // stdio functions have C linkage (9.2.4)
/* ... */
int printf(const char*, ...);
/* ... */
#ifdef __cplusplus
// ...
using std::printf; // make printf available in global namespace
// ...
Chapter 10:
pg 246 Replace the last sentence before 10.4.5 by: "Exceptions can be used to
report failure to copy ( See E.3.3 for techniques for writing
exception-safe copy operations."
pg 247 s/reverse order of construction./reverse order of construction after the
body of the class´ own destructor has been executed./
pg 251 replace the middle example with
void g()
vector< Table> v(10); // no need for a delete
vector< Table>* p = new vector< Table>(10); // use plain "delete" rather than
delete p;
Using a container, such as vector, is simpler than writing a new/delete pair.
Furthermore, vector provides exception safety (Appendix E).
pg 258 s/
Chapter 11:
pg 265 s/basic type/built-in type (sec4.1.1)/
pg 273 s/basic type/built-in type/
pg 275 s/basic type/built-in type/ twice
pg 280 add the sentence "Scopes outside the innermost enclosing namespace scope
are not considered." before the first "For example:" and replace the first
example by:
class AE { /* ... */ }; // not a friend of Y
namespace N {
class X { /* ... */ }; // Y´s friend
class Y {
friend class X;
friend class Z;
friend class AE;
class Z { /* ... */ }; // Y´s friend
pg 280 Improved version of 4th paragraph: "Thus, a friend function should be
explicitly declared in an enclosing scope or take an argument of its class or a
class derived from that (13.6). If not, the friend cannot be called. For
pg 284 s/string initialized (using copy constructor)/string initialized (using
pg 288 s/return b;/return f;/
pg 290 replace the example using Y at the middle of the page by: Given a class Y
for which ->, *, and [] have their default meaning and a Y* called p then
p->m == (*p).m // is true
(*p).m == p[0].m // is true
p->m == p[0].m // is true
pg 293 better:
class String {
struct Srep; // representation
Srep *rep;
class Cref; // reference to char
Chapter 13:
pg 335 s/const char[12]/const char v[12]/
pg 346 s/}/};/ twice in the first example
pg 346 Replace the last sentence after the long example by: "However, the
definition of operations such as == and != must be expressed in terms of both
the container and its elements, so the element type needs to be passed to the
container template. The resulting container type is then passed to Basic_ops."
Chapter 14:
pg 369 better:
X* p3 = new(&buffer[10]) X; // place X in buffer (no deallocation needed)
X* p4 = new(&buffer[11]) X[10];
pg 380 after the first paragraph add: "The clone() function is used to allocate
a copy of an exception on free store. This copy will survive the exception
handler´s cleanup of local variables."
Chapter 15:
pg 401 add as the last sentence before "A potential problem is that
now a BB_popup_ival_slider can´t be implicitly converted to an Ival_slider."
pg 408 s/If p is of type T* or of an aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessible base class of T,/ If p is of
type T* or of a type D* where T is a base class of D,/
pg 414 replace the first paragraph with: "It is not possible to cast to a
private base class, and ``casting away const ´´ (or volatile) requires a
const_cast (6.2.7). Even then, using the result is safe only provided the object
wasn´t originally declared const (or volatile) ("
pg 415 Replace the second paragraph with: "If the value of a pointer or a
reference operand of a polymorphic type is 0, typeid() throws a bad_typeid
exception. If the operand of typeid() has a non-polymorphic type or is not an
lvalue, the result is determined at compile time without evaluating the operand
pg 416 s/map< const char*, Layout> layout_table;/ map< string, Layout>
pg 422 Improve example:
void Employee::operator delete(void* p, size_t s)
if (p) { // delete only if p!=0; see sec6.2.6, sec6.2.6.2
// assume `p´ points to `s´ bytes of memory allocated by Employee::operator
// and free that memory for reuse
pg 342 s/static_cast/reinterpret_cast/ twice
Chapter 16:
pg 431 Replace the paragraph before for the table by "A standard header with a
name starting with the letter c is equivalent to a header in the C standard
library. For every header <X.h> defining part of the C standard library in the
global namespace and also in namespace std, there is a header <cX> defining the
same names in the std namespace only (see 9.2.2)."
pg 433 s/s.18.7/D.4.4.1/ on the line for < ctime>
pg 434 s/fabs(),//
pg 457 s/vector tmp/vector< tmp>/
Chapter 17:
pg 482 Improvement to reflect standard corrigendum:
template < class T1, class T2> pair< T1,T2> std::make_pair(T1 t1, T2 t2)
return pair< T1,T2>(t1,t2);
pg 485 s/value_type;/value_type,/
pg 493 the argument to bitset´c onstructor requires a conversion to string:
bitset< 10> b4(string("1010101010")); // 1010101010
bitset< 10> b5(string("10110111011110",4)); // 0111011110
bitset< 10> b6(string("10110111011110",2,8)); // 0011011101
bitset< 10> b7(string("n0g00d")); // invalid_argument thrown
bitset< 10> b8 = string("n0g00d"); // error: no string to bitset conversion
pg 496 s/size_t/ptrdiff_t/ twice
pg 496 add after the definition of c_array: "For compatibility with arrays, I
use the signed ptrdiff_t (16.1.2) rather than the unsigned size_t as the
subscript type. Using size_t could lead to subtle ambiguities when using [] on a
Chapter 18:
pg 524 s/operator()(const Club&)/operator()(const Club&) const/
pg 535 s/sort(off.begin(),off.end(),Person_lt)/off.sort(off,Person_lt)/
pg 536 /class located_in {/class located_in : public unary_function< Club,bool>
pg 536 s/output_iterator/ostream_iterator/
pg 538 replace the second example with
For a call random_shuffle(b,e,r), the generator is called with the number of
elements in the sequence as its argument: r(e-b). The generator must return a
value in the range [0,e-b). If My_rand is such a generator, we might shuffle a
deck of cards like this:
void f(deque< Card>& dc, My_rand& r)
// ...
Chapter 19:
pg 562 s/ getting a const iterator for a non-const iterator./ getting a const
iterator for a non-const container./
pg 563 s/d< curr-c->begin()/d< -(curr-c->begin())/ twice
pg 568 Add at the end of the first paragraph: "Note that deallocate() differs
from operator delete() (sec 6.2.6) in that its pointer argument may not be
Chapter 20:
pg 591 replace the first sentence by "When a position and a size are supplied
for a string in a compare(), only the indicated substring is used. For example,,n,s2) is equivalent to string(s,pos,n).compare(s2)."
pg 596 add to class basic_string:
void clear(); // erase all characters
pg 599: replace the last two declarations with:
size_t strspn(const char* p, const char* q); // number of char in p before a
char not in q
size_t strcspn(const char* p, const char* q); // number of char in p before a
char in q
pg 600-601 Expand the section describing conversion functions to:
In < stdlib.h> and < cstdlib> , the standard library provides useful functions
for converting strings representing numeric values into numeric values. For
double atof(const char* p); // convert p[] to double (``alpha to floating´´)
double strtod(const char* p, char** end); // convert p[] to double (``string to
int atoi(const char* p); // convert p[] to int, assuming base 10
long atol(const char* p); // convert p[] to long, assuming base 10
long strtol(const char* p, char** end, int b); // convert p[] to long, assuming
base b
These functions ignore leading whitespace. If the input string doesn´t represent
a number, zero is returned. For example, the value of atoi("seven") is 0.
If end is non-zero in a call strtol(p,end,b), the position of the first unread
character in the input string is made available by assigning it to *end. If
b==0, a number is interpreted the way a C++ integer literal is (4.4.1); for
example, a 0x prefix means hexadecimal, 0 means octal, etc.
It is undefined what happens if atof(), atoi(), or atol() converts a value that
cannot be represented as its respective return type. If the input string for
strtol() represents a number that cannot be represented as a long int or if the
input string for strtod() represents a number that cannot be represented as a
double, errno (16.1.2, 22.3) is set to ERANGE and an appropriately huge or tiny
value is returned.
Except for the error handling, atof(s) is equivalent to strtod(s,0), atoi(s) is
equivalent to int(strtol(s,0,10)), and atol(s) is equivalent to strtol(s,0,10).
Chapter 21:
pg 619 somewhere add "If a get() or getline() function doesn´t read and remove
at least one character from the stream, setstate(failbit) is called, so that
subsequent reads from the stream will fail (or an exception is thrown
(21.3.6))." also modify the example to:
void subtle_error()
char buf[256];
while (cin) {
cin.get(buf,256); // read a line
cout << buf; // print a line
// Oops: forgot to remove ´\en´ from cin - the next get() will fail
pg 621 s/badbit/failbit/
pg 621 Add at the bottom: "If a format error is found, the stream state is set
to failbit. The state is not set to badbit because the stream itself isn´t
corrupted. A user could reset the stream (using clear()) and might be able to
skip past the problem and extract useful data from the stream."
pg 623 replace the handler by
catch(ios_base::failure) { // ok: end of file reached
pg 629 better:
basic_ostream< Ch,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream< Ch,Tr>& os, const smanip& m)
return os;
pg 629 better:
ios_base& set_precision(ios_base& s, int n) // helper
s.precision(n); // call the member function
return s;
pg 632 s/noskipws()/unsetf(ios_base::skipws)/ twice
pg 633 s/smanip& m)/const smanip& m)/
pg 635 s/<< d << endl;/<< 1.41421 << endl;/
pg 652 s/with an initial 0x//
pg 652 s/with an initial 0X//
pg 646 s/eptr/egptr/ twice
Chapter 22:
pg 670 see a complete example of Slice_iter and matrix for a better idea of what
the errata adds up to.
pg 669 s/int i/size_t i/
pg 671 the last example used a non-standard feature. Better:
v_even *= v_odd; // multiply element pairs and store results in even elements
v_odd = 0; // assign 0 to every odd element of d
pg 674 s/int i/size_t i/ twice
pg 683 a better operator*():
valarray< double> operator*(const Matrix& m, valarray< double>& v)
valarray< double> res(m.dim2());
for (size_t i = 0; i< m.dim2(); i++) {
const Cslice_iter< double>& ri = m.row(i);
res[i] = inner_product(ri,ri.end(),&v[0],double(0));
return res;
pg 684 a better operator*():
valarray< double> operator*(valarray& v, const Matrix& m)
valarray< double> res(m.dim1());
for (size_t i = 0; i< m.dim1(); i++) {
const Cslice_iter< double>& ci = m.column(i);
res[i] = inner_product(ci,ci.end(),&v[0],double(0));
return res;
Chapter 25:
pg 788 s/Circle*/Circle/ in 2.
pg 788 s/Shape*/Shape/ in 2.
Appendix A:
pg 808 s/extern const volatile clock;/extern const volatile long clock;/
pg 809: In class-head replace
class-key nested-name-specifier template template-id base-clause(opt
class-key nested-name-specifier(opt template-id base-clause(opt
pg 811 s/indentifier(opt) = template-name/indentifier(opt) = id-expression/
pg 811 in "template-argument:" s/template-name/id-expression/
Appendix C:
pg 851 replace the first example by
void Z2::f(Y1* py1, Y2* py2, Y3* py3)
X* px = py1; // ok: X is a public base class of Y1
py1->a = 7; // ok
px = this; // ok: X is a protected base of Y2, and Z2 is derived from Y2
a = 7; // ok
px = py2; // error: X is a protected base of Y2, and Z2 is derived from Y2,
// but we don´t know that py2 is a Z2 or how Y2::X is used in a non-Z2 object
py2->a = 7; // error: Z2 doesn´t know how Y2::a is used in a non-Z2 object
px = py3; // error: X is a private base of Y3
py3->a = 7; // error
pg 855: replace the first two sentences of the paragraph following the first
example of C.13.3 by: "To declare a template as a template parameter, we must
specify its required arguments. For example, we specify that Xrefd ´s template
parameter C is a template class that takes a single type argument. If we didn´t,
we wouldn´t be able to use specializations of C."
pg 858 add "template< class T> before "void k("
pg 867 s/template Calls_foo< Shape*>::constraints();/ template void Calls_foo<
pg 895 s/: num_put/std::num_put/
pg 898 s/my_numpunct/My_punct/
pg 910 add before D.4.4.4: A _byname version (D.4, D.4.1) of time_put is also
template < class Ch, class Out = ostreambuf_iterator< Ch> >
class std::time_put_byname : public time_put< Ch,Out> { /* ... */ };
pg 912 s/time_put()/time_put::put()/ twice
pg 912 replace the last paragraph with: A _byname version (D.4, D.4.1) time_get
is also provided:
template < class Ch, class In = istreambuf_iterator< Ch> >
class std::time_get_byname : public time_get< Ch,In> { /* ... */ };
pg 915 s/Date_format< char>::/Date_format::/
pg 918 s/dateorder()/date_order()/
pg 919 s/order = dateorder();/order = date_order();/
pg 919 s/tmp->tm_mday = val[1];/tmp->tm_mday = val[2];/
pg 924 s/widen(narrow(´x´)) == ´x´/widen(narrow(´x´),0) == ´x´/
pg 926 s/out() encountered/in() encountered/
pg 928 add "char ch;" before the while-statement
Appendix D:
pg 871 s/istream& fout/ostream& fout/ twice
pg 880 Change the comment in the example:
sort(v.begin(),v.end()); // sort using < to compare elements
pg 884 s/falilure state/fail state/
pg 890 s/cs2+size()/cs2+s2.size()/
pg 890 s/cs2+cs2.size()/cs2+s2.size()/ twice
pg 891 s/public virtual function do_compare()/protected virtual function
pg 891 s/cs2+cs2.size()/cs2+s2.size()/
pg 893 s/: numpunct< char>(r) { }/: std::numpunct< char>(r) { }/
pg 894 The output at the default format and precision is:
style A: 12345678 *** 1.23457e+06
style B: 12 345 678 *** 1,23457e+06
pg 895 s/&s[pos]/s.begin()+pos/
pg 898 s/.get(os,/.get(*this,/
pg 896 s/fill()/this->fill()/
pg 898 s/eos,state/eos,*this,state/
pg 899 s/DKr/DKK/
pg 899 s/money_punct´s/moneypunct´s/
pg 900 s/FrF/FRF/
pg 900 s/DKr/DKK/ twice
pg 900 s/Usually, the last character is a space./ The last character is a
terminating zero./
pg 901 s/DKr/DKK/ twice
pg 901 Correct:
char_type do_decimal_point() const { return ´.´; }
char_type do_thousands_sep() const { return ´,´; }
pg 904 A better input function:
istream& operator>>(istream& s, Money& m)
istream::sentry guard(s); // see 21.3.8
if (guard) try {
ios_base::iostate state = 0; // good
istreambuf_iterator< char> eos;
string str;
use_facet< money_get< char> >(s.getloc()).get(s,eos,true,state,str);
if (state==0 || state==ios_base::eofbit) { // set value only if get() succeeded
long int i = strtol(str.c_str(),0,0); // for strtol(), see 20.4.1
if (errno==ERANGE)
state |= ios_base::failbit;
m = i; // set value only if conversion to long int succeeded
catch (...) {
handle_ioexception(s); // see D.4.2.2
return s;
I use the get() that reads into a string because reading into a double and then
converting to a long int could lead to loss of precision.
pg 904 s/d = dd/m = dd/
pg 909 s/sloppy: no protection against buffer overflow/ sloppy: hope strftime ()
will never produce more than 20 characters/
pg 912 s/The default reads a time/The default get_date() reads a date/
pg 912 s/Month(x.tm_mon)+1/Month(x.tm_mon+1)/
pg 915 s/(f.put( ... .failed)/(f.put( ... .failed())/
pg 915 s/const { curr=p;/{ curr=p;/ twice
pg 915 s/see _io.sentry/see 21.3.8/
pg 916 s/Month(x.tm_mon)+1/Month(x.tm_mon+1)/
pg 916 s/std::time_get< Ch>/std::time_get< Ch,In>/
pg 917 a better getval():
template< class Ch, class In>
In Date_in< Ch,In>::getval(In b, In e, ios_base& s, ios_base::iostate& r, int*
v, Vtype* res) const
// read part of Date: number, day_of_week, or month. Skip whitespace and
const ctype< Ch>& ct = use_facet< ctype< Ch> >(s.getloc()); // ctype is defined
in D.4.5
Ch c;
*res = novalue; // no value found
for (;;) { // skip whitespace and punctuation
if (b == e) return e;
c = *b;
if (!(,c) ||,c))) break;
if (,c)) { // read integer without regard for numpunct
int i = 0;
do { // turn digit from arbitrary character set into decimal value:
static char const digits[] = "0123456789";
i = i*10 + find(digits,digits+10,ct.narrow(c,´ ´))-digits;
c = *++b;
} while (,c));
*v = i;
*res = unknown; // an integer, but we don´t know what it represents
return b;
if (,c)) { // look for name of month or day of week
basic_string< Ch> str;
while (,c)) { // read characters into string
str += c;
if (++b == e) break;
c = *b;
tm t;
basic_stringstream< Ch> ss(str);
typedef istreambuf_iterator< Ch> SI; // iterator type for ss´ buffer
get_monthname(ss.rdbuf(),SI(),s,r,&t); // read from in-memory stream buffer
if ((r&(ios_base::badbit|ios_base::failbit))==0) {
*v= t.tm_mon;
*res = month;
r = 0;
return b;
r = 0; // clear state before trying to read a second time
get_weekday(ss.rdbuf(),SI(),s,r,&t); // read from in-memory stream buffer
if ((r&ios_base::badbit)==0) {
*v = t.tm_wday;
*res = dayofweek;
r = 0;
return b;
r |= ios_base::failbit;
return b;
pg 919 replace
template< class Ch, class In = istreambuf_iterator< Ch> >
In Date_in::do_get_date(
template< class Ch, class In>
In Date_in< Ch,In>::do_get_date(
pg 922 a better count_spaces():
int count_spaces(const string& s, const locale& loc)
const ctype< char>& ct = use_facet< ctype< char> >(loc);
int i = 0;
for(string::const_iterator p = s.begin(); p != s.end(); ++p)
if (,*p)) ++i; // whitespace as defined by ct
return i;
pg 922 s/|punct,c)/|ctype_base::punct,c)/
pg 922 s/std::ctype/std::ctype< Ch>/
pg 923 s/std::ctype/std::ctype< Ch>/
pg 927 s/always_no_conv/always_noconv/
pg 929 Correct:
void do_close(catalog cat) const
if (catalogs.size()<=cat) catalogs.erase(catalogs.begin()+cat);
pg 931 s/to_str(Season) ... of s/to_str(Season x) ... of x/
pg 932 replace to_str() by
const string& Season_io::to_str(Season x) const
return m->get(cat,x,"no-such-season");
pg 933 s/such as 12 May 1995/such as 12 5 1995/
Appendix E:
pg 939 s/rand()/(rand())/
pg 944 change
void destroy_elements() { for (T* p = v; p!=space; ++p) p->~T(); }
void destroy_elements() { for (T* p = v; p!=space; ++p) p->~T(); space=v; }
pg 945: After the second example, add: However, the default swap()
implementation don´t suit our needs for vector_base because it copies and
destroys a vector_base. Consequently, we provide a specialization:
template< class T> void swap(vector_base< T>& a, vector_base& b)
swap(a.a,b.a); swap(a.v,b.v); swap(,; swap(a.last,b.last);
Chapter 1:
pg 10 umlauted o missing in Wikstr?m´s name.
pg 19 s/conference/Conference/
Chapter 4:
pg 80 s/a vector/an array/
Chapter 5:
pg 105 s/arrays of char/array of char/
Chapter 8:
pg 168: s/separating the implementation of the interface/ separating the
implementation from the interface/
Chapter 10:
pg 229 s/The keyword static is not be repeated/The keyword static is not
Chapter 11:
pg 288 s/ of the array/of the vector/
Chapter 13:
pg 349 s/the member of the set/the members of the set/
Chapter 14:
pg 355 s/, the program could:/, a function could/
pg 365 s/program now shrinks/function now shrinks/
pg 368 s/constutors/constructors/
pg 373 s/need to allocate/needs to allocate/
pg 380 s/delete p;/delete pe;/
Chapter 16:
pg 452 s/and initial_not() (is the initial letter different from p?)/ and
initial_not(x) (is the initial letter different from x?)/
pg 468 s/criteria/criterion/
Chapter 18:
pg 521 s/Consequently, the standard library supplies two adapters to
allow pointers to functions to be used together with the standard algorithms. in
/ Consequently, in the standard library supplies two adapters to allow pointers
to functions to be used together with the standard algorithms./
pg 531 s/The the/The/
pg 542 s/comes first/come first/
Chapter 19:
pg 552 s/terms combinations/terms of combinations/
Chapter 20:
pg 590 s/interprete/interpret/
pg 602 s/c_str() produce/c_str() to produce/
pg 602 s/rather that/rather than/
Chapter 21:
pg 617 s/a call of is::operator void*()/a call of istream::operator void*() for
pg 630 s/A call width(n) function/A call width(n)/
pg 639 s/ and do experiment./ and experiment./
pg 652 s/pecision/precision/
pg 685 s/miniscule propability/minuscule probability/
Appendix B:
pg 815 s/to try port/try to port/
Appendix D:
pg 876 s/print_locale names/print_locale_names/
pg 880 s/rather then C-style strings./rather than C-style strings./
pg 892 s/_byname locale/_byname facet/
pg 899 s/amount/amount=/ five times in the output
pg 916 s/get_date() the Istream´s/get_date() from the istream´s/
pg 924 s/ctype locale/ctype facet/
pg 931 s/Season_io locale/ctype facet/
Appendix E:
pg 936 s/point of view a/point of view of a/
pg 952 s/T& vector< T,A >::emergency_exit()/void vector< T,A >::emergency_exit()/
pg 959 s/The cost of completely protecting against an exception while moving
elements in a vector be/ The cost of completely protecting against an exception
while moving elements in a vector would be/
pg 960 s/associated containers/associative containers/
pg 962 s/application its types/application types/
pg 965 s/capable of throwing of/capable of throwing/
pg 965 s/that provide strong (E4)./that provide the strong guarantee (E4)./
pg 966 s/trivially type safe/trivially exception safe/