
发表于:2007-07-01来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
C++这个动东东以前看了始终没有写过代码,昨天看了今天花了一天时间,调了一个小类,让大家指点指点: /*********************** tstring.h ********************************** #ifndef TSTRING_H #define TSTRING_H #define NULL0 #define TRUE1 #define F


/*********************** tstring.h **********************************

#ifndef TSTRING_H
#define TSTRING_H

#define NULL    0
#define TRUE    1
#define FALSE    0

typedef long BOOL;

typedef unsigned long DWORD;


 TSTRING(const char * pStr = NULL);

 void SetNewString(const char * pStr = NULL);
 char * GetString(void);
 DWORD GetStringLen(void);

 void Print(void);
 **There are some side effects in assignment(=) overloading
 ** with plus(+) overloading case(TSTRING &, TSTRING &).
  & operator = (const char * pStr);
 friend TSTRING & operator + (TSTRING & oStr, const char * pStr);
 friend TSTRING & operator + (const char * pStr, TSTRING & oStr);
 friend TSTRING & operator + (TSTRING & oStr1, TSTRING & oStr2);


 BOOL bNewAlloc; // Indicate whether memory is allocated
 char * pHeader; // Indicate the first character of the string
 DWORD dLen;    // Indicate the number of characters

 char cNull;    // Represent the string when it is null.


/******************* tstring.cpp **************************************

#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include "tstring.h"

TSTRING :: TSTRING(const char * pStr)
 if (pStr == NULL) {
  dLen = 0;

  // Set pHeaer to point a null string
  cNull = 0;
  pHeader = &cNull;

  bNewAlloc = FALSE;
 else {
  dLen = strlen(pStr);
  pHeader = (char *) malloc(dLen + 1);
  strcpy(pHeader, pStr);
  bNewAlloc = TRUE;

 // If the memory used by the string is allocated originally
 // by compiler, MUST NOT free it, or cause a exception!
 if (bNewAlloc)

void TSTRING :: SetNewString(const char * pStr)
 long lLen = strlen(pStr);

 // If the space is exactly enough, NO NEED to allocate memory.
 if (dLen != lLen) {
  if (bNewAlloc)
  pHeader = (char *) malloc(lLen + 1);
  dLen = lLen;
  bNewAlloc = TRUE;
 strcpy(pHeader, pStr);

char * TSTRING :: GetString(void)
 return pHeader;

DWORD TSTRING :: GetStringLen(void)
 return dLen;

void TSTRING :: Print(void)
 cout << pHeader;

TSTRING & TSTRING :: operator = (const char * pStr)
 if (bNewAlloc)
 dLen = strlen(pStr);
 pHeader = (char *) malloc(dLen + 1);
 strcpy(pHeader, pStr);
 return * this;

TSTRING & operator + (TSTRING & oStr, const char * pStr)
 TSTRING *pNewStr = new TSTRING;
 long lLen;
 lLen = oStr.dLen + strlen(pStr);
 pNewStr->pHeader = (char *) malloc(lLen + 1);
 strcpy(pNewStr->pHeader, oStr.pHeader);
 strcpy(pNewStr->pHeader + oStr.dLen, pStr);
 pNewStr->bNewAlloc = TRUE;
 pNewStr->dLen = lLen;

 return * pNewStr;

TSTRING & operator + (const char * pStr, TSTRING & oStr)
 TSTRING *pNewStr = new TSTRING;
 long lLen;
 lLen = strlen(pStr);
 pNewStr->pHeader = (char *) malloc(lLen + oStr.dLen + 1);
 strcpy(pNewStr->pHeader, pStr);
 strcpy(pNewStr->pHeader + lLen, oStr.pHeader);
 pNewStr->bNewAlloc = TRUE;
 pNewStr->dLen = lLen + oStr.dLen;

 return * pNewStr;

TSTRING & operator + (TSTRING & oStr1, TSTRING & oStr2)
 TSTRING *pNewStr = new TSTRING;
 pNewStr->dLen = oStr1.dLen + oStr2.dLen;
 pNewStr->pHeader = (char *) malloc(pNewStr->dLen + 1);
 strcpy(pNewStr->pHeader, oStr1.pHeader);
 strcpy(pNewStr->pHeader + oStr1.dLen, oStr2.pHeader);
 pNewStr->bNewAlloc = TRUE;

 return * pNewStr;

/************************* learn.cpp (including main entry function) ************

#include "tstring.h"

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
 TSTRING str1("Original string!\n");

 str1.SetNewString("New string!");

 TSTRING & str2 = str1;
 str2 = "pre_" + str1 + "_post!";

 return 0;
