首先启动VC,利用MFC AppWizard[EXE]建立一个新的MFC程序,取名为ChatRoom,在MFC AppWizard Step 1的时候我们选择Dialog based,在Step 2时我们一定要选择上Windows Sockets选项,切记!切记!之后的几步我们就可以使用默认值了。
BOOL CChatRoomApp::InitInstance() { if (!AfxSocketInit()) { AfxMessageBox(IDP_SOCKETS_INIT_FAILED); return FALSE; } AfxEnableControlContainer(); // Standard initialization // If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size // of your final executable, you should remove from the following // the specific initialization routines you do not need. #ifdef _AFXDLL Enable3dControls(); // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL #else Enable3dControlsStatic(); // Call this when linking to MFC statically #endif CClientSocket *tmpSocket; CConnectDlg *cdlg; CChatRoomDlg *dlg; int nResponse,cnResponse=IDOK,endFlage=1; tmpSocket=new CClientSocket; cdlg=new CConnectDlg(tmpSocket); cnResponse=cdlg->DoModal(); if (cnResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel delete tmpSocket; delete cdlg; return FALSE; } else { delete cdlg; } dlg=new CChatRoomDlg(tmpSocket); tmpSocket->SetDlg(dlg); nResponse = dlg->DoModal(); m_pMainWnd = dlg; if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK if (tmpSocket) tmpSocket->Close(); tmpSocket->myDlg=NULL; delete tmpSocket; tmpSocket=NULL; } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel if (tmpSocket) tmpSocket->Close(); delete tmpSocket; } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application@#s message pump. return FALSE; } |
void CConnectDlg::OnOK() { // TODO: Add extra validation here UpdateData(TRUE); char *nikename,*address; int n; if (!myServerSocket->Create()) { myServerSocket->Close(); AfxMessageBox("网络创建错误!!"); return; } n=m_IDC_EDIT_ADDRESS.GetLength(); address=new char(n+1); sprintf(address,"%s",m_IDC_EDIT_ADDRESS.GetBuffer(n)); address[n]=0; n=m_IDC_EDIT_NIKENAME.GetLength(); nikename=new char(n+1); sprintf(nikename,"%s",m_IDC_EDIT_NIKENAME.GetBuffer(n)); nikename[n]=0; if (!myServerSocket->Connect(address,6767)) { myServerSocket->Close(); AfxMessageBox("网络连接错误,请检查服务器地址。"); return; } myServerSocket->NikeName=nikename; CDialog::OnOK(); } |
void CChatRoomDlg::OnButtonSend() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here int n; char message[1000]; UpdateData(TRUE); m_IDC_EDIT_MESSAGE=myServerSocket->NikeName+": "+m_IDC_EDIT_MESSAGE; n=m_IDC_EDIT_MESSAGE.GetLength(); sprintf(message,"%s",m_IDC_EDIT_MESSAGE.GetBuffer(n)); message[n]=0; if (myServerSocket->Send(message,n+1)) { m_IDC_EDIT_MESSAGE=""; UpdateData(FALSE); } else { AfxMessageBox("网络传输错误!"); } } |
void CClientSocket::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class myDlg->GetMessage(); CSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode); } |
BOOL CChatRoomDlg::GetMessage() { char buff[1000]; int count; count=myServerSocket->Receive(buff,1000); buff[count]=0; m_LIST_CHATBOX_CONTROL.AddString(buff); return true; } |