
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
/*Authur Xuntan This sample program shows how to decode a ssreader image file Based on xuntan@#s reverse engineer work. Gif writing function is not included */ #include s td io.h #include math.h #include gif.h typedef struct { int width; in
/*Authur Xuntan
This sample program shows how to decode a ssreader image file
Based on xuntan@#s reverse engineer work.
Gif writing function is not included

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "gif.h"

typedef struct {
    int width;
    int height;
    unsigned char * data;

int huffman1();
int huffman2();
int GetNextBit();
void MyImageDestory(pmyimg p);
pmyimg ReadMyImageHead(char * fname);
void DecodeMyImage(pmyimg img);
void ScaleMyImage(pmyimg,int neww);
void WriteGifFile(pmyimg image);
void CropMyImage(pmyimg image);
void Error(char *);

/* Global Variable*/
FILE * fimg;
unsigned int bdata;
int len=16;
int buf1[1024];
int buf2[1024];
int offset;

int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
FILE * out;
int color[16];
int i,j;
pmyimg image;
char * p,q;
char * query;
char fname[64];
char buf [64];
char buf2[16];

if(argc<2) {
    printf("usage: gifconv filename\n");



void Error(char * msg){    

void WriteGifFile(pmyimg image){
    GIFStream    *stream;
    GIFData        *cur;
    GIF89info    info;
    int i,j;
    stream=(GIFStream *)malloc(sizeof(GIFStream));
        Error("error in malloc gif data\n");        
    stream->width =image->width;
    stream->colorMapSize =16;
    stream->colorResolution =4;
    stream->background =0;
    stream->aspectRatio= 0;
    stream->data =NULL;
    info.disposal    = 0;
    info.inputFlag   = 0;
    info.delayTime   = 0;
    info.transparent = -1;
    cur=(GIFData *)malloc(sizeof(GIFData));
    cur->type =gif_image;
    cur->info =info;
    cur->x      =0;
    cur->y      =0;
    cur->data.image.cmapSize= 0;

void CropMyImage(pmyimg image){
    int i,j;
    int min,max;
    char * p,*q;
            if (*p!=0) break;
        if(j<min) min=j;
            if (*p!=0) break;

void ScaleMyImage(pmyimg image,int neww){
    int newh;
    int i,j;    
    int sx,sy,ex,ey;
    unsigned char *newd,*p;
    unsigned char *l1,*l2;
    int sum,c,s,t;
    newd=(unsigned char *)malloc(newh*neww);
        Error("memory allocation error in ScaleImage\n");


pmyimg ReadMyImageHead(char * fname){
    pmyimg image;
    int i,j;
    unsigned char head[0x38];
        printf("memory error \n");
        printf("file open error \n");
    image->data=(unsigned char *)malloc(image->width*image->height);    
        Error("memory allocation error.\n");
    return image;

int GetNextBit(){

            printf("error in decoding,file is shorter than expected\n");
            }        */
    if((bdata & 0x80) ==0){
        return 0;
        return 1;

void DecodeMyImage(pmyimg image){    
    int * curcode,*precode;
    int sflag,preflag;
    int i,j;
    int preindex,curindex;
    int width=image->width;
    int height=image->height;
    int h,w;
    int c1,c2;
    char * imgline;
                            Error("error in decode operator %d\n");

        int * temp;
