使用 .NET的IO(5) Paul_Ni(原作)
查找现有的文件和目录 您还可以使用独立存储文件来搜索现有的目录和文件。请记住,在存储区中,文件名和目录名是相对于虚文件系统的根目录指定的。此外,Windows 文件系统中的文件和目录名不区分大小写。 要搜索某个目录,请使用 IsolatedStorageFile 的 Get
您还可以使用独立存储文件来搜索现有的目录和文件。请记住,在存储区中,文件名和目录名是相对于虚文件系统的根目录指定的。此外,Windows 文件系统中的文件和目录名不区分大小写。
要搜索某个目录,请使用 IsolatedStorageFile 的 GetDirectoryNames 实例方法。
GetDirectoryNames 采用表示搜索模式的字符串。支持使用单字符 (?) 和多字符 (*) 通配符。这些通配符不能出现在名称的路径部分。也就是说,directory1/*ect* 是有效的搜索字符串,而 *ect*/directory2 不是有效的搜索字符串。
IsolatedStorageFile 的 GetFileNames 实例方法。对应用于
GetDirectoryNames 的搜索字符串中通配符的相同限制也适用于
GetDirectoryNames 和
GetFileNames 都不是递归的,即
IsolatedStorageFile 不提供用于列出存储区中所有目录或文件的方法。但是,下面的代码中部分是递归方法的示例。另外还要注意,
GetDirectoryNames 和
GetFileNames 只返回找到的项的目录名或文件名。例如,如果找到目录 RootDir/SubDir/SubSubDir 的匹配项,结果数组中将返回 SubSubDir。
FindingExistingFilesAndDirectories 示例
下面的代码示例阐释如何在独立存储区创建文件和目录。首先,检索一个按用户、域和程序集隔离的存储区并放入 isoStore 变量。
CreateDirectory 方法用于设置几个不同的目录,
IsolatedStorageFileStream 方法在这些目录中创建一些文件。然后,代码依次通过 GetAllDirectories 方法的结果。该方法使用
GetDirectoryNames 来查找当前目录中的所有目录名。这些名称存储在数组中,然后 GetAllDirectories 调用其本身,传入它所找到的每个目录。结果是在数组中返回的所有目录名。然后,代码调用 GetAllFiles 方法。该方法调用 GetAllDirectories 以查找所有目录的名称,然后它检查每个目录以查找使用
GetFileNames 方法的文件。结果返回到数组中用于显示。 [C#]using System;using System.IO;using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;using System.Collections; public class FindingExistingFilesAndDirectories{ // Retrieves an array of all directories in the store, and // displays the results. public static void Main(){ // This part of the code sets up a few directories and files in the // store. IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User | IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly, null, null); isoStore.CreateDirectory("TopLevelDirectory"); isoStore.CreateDirectory("TopLevelDirectory/SecondLevel"); isoStore.CreateDirectory("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory"); new IsolatedStorageFileStream("InTheRoot.txt", FileMode.Create, isoStore); new IsolatedStorageFileStream("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/HereIAm.txt", FileMode.Create, isoStore); // End of setup. Console.WriteLine(@#\r@#); Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of all directories in this isolated store:"); foreach(string directory in GetAllDirectories("*", isoStore)){ Console.WriteLine(directory); } Console.WriteLine(@#\r@#); // Retrieve all the files in the directory by calling the GetFiles // method. Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of all the files in this isolated store:"); foreach(string file in GetAllFiles("*", isoStore)){ Console.WriteLine(file); } }// End of Main. // Method to retrieve all directories, recursively, within a store. public static string[] GetAllDirectories(string pattern, IsolatedStorageFile storeFile){ // Get the root of the search string. string root = Path.GetDirectoryName(pattern); if (root != "") root += "/"; // Retrieve directories. string[] directories; directories = storeFile
.GetDirectoryNames(pattern); ArrayList directoryList = new ArrayList(directories); // Retrieve subdirectories of matches. for (int i = 0, max = directories.Length; i < max; i++){ string directory = directoryList[i] + "/"; string[] more = GetAllDirectories (root + directory + "*", storeFile); // For each subdirectory found, add in the base path. for (int j = 0; j < more.Length; j++) more[j] = directory + more[j]; // Insert the subdirectories into the list and // update the counter and upper bound. directoryList.InsertRange(i+1, more); i += more.Length; max += more.Length; } return (string[])directoryList.ToArray(Type.GetType("System.String")); } public static string[] GetAllFiles(string pattern, IsolatedStorageFile storeFile){ // Get the root and file portions of the search string. string fileString = Path.GetFileName(pattern); string[] files; files = storeFile.GetFileNames(pattern); ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList(files); // Loop through the subdirectories, collect matches, // and make separators consistent. foreach(string directory in GetAllDirectories( "*", storeFile)) foreach(string file in storeFile
.GetFileNames(directory + "/" + fileString)) fileList.Add((directory + "/" + file)); return (string[])fileList.ToArray(Type.GetType("System.String")); }// End of GetFiles. }
使用 IsolatedStorageFileStream 类,有多种方法可以打开存储区中的文件。一旦获得了
IsolatedStorageFileStream 之后,可使用它来获取 StreamReader 或 StreamWriter。使用
StreamReader 和
ReadingAndWritingToFiles 示例
下面的代码示例获得独立存储区,创建一个名为 TestStore.txt 的文件并将“Hello Isolated Storage”写入文件。然后,代码读取该文件并将结果输出到控制台。 [C#]using System;using System.IO;using System.IO.IsolatedStorage; public class ReadingAndWritingToFiles{ public static int Main(){ // Get an isolated store for this assembly and put it into an // IsolatedStoreFile object. IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User | IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly, null, null); // This code checks to see if the file a
lready exists. string[] fileNames = isoStore.GetFileNames("TestStore.txt"); foreach (string file in fileNames){ if(file == "TestStore.txt"){ Console.WriteLine("The file already exists!"); Console.WriteLine("Type \"StoreAdm /REMOVE\" at the command line to delete all Isolated Storage for this user."); // Exit the program. return 0; } } writeToFile(isoStore); Console.WriteLine("The file \"TestStore.txt\" contains:"); // Call the readFromFile and write the returned string to the //console. Console.WriteLine(readFromFile(isoStore)); // Exit the program. return 0; }// End of main. // This method writes "Hello Isolated Storage" to the file. private static void writeToFile(IsolatedStorageFile isoStore){ // Declare a new StreamWriter. StreamWriter writer = null; // Assign the writer to the store and the file TestStore. writer = new
StreamWriter(new IsolatedStorageFileStream("TestStore.txt", FileMode.CreateNew,isoStore)); // Have the writer write "Hello Isolated Storage" to the store. writer.
WriteLine("Hello Isolated Storage"); writer.Close(); Console.WriteLine("You have written to the file."); }// End of writeToFile. // This method reads the first line in the "TestStore.txt" file. public static String readFromFile(IsolatedStorageFile isoStore){ // This code opens the TestStore.txt file and reads the string. StreamReader reader = new
StreamReader(new IsolatedStorageFileStream("TestStore.txt", FileMode.Open,isoStore)); // Read a line from the file and add it to sb. String sb = reader.
ReadLine(); // Close the reader. reader.Close(); // Return the string. return sb.ToString(); }// End of readFromFile.}
您可以删除独立存储文件中的目录和文件。请记住,在存储区中,文件名和目录名是与操作系统相关的(在 Microsoft Windows 系统中通常不区分大小写),并且是根据虚文件系统的根目录具体而定的。
IsolatedStoreFile 类提供了两种删除目录和文件的实例方法:DeleteDirectory 和 DeleteFile。如果尝试删除并不存在的文件和目录,则会引发 IsolatedStorageFileException。如果名称中包含有通配符,则
DeleteDirectory 会引发
IsolatedStorageFileException,而 DeleteFile 将引发 ArgumentException。
DeleteDirectory 将会失败。在 DeletingFilesAndDirectories 示例的一部分中定义了一个方法,该方法删除目录中的所有内容,然后删除目录本身。同样,您可以自己定义一个接受通配符的
DeleteFiles 方法,该方法可以这样来实现:使用
GetFileNames 方法获取所有匹配文件的列表,然后依次删除每个文件。
DeletingFilesAndDirectories 示例
下面的代码示例先创建若干个目录和文件,然后将它们删除。 [C#]using System;using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;using System.IO; public class DeletingFilesDirectories{ public static void Main(){ // Get a new isolated store for this user domain and assembly. // Put the store into an isolatedStorageFile object. IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User | IsolatedStorageScope.Domain | IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly, null, null); Console.WriteLine("Creating Directories:"); // This code creates several different directories. isoStore.CreateDirectory("TopLevelDirectory"); Console.WriteLine("TopLevelDirectory"); isoStore.CreateDirectory("TopLevelDirectory/SecondLevel"); Console.WriteLine("TopLevelDirectory/SecondLevel"); // This code creates two new directories, one inside the other. isoStore.CreateDirectory("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory"); Console.WriteLine("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory"); Console.WriteLine(); // This code creates a few files and places them in the directories. Console.WriteLine("Creating Files:"); // This file is placed in the root. IsolatedStorageFileStream isoStream1 = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("InTheRoot.txt", FileMode.Create, isoStore); Console.WriteLine("InTheRoot.txt"); isoStream1.Close(); // This file is placed in the InsideDirectory. IsolatedStorageFileStream isoStream2 = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/HereIAm.txt", FileMode.Create, isoStore); Console.WriteLine("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/HereIAm.txt"); Console.WriteLine(); isoStream2.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Deleting File:"); // This code deletes the HereIAm.txt file. isoStore
.DeleteFile("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/HereIAm.txt"); Console.WriteLine("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/HereIAm.txt"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Deleting Directory:"); // This code deletes the InsideDirectory. isoStore.
DeleteDirectory("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/"); Console.WriteLine("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/"); Console.WriteLine(); }// End of main. }
上面是VS.NET中.NET中IO的基本概念、示例代码以及访问文件系统的基础方法和流程,大家可以多多实践。有任何建议请MAIL我 paulni@citiz