#Region 由拼音到拼音 Public Shared Function GetPyToPy(ByVal PYStr As String, _ Optional ByVal IsComp As Boolean = False) As String If PYStr.Length = 0 Then Exit Function mIsCompelled = IsComp Dim toneSite As Integer Dim toneValue As Integer
#Region "由拼音到拼音"
Public Shared Function GetPyToPy(ByVal PYStr As String, _
Optional ByVal IsComp As Boolean = False) As String
If PYStr.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
mIsCompelled = IsComp
Dim toneSite As Integer
Dim toneValue As Integer
Dim toneChar As Char
toneSite = GetToneSite(PYStr)
If toneSite = -1 Then
Return PYStr
ElseIf toneSite < -1 Then
Exit Function
End If
toneValue = GetToneValue(PYStr, toneSite)
If toneValue = -1 Then Exit Function
If mIsCompelled Then
toneChar = GetToneChar(PYStr, toneSite - 1)
toneChar = GetToneChar(PYStr)
End If
If Not isPyChar(toneChar) Then Exit Function
Return Conversion(PYStr, toneSite, toneValue, toneChar)
End Function
Private Shared Function GetToneSite(ByVal pyStr As String) As Integer
If pyStr.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To pyStr.Length - 1
If Char.IsNumber(pyStr.Chars(i)) Then
j += 1
End If
If j = 0 Then @#没有数字,即没有标明声调的数值
Return -1
ElseIf j = 1 Then @#有一个数字,合法
For i = 0 To pyStr.Length - 1
If Char.IsNumber(pyStr.Chars(i)) Then
Return i
End If
Else @#有多个数字,不合法,返回其相反数
Return -j
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function GetToneValue(ByVal pyStr As String, _
ByVal Site As Integer) As Integer
If pyStr.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
If Site >= 0 Then
Dim value As Char = pyStr.Chars(Site)
Dim num As Integer
If Char.IsNumber(value) Then
num = CType(value.ToString, Integer)
If num >= 0 And num <= 4 Then
Return num
Return -1
End If
Return -1
End If
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function GetToneChar(ByVal pyStr As String, _
ByVal Site As Integer) As Char
If pyStr.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
If Site >= 0 Then
Dim value As Char = pyStr.Chars(Site)
Return value
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function GetToneChar(ByVal pyStr As String) As Char
If pyStr.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim Chr As Char
If pyStr.IndexOf(a(0)) >= 0 Then
Chr = pyStr.Chars(pyStr.IndexOf(a(0)))
ElseIf pyStr.IndexOf(o(0)) >= 0 Then
Chr = pyStr.Chars(pyStr.IndexOf(o(0)))
ElseIf pyStr.IndexOf(e(0)) >= 0 Then
Chr = pyStr.Chars(pyStr.IndexOf(e(0)))
ElseIf pyStr.IndexOf(i(0)) >= 0 Then
Chr = pyStr.Chars(pyStr.IndexOf(i(0)))
ElseIf pyStr.IndexOf(u(0)) >= 0 Then
Chr = pyStr.Chars(pyStr.IndexOf(u(0)))
ElseIf pyStr.IndexOf(v(0)) >= 0 Then
Chr = pyStr.Chars(pyStr.IndexOf(v(0)))
End If
Return Chr
End Function
Private Shared Function isPyChar(ByVal chr As Char) As Boolean
Select Case chr
Case "a"c
Return True
Case "o"c
Return True
Case "e"c
Return True
Case "i"c
Return True
Case "u"c
Return True
Case "v"c
Return True
Case Else
Return False
End Select
End Function
Private Shared Function Conversion(ByVal pyStr As String, _
ByVal toneSite As Integer, _
ByVal toneValue As Integer, _
ByVal toneChar As Char) As String
If toneValue >= 1 And toneValue <= 4 Then
Select Case toneChar
Case "a"
pyStr = pyStr.Replace(toneChar, a(toneValue).Chars(0))
Case "o"
pyStr = pyStr.Replace(toneChar, o(toneValue).Chars(0))
Case "e"
pyStr = pyStr.Replace(toneChar, e(toneValue).Chars(0))
Case "i"
pyStr = pyStr.Replace(toneChar, i(toneValue).Chars(0))
Case "u"
pyStr = pyStr.Replace(toneChar, u(toneValue).Chars(0))
Case "v"
pyStr = pyStr.Replace(toneChar, v(toneValue).Chars(0))
End Select
pyStr = pyStr.Replace(toneValue.ToString, "")
Return pyStr
End If
End Function
#End Region
#Region "由汉字到拼音"
Public Shared Function GetHzToPy(ByVal HzStr As String, _
Optional ByVal ToneValue As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByVal IsComp As Boolean = False) As String
@#ByVal toneValue As Integer, _
If HzStr.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
If PyList.Count = 0 Then LoadPyChars()
mIsCompelled = IsComp
If mIsCompelled Then
Dim tmpStr As String = ""
Dim i As Integer
Dim num As Integer
For i = 1 To HzStr.Length
num = Asc(HzStr)
tmpStr = GetPyChars(num)
tmpStr = GetPyToPy(tmpStr & ToneValue)
Return tmpStr
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function GetPyChars(ByVal num As Integer) As String
If num > 0 And num < 160 Then
Return Chr(num)
If num < -20319 Or num > -10247 Then
Return ""
Dim i, value As Integer
For i = PyList.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If PyList.GetByIndex(i) <= num Then Exit For
@#value = CType(PyList.GetByIndex(i), Integer)
Return PyList.GetKey(i).ToString
End If
End If
End Function
#End Region
End Class