限定窗口大小范围--windows message subclassing
Imports System. Windows .Forms Imports System.ComponentModel Namespace vb City Namespace FormClasses Public Class frmRestricted Inherits Form @##Region Iridium form properties code Private mFormMinSize, mFormMaxSize As PointAPI Category(For
Imports System.
Imports System.ComponentModel
Namespace FormClasses
Public Class frmRestricted
Inherits Form
@##Region " Iridium form properties code "
Private mFormMinSize, mFormMaxSize As PointAPI
<Category("FormSize"), _
Description( _
"The Minimum height that the form can be sized to.")> _
Public Property FormMinHeight() As Int32
@# SCS - A return of zero indicates that it has not been
@# set.
Return mFormMinSize.y
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Int32)
CheckBounds(Value, False)
mFormMinSize.y = Value
End Set
End Property @# FormMinHeight
<Category("FormSize"), _
Description( _
"The Maximum height that the form can be sized to.")> _
Public Property FormMaxHeight() As Int32
@# SCS - A return of zero indicates that it has not been
@# set.
Return mFormMaxSize.y
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Int32)
CheckBounds(Value, False)
mFormMaxSize.y = Value
End Set
End Property @# FormMaxHeight
<Category("FormSize"), _
Description( _
"The Minimum width that the form can be sized to.")> _
Public Property FormMinWidth() As Int32
@# SCS - A return of zero indicates that it has not been
@# set.
Return mFormMinSize.x
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Int32)
CheckBounds(Value, False)
mFormMinSize.x = Value
End Set
End Property @# FormMinWidth
<Category("FormSize"), _
Description( _
"The Maximum width that the form can be sized to.")> _
Public Property FormMaxWidth() As Int32
@# SCS - A return of zero indicates that it has not been
@# set.
Return mFormMaxSize.x
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Int32)
CheckBounds(Value, False)
mFormMaxSize.x = Value
End Set
End Property @# FormMaxWidth
#End Region
Private Sub CheckBounds(ByRef pintValue As Int32, _
ByVal pblnCheckWidth As Boolean)
If pintValue < 0 Then
pintValue = 0
@# SCS - Check that the Co-ords are not outside of the
@# screen here?
Dim ScreenPoint As System.Drawing.Rectangle
ScreenPoint = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds()
If pblnCheckWidth Then
If pintValue > ScreenPoint.Width Then pintValue = _
If pintValue > ScreenPoint.Height Then pintValue = _
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc( _
ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
If m.Msg = WM_GET
Dim mmiStruct As MinMaxInfo
@# SCS - Get the information from lParam into our
@# structure
mmiStruct = CType(m.GetLParam(mmiStruct.GetType()), _
@# SCS - The following line does the same - I haven@#t yet
@# tested for speed to
@# see which is the quickest
@# mmiStruct = CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.lParam,
@# mmiStruct.GetType), MinMaxInfo)
@# SCS - Set new structure values where applicable
With mmiStruct
If Not (mFormMaxSize.x.Equals(0)) Then
.ptMaxTrackSize.x = mFormMaxSize.x
End If
If Not (mFormMaxSize.y.Equals(0)) Then
.ptMaxTrackSize.y = mFormMaxSize.y
End If
If Not (mFormMinSize.x.Equals(0)) Then
.ptMinTrackSize.x = mFormMinSize.x
End If
If Not (mFormMinSize.y.Equals(0)) Then
.ptMinTrackSize.y = mFormMinSize.y
End If
@#.ptMaxPosition.x = 100
@#.ptMaxSize.x = 200
End With
@# SCS - Copy the information back into lParam
Marshal.StructureToPtr(mmiStruct, m.LParam, True)
@# SCS - Return 0 because MSDN tells us to.
m.Result() = New System.IntPtr()
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace API
Public Class clsGetMinMaxInfo
Public Const WM_GETMINMAXINFO As Int32 = 100
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure PointAPI
Public x As Int32
Public y As Int32
End Structure
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure MinMaxInfo
Private ptReserved As PointAPI
Private ptMaxSize As PointAPI
Private ptMaxPosition As PointAPI
Public ptMinTrackSize As PointAPI
Public ptMaxTrackSize As PointAPI
End Structure
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure WindowPos
Public hwnd As Int32
Public hWndInsertAfter As Int32
Public x As Int32
Public y As Int32
Public cx As Int32
Public cy As Int32
Public flags As Int32
End Structure
End Class
End Namespace
End Namespace