
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
1. 概论: 本文将介绍如何创建一个三层应用程序,并且将介绍如何创建一个Web Service服务。 ADO.NET创建Windows三层结构应用程序的体系架构如下图所示: 该结构分三个层次:表示层、业务层、数据层。 数据层:代表物理 数据库 。 业务层:负责数据层与表示层
  1. 概论:
  本文将介绍如何创建一个三层应用程序,并且将介绍如何创建一个Web Service服务。
  数据库:我们选择SQL SERVER 的NorthWind数据库。
  表示层:我们写一个Windows Form
  1. 新建一个项目,选择ASP.NET Web服务,命名为:”WebService For 业务层”。
  2. 添加两个Sql DataAdapter,一个为Customer_da,它指向NorthWind数据库的Customers表,另一个为Order_da,指向Northwind数据库的Orders表。
  3. 然后生成一个Typed DataSet(选择“数据”菜单的“生成数据集”),命名为:Super_ds.
  4. 数据库连接已经完成,下一步我们将考虑它与表示层之间的通信,这里我们定义两个方法。一个为:Get_DataSet,它返回一个Super_ds类型的数据集,另一个为:Update_DataSet,它负责更新数据库数据, 方法代码如下:
  <WebMethod()> Public Function Get_Dataset() As super_ds
   Return Super_ds1
   End Function
  <WebMethod()> Public Sub Update_Dataset()
   Super_ds1.Aclearcase/" target="_blank" >cceptChanges()
  End Sub
  Imports System.Web.Services
  Public Class Service1
  Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
  ‘Web Services Designer Generated Code…….
  <WebMethod()> Public Function Get_Dataset() As super_ds
   Return Super_ds1
   End Function
  <WebMethod()> Public Sub Update_Dataset()
   End Sub
   @# The HelloWorld() example service returns the string Hello World.
   @# To build, uncomment the following lines then save and build the project.
   @# To test this web service, ensure that the .asmx file is the start page
   @# and press F5.
   @#<WebMethod()> Public Function HelloWorld() As String
   @# HelloWorld = "Hello World"
   @# End Function
  End Class
  1. 新建一个Windows应用程序,命名为:“Windows Form For 表示层”。
  2. 在窗体上添加一个DataGrid,一个Button,Button1的text为“Load”,作用是:从业务层读取数据。
  3. 在解决方案窗体中添加Web 引用,将我们自己建立的Web Service for 业务层引入到当前项目中。
  4. 向Button1的Click事件添加如下代码:
   Dim Customer_Ds As New localhost.super_ds()
   Dim ser1 As New localhost.Service1()
   DataGrid1.DataSource = Customer_Ds
  这里我们调用了Web Service的Get_DataSet函数,Update_DataSet方法的调用与此完全相同。
  Imports Data_Access_表示层
  Public Class Form1
   Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
  #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
   Public Sub New()
   @#This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
   @#Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
   End Sub
   @#Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
   Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
   If disposing Then
   If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
   End If
   End If
   End Sub
   Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
   Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
   Friend WithEvents Button3 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
   Friend WithEvents Client_DataSet As Data_Access_表示层.localhost.super_ds
   Friend WithEvents DataGrid1 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid
   @#Required by the Windows Form Designer
   Private components As System.ComponentModel.Container
   @#NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
   @#It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.
   @#Do not modify it using the code editor.
   <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
   Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
   Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
   Me.Button3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
   Me.Client_DataSet = New Data_Access_表示层.localhost.super_ds()
   Me.DataGrid1 = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid()
   CType(Me.Client_DataSet, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
   CType(Me.DataGrid1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
   Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(88, 360)
   Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
   Me.Button1.TabIndex = 0
   Me.Button1.Text = "load"
   Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(232, 360)
   Me.Button2.Name = "Button2"
   Me.Button2.TabIndex = 1
   Me.Button2.Text = "update"
   Me.Button3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(376, 360)
   Me.Button3.Name = "Button3"
   Me.Button3.TabIndex = 2
   Me.Button3.Text = "clear"
   Me.Client_DataSet.DataSetName = "Client_DataSet"
   Me.Client_DataSet.Locale = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("zh-CN")
   Me.Client_DataSet.Namespace = "http://www.tempuri.org/CustomerDs.xsd"
   Me.DataGrid1.DataMember = ""
   Me.DataGrid1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(40, 56)
   Me.DataGrid1.Name = "DataGrid1"
   Me.DataGrid1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(480, 264)
   Me.DataGrid1.TabIndex = 3
   Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 14)
   Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(568, 429)
   Me.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() {Me.DataGrid1, Me.Button3, Me.Button2, Me.Button1})
   Me.Name = "Form1"
   Me.Text = "Form1"
   CType(Me.Client_DataSet, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
   CType(Me.DataGrid1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
   End Sub
  #End Region
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
   Dim Customer_Ds As New localhost.super_ds()
   Dim ser1 As New localhost.Service1()
   DataGrid1.DataSource = Customer_Ds
   End Sub
  End Class
