
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
存储过程: ALTER PROCEDURE spPagination @FieldList Nvarchar(200),--字段列表 @TableName Nvarchar(20), --表名 @WhereStr Nvarchar(500),--条件语句(须写完整,如where Name=@#sea@# and image=0,如果使用OR语句,须用():如:Where (Name=@#sea@# OR image=0)


    @FieldList Nvarchar(200),--字段列表
    @TableName Nvarchar(20), --表名
    @WhereStr Nvarchar(500),--条件语句(须写完整,如"where Name=@#sea@# and image=0",如果使用OR语句,须用():如:"Where (Name=@#sea@# OR image=0)"
    @PrimaryKey Nvarchar(20),--主键
    @SortStr Nvarchar(100),--排序语句(须写完整,如"Order By ID,Nname")
    @SortStrDesc Nvarchar(100), --倒序语句(须写完整,如"Order By ID desc,Nname desc")
    @PageSize int,--页记录数
    @PageNo int,--页码
    @RecordCount int OUTPUT,--返回记录总数    
    @PageCount int OUTPUT--返回页总数    

    declare @intBeginID         nvarchar(20)
    declare @intEndID           nvarchar(20)
    declare @intRecordCount     int
    declare @intRowCount        int
    declare @TmpSelect          NVarchar(600)
    set nocount on
   set @PageNo=7
   set @PageSize=2
   set @SortStr=@#order by subproclassid, ProductID@#
   set @SortStrDesc=@#order by subproclassid desc, ProductID desc@#
    Set @TmpSelect = @#set nocount on;select @SPintRootRecordCount = count(*) from @#+@TableName+@# @#+@WhereStr
    execute sp_executesql
            N@#@SPintRootRecordCount int OUTPUT@#,
            @SPintRootRecordCount=@intRecordCount OUTPUT
    set @RecordCount = @intRecordCount
    if @intRecordCount=0
            Set @TmpSelect=@#Select @# + @FieldList + @# from @#+@TableName+@# @#+@WhereStr    
            Execute sp_executesql @TmpSelect
            set @RecordCount=0
            set @PageCount=1
    if @intRecordCount <> 0
            set @PageCount=floor((@intRecordCount+1.0-1.0) / @PageSize)
            if @PageCount<(@intRecordCount+1.0-1.0) / @PageSize
            set @PageCount=@PageCount+1
       set @PageCount=0
    if @PageNo<1
        set @PageNo=1
        if @PageNo>@PageCount
            set @PageNo=@PageCount
    set @intRowCount = @PageNo * @PageSize
   if @PageNo=@PageCount
        set @PageSize=@RecordCount - (@PageNo-1) * @PageSize
    /* 开始分页 */    
   set @TmpSelect= @#select * from @# + @TableName + @# where @# + @PrimaryKey + @# = any (@#
   set @TmpSelect=@TmpSelect + @#select top @# + str(@PageSize) + @# @# + @PrimaryKey + @# from @# + @TableName + @# where @# + @PrimaryKey + @# in (select top @# + str(@intRowCount) + @# @# + @PrimaryKey + @# from @# + @TableName
   set @TmpSelect=@TmpSelect + @# @# + @WhereStr + @# @# + @SortStr + @#) @# + @SortStrDesc
   set @TmpSelect=@TmpSelect + @#) @# + @SortStr

   execute sp_executesql @TmpSelect
   return @@rowcount

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports System.Configuration

Namespace Gyone.DataAclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess
    Public Class Pagination

        Private connStr As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connStr")
        Private dsCommand As New SqlDataAdapter()

        Private _FieldList As String = "*"
        Private _TableName As String
        Private _WhereStr As String = ""
        Private _PrimaryKey As String
        Private _SortStr As String = ""
        Private _SortStrDesc As String
        Private _PageSize As Integer = 15
        Private _PageNo As Integer = 1
        Private _RecordCount As Integer
        Private _PageCount As Integer

        Public Property FieldList() As String
                Return _FieldList
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _FieldList = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property TableName() As String
                Return _TableName
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _TableName = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        @#定义条件语句属性,须写完整,如"Where Id=5 And Name=@#sea@#",如使用了"Or"语句,则须用()括住如:"Where (Id=5 Or Name=@#sea@#)"
        Public Property WhereStr() As String
                Return _WhereStr
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _WhereStr = "Where " & Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property PrimaryKey() As String
                Return _PrimaryKey
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _PrimaryKey = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        @#定义排序语句属性,须写完整,如"Order By Id Desc,Name"
        Public Property SortStr() As String
                Return _SortStr
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _SortStr = "Order By " & Value
                Dim s() As String = Value.Split(",")
                Dim i As String
                _SortStrDesc = Nothing
                For Each i In s
                    If _SortStrDesc = Nothing Then
                        If InStr(i.ToUpper, "DESC") > 0 Then
                            _SortStrDesc = "Order By " & i.ToUpper.Replace("DESC", "")
                            _SortStrDesc = "Order By " & i & " DESC"
                        End If
                        If InStr(i, "desc") > 0 Then
                            _SortStrDesc += "," & i.ToUpper.Replace("DESC", "")
                            _SortStrDesc += "," & i & " DESC"
                        End If
                    End If
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property PageSize() As Integer
                Return _PageSize
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                _PageSize = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property PageNo() As Integer
                Return _PageNo
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                _PageNo = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property RecordCount() As Integer
                Return _RecordCount
            End Get
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property PageCount() As Integer
                Return _PageCount
            End Get
        End Property

        Public Function Pagination() As DataSet

            Dim Data As New DataSet(TableName)
            Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand("spPagination", New SqlConnection(connStr))
            objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

            With objCmd.Parameters

                .Add(New SqlParameter("@FieldList", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@TableName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@WhereStr", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 500))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@PrimaryKey", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@SortStr", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@SortStrDesc", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@PageSize", SqlDbType.Int))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@PageNo", SqlDbType.Int))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@RecordCount", SqlDbType.Int))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("@PageCount", SqlDbType.Int))

                .Item("@FieldList").Value = _FieldList
                .Item("@TableName").Value = _TableName
                .Item("@WhereStr").Value = _WhereStr
                .Item("@PrimaryKey").Value = _PrimaryKey
                .Item("@SortStr").Value = _SortStr
                .Item("@SortStrDesc").Value = _SortStrDesc
                .Item("@PageSize").Value = _PageSize
                .Item("@PageNo").Value = _PageNo

                .Item("@RecordCount").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
                .Item("@PageCount").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

            End With

            dsCommand.SelectCommand = objCmd
            dsCommand.Fill(Data, TableName)

            _RecordCount = dsCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("@RecordCount").Value
            _PageCount = dsCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("@PageCount").Value
            Return Data

        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace
