Design Patterns: Solidify Your C# Application Architecture w

发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Design Patterns: Solidify Your C# Application Architecture with Design Patterns中文版(中篇)optimizer(翻译) 关键字设计模式 singleton strategy decorator composite state 出处
 Design Patterns: Solidify Your C# Application Architecture with Design Patterns中文版(中篇)    optimizer(翻译)
关键字     设计模式 singleton strategy decorator composite state

Design Patterns: Solidify Your C# Application Architecture with Design Patterns中文版(中篇)

作者:Samir Bajaj


【译序:C#进阶文章。译者对Samir提供的C#例子进行了简单整理(作者提供的某些代码在译者的环境中无法通过编译),并编写了对应的C++示例,一并置于译注中,以便读者比对。译文中所有C#、C++程序调试环境均为Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 7.0 Beta2】




class FileTransfer


    public virtual void Download(string url, byte[] data, int size)


        // 下载文件


    public virtual void Upload(string url, byte[] data, int size)


        // 上传文件





class Decorator : FileTransfer


    private FileTransfer ft = new FileTransfer();

    private bool IsAclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessAllowed(string url)


        bool result = true;

        // 决定是否对请求的URL访问授权

        return result;


    private void LogAccess(string url)


        // 将URL、时间、用户身份等信息写入数据库

        Console.WriteLine("Logging access to {0}", url);


    public override void Download(string url, byte[] data, int size)


        if (!IsAccessAllowed(url))


        ft.Download(url, data, size);








using System;

class FileTransfer


     public virtual void Download(string url, byte[] data, int size)


         // 下载文件


     public virtual void Upload(string url, byte[] data, int size)


         // 上传文件



class Decorator : FileTransfer


     private FileTransfer ft = new FileTransfer();

     private bool IsAccessAllowed(string url)


         bool result = true;

         // 决定是否对请求的URL访问授权

         return result;


     private void LogAccess(string url)


         // 将URL、时间、用户身份等信息写入数据库

          Console.WriteLine("Logging access to {0}", url);


     public override void Download(string url, byte[] data, int size)


         if (!IsAccessAllowed(url)) return;

          ft.Download(url, data, size);



     public override void Upload(string url, byte[] data, int size)


         if (!IsAccessAllowed(url)) return;

          ft.Upload(url, data, size);




class Application


     public static void Main()


          Console.Write("Enter URL to access: ");

         string url = Console.ReadLine();

          Console.Write("Enable logging and access check? ");

         string input = Console.ReadLine();

         char ch = char.Parse(input);

         bool decoration = (ch == @#y@# || ch == @#Y@#);

          FileTransfer ft = null;

         if (!decoration)

              ft = new FileTransfer();


              ft = new Decorator();         

         byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

          ft.Download(url, buf, 1024);




Enter URL to access:

Enable logging and access check? Y

Logging access to



#include "stdafx.h";

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

typedef unsigned char byte;

class FileTransfer



     virtual void Download(string url, byte data[], int size)


         // 下载文件


     virtual void Upload(string url, byte data[], int size)


         // 上传文件



class Decorator : public FileTransfer  // decorated file transfer



     FileTransfer* ft;

     bool IsAccessAllowed(string url)


         bool result = true;

         // 决定是否对请求的URL访问授权

         return result;


     void LogAccess(string url)


         // 将URL、时间、用户身份等信息写入数据库

          cout<<"Logging access to "<<url<<endl;





         ft = new FileTransfer();




         if (ft)


              delete ft;

              ft = NULL;



     void Download(string url, byte data[], int size)


         if (!IsAccessAllowed(url)) return;

          ft->Download(url, data, size);



     void Upload(string url, byte data[], int size)


         if (!IsAccessAllowed(url)) return;

          ft->Upload(url, data, size);




int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


     cout<<"Enter URL to access: ";

     string url;


     cout<<"Enable logging and access check? Type y or Y to continue: ";

     char ch;


     bool decoration = (ch == @#y@# || ch == @#Y@#);

     FileTransfer* ft = NULL;

     if (!decoration)

         ft = new FileTransfer();


         ft = new Decorator();         

     byte* buf = new byte[1024];

     ft->Download(url, buf, 1024);

     delete []buf;

     if (ft != NULL)


         delete ft;

         ft = NULL;


     return 0;



Enter URL to access:

Enable logging and access check? Y

Logging access to






interface Shape


    void Draw();




class Line : Shape


    private double x1, y1, x2, y2;

    public Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)


        this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1;

        this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2;


    public void Draw()


        // 从(x1, y1) 到(x2, y2)画一条线





class Drawing : Shape


    private ArrayList shapes;

    public Drawing()


        shapes = new ArrayList();


    public void Add(Shape s)




    public void Draw()


        IEnumerator enumerator = shapes.GetEnumerator();

        while (enumerator.MoveNext())

            ((Shape) enumerator.Current).Draw();





     注意,Drawing类的Draw方法使用了System.Collections名字空间中的类。如欲了解类库更多知识,请参阅.NET Framework SDK的有关文档。



using System;

using System.Collections;

interface Shape


     void Draw();


class Line : Shape


     private double x1, y1, x2, y2;

     public Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)


          this.x1 = x1;

          this.y1 = y1;

          this.x2 = x2;

          this.y2 = y2;


     public void Draw()


         //从(x1, y1) 到(x2, y2)画一条线

          Console.WriteLine("Drawing a line");



class Circle : Shape


     private double x, y, r;

     public Circle(double x, double y, double radius)


         this.x = x;

         this.y = y;

         this.r = r;


     public void Draw()


        //以(x, y)为圆心,r为半径画一个圆

          Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle");



class Drawing : Shape


     private ArrayList shapes;

     public Drawing()


         shapes = new ArrayList();


     public void Add(Shape s)




     public void Draw()


          IEnumerator enumerator = shapes.GetEnumerator();

         while (enumerator.MoveNext())

              ((Shape) enumerator.Current).Draw();



class Application


     public static void Main()


         Shape[] array = new Shape[3];

          array[0] = new Line(0, 0, 10, 12);

          array[1] = new Circle(2, 3, 5.5);         

          Drawing dwg = new Drawing();

          dwg.Add(new Line(3, 4, 3, 5));

          dwg.Add(new Circle(5, 6, 7.7));

          array[2] = dwg;

         // 画出所有的图形,注意:用一致的方式来访问所有对象

         for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)





Drawing a line

Drawing a circle

Drawing a line

Drawing a circle

