using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.Xml. XP ath; namespace System.Data.XmlClient { public class XmlDataAdapter : DataAdapter { // Constructors public XmlDataAda
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.
namespace System.Data.XmlClient
public class XmlDataAdapter : DataAdapter
// Constructors
public XmlDataAdapter()
public XmlDataAdapter(XmlCommand selectCommand)
_selectCommand = selectCommand;
public XmlDataAdapter(string selectCommandText)
_selectCommand = new XmlCommand(selectCommandText, new XmlConnection());
public XmlDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, XmlConnection selectConnection)
_selectCommand = new XmlCommand(selectCommandText, selectConnection);
// Properties
public XmlCommand SelectCommand
get { return _selectCommand; }
set { _selectCommand = value; }
// DataAdapter
public override int Fill (DataSet dataSet)
// Empty the DataSet
// Fill the DataSet
// Count the Rows
int returnVal = 0;
foreach (DataTable tbl in dataSet.Tables)
returnVal += tbl.Rows.Count;
return returnVal;
public override DataTable[] FillSchema( DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType )
// Empty the DataSet
// Fill the DataSet@#s Schema
// Make copy of all the Tables (schema only)
IEnumerator tableEnum = dataSet.Tables.GetEnumerator();
DataTable[] aTables = new DataTable[dataSet.Tables.Count];
for (int x = 0; x < dataSet.Tables.Count; ++x)
aTables[x] = dataSet.Tables[x];
return aTables;
public override IDataParameter[] GetFillParameters()
throw new InvalidOperationException("XmlClient Provider does not support this function");
public override int Update( DataSet dataSet )
throw new InvalidOperationException("XmlClient Provider does not support updating, reading only.");
public new DataTableMappingCollection TableMappings
get { throw new InvalidOperationException("XmlClient Provider does not support this property"); }
// Internal Methods
internal XmlReader GetXmlReader()
// Open the XML Document with an URL (from the XmlCommand)
XmlDocument doc = _selectCommand._connection._doc;
XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode(_selectCommand._commandText);
if (node == null) return null;
XmlNodeReader rdr = new XmlNodeReader(node);
return (XmlReader) rdr;
internal void ClearDataSet(DataSet dataSet)
// Internal Data Members
internal XmlCommand _selectCommand = null;