XMLHelp 下

发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
//接上回 /// summary /// Create an Element under the given parent based on the name and value pair. /// /summary public XmlElement CreateNodeElement(XmlNode parentNode, string sElementName, string sElementValue) { XmlElement newElem = null;
/// <summary>
  /// Create an Element under the given parent based on the name and value pair.
  /// </summary>
  public XmlElement CreateNodeElement(XmlNode parentNode, string sElementName, string sElementValue)
   XmlElement newElem = null;
    newElem = m_xmlDocument.CreateElement(sElementName);
    newElem.InnerXml = Encode(sElementValue);
    XmlDocument ownerDoc = parentNode.OwnerDocument;
    if (ownerDoc != null)
     XmlElement root = m_xmlDocument.DocumentElement;
   catch (Exception e)
    HandleException ( e );
   return newElem;
  /// <summary>
  /// Creates and adds a comment before the given node.  If root node, or null,
  /// the comment node is Appended to the tree.
  /// </summary>
  public XmlNode CreateComment(XmlNode insertAfterThisNode, string sVal)
   if ( insertAfterThisNode == null )
    return null;
   XmlNode createdNode = null;
    XmlComment commentNode = m_xmlDocument.CreateComment(Encode(sVal));
    createdNode = insertAfterThisNode.AppendChild(commentNode);
   catch ( Exception e )
    HandleException ( e );
   return createdNode;     

  public XmlNode CreateXmlDeclaration(string version, string encoding, string standalone)
   XmlNode createdNode = null;
    XmlDeclaration dec = m_xmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration(version, encoding, standalone);
    createdNode = m_xmlDocument.PrependChild ( dec );
   catch ( Exception e )
    HandleException ( e );
   return createdNode;

  /// <summary>
  /// Delete an XmlNode from the tree
  /// </summary>
  public bool DeleteNodeElement(XmlNode targetNode)
   bool bResult = false;
    XmlNode xmlNode = RootNode.RemoveChild(targetNode);
    if (xmlNode != null)
     bResult = true;
   catch (Exception e)
    HandleException ( e );
   return bResult;
  /// <summary>
  /// Modify an XmlNode elment with a new value.
  /// </summary>
  public bool ModifyNodeElementValue(XmlNode targetNode, string sNewElementValue)
   bool bResult = false;
    targetNode.InnerXml = Encode(sNewElementValue);
    bResult = true;
   catch (Exception e)
    HandleException ( e );
   return bResult;
  /// <summary>
  /// Create a new attribute given an XmlElement (XmlNode) target
  /// </summary>
  public XmlAttribute CreateNodeAttribute(XmlElement targetElement, string sAttributeName, string sAttributeValue)
   XmlAttribute newAttr = null;
    newAttr = m_xmlDocument.CreateAttribute(sAttributeName);
    targetElement.SetAttribute(sAttributeName, "", Encode(sAttributeValue));
   catch (Exception e)
    HandleException ( e );
   return newAttr;

  /// <summary>
  /// Delete an attribute from the given target node.
  /// </summary>
  public bool DeleteNodeAttribute(XmlNode targetNode, string sAttributeName)
   bool bResult = false;
    XmlAttributeCollection attrColl = targetNode.Attributes;
    XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = attrColl.Remove((XmlAttribute)attrColl[sAttributeName,""]);
    if (xmlAttribute != null)
     bResult = true;
   catch (Exception e)
    HandleException ( e );
   return bResult;
  /// <summary>
  /// GenerateSchema a schema file from a given target file
  /// </summary>
  public bool GenerateSchema(string sTargetFile)
   bool bResult = false;   
    DataSet data = new System.Data.DataSet();  
    data.ReadXml ( new XmlNodeReader(RootNode), XmlReadMode.Auto);
    bResult = true;
   catch (Exception e)
    HandleException ( e );
   return bResult;
  /// <summary>
  /// GenerateSchemaAsString based on the currently loaded Xml
  /// </summary>
  public string GenerateSchemaAsString()
   string sSchemaXmlString = "";
    DataSet data = new System.Data.DataSet();  
    data.ReadXml ( new XmlNodeReader(RootNode), XmlReadMode.Auto);
    string sTempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
    // read the data into a string
    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader ( sTempFile );
    sSchemaXmlString = sr.ReadToEnd();
    if (File.Exists(sTempFile) == true )
   catch (Exception e)
    HandleException ( e );
    sSchemaXmlString = "<root><error>" + LastErrorMessage + "</error></root>";
   return sSchemaXmlString;
  /// <summary>
  /// Modify an attribute value to a new value
  /// </summary>
  public bool ModifyNodeAttributeValue(XmlNode targetNode, string sAttributeName, string sNewAttributeValue)
   bool bResult = false;
    XmlAttributeCollection attrColl = targetNode.Attributes;
    XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = (XmlAttribute)attrColl[sAttributeName,""];
    xmlAttribute.Value = Encode(sNewAttributeValue);
    bResult = true;
   catch (Exception e)
    HandleException ( e );
   return bResult;
  /// <summary>
  /// Internal method used to ensure that HTML and XML tags are encoded within their values
  /// </summary>
  private string Encode(string input)
   string output = input;
   output = Regex.Replace(output, "&", "&");
   output = Regex.Replace(output, "<", "<");
   output = Regex.Replace(output, ">", ">");
   output = Regex.Replace(output, """, """);

   return output;
  /// <summary>
  /// Internal method used to ensure that HTML and XML tags are decoded for display in other systems
  /// </summary>
  private string Decode(string input)
   string output = input;
   output = Regex.Replace(output, "&","&" );
   output = Regex.Replace(output, "<", "<" );
   output = Regex.Replace(output, ">", ">" );
   output = Regex.Replace(output, """, """ );
   return output;
  /// <summary>
  /// Internal method used to process errors and exception handling
  /// </summary>
  private void HandleException (Exception e )
   m_sLastErrorMessage = e.Message;
   Console.WriteLine(m_sLastErrorMessage + " Stack Trace:  " + e.StackTrace + " Source: " + e.Source);
} // end of XmlHelper class
} // end of XmlHelper namespace
