本教程展示如何使用 XML 将代码存档。教程
C# 提供一种机制,供开发人员使用 XML 将其代码存档。在源代码文件中,以下代码行可以作为注释处理并放在文件中:以 /// 开始的行;在用户定义的类型(如类、委托或接口)、某成员(如字段、事件、属性或方法)或某命名空间声明之前的行。
csc XMLsample.cs /doc:XMLsample.xml
这将创建 XML 文件 XMLsample.xml,您可以在浏览器中或使用 TYPE 命令查看该文件。
// XMLsample.cs // compile with: /doc:XMLsample.xml using System; /// <summary> /// Class level summary documentation goes here.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Longer comments can be associated with a type or member /// through the remarks tag</remarks> public class SomeClass { /// <summary> /// Store for the name property</summary> private string myName = null; /// <summary> /// The class constructor. </summary> public SomeClass() { // TODO: Add Constructor Logic here } /// <summary> /// Name property </summary> /// <value> /// A value tag is used to describe the property value</value> public string Name { get { if ( myName == null ) { throw new Exception("Name is null"); } return myName; } } /// <summary> /// Description for SomeMethod.</summary> /// <param name="s"> Parameter description for s goes here</param> /// <seealso cref="String"> /// You can use the cref attribute on any tag to reference a type or member /// and the compiler will check that the reference exists. </seealso> public void SomeMethod(string s) { } /// <summary> /// Some other method. </summary> /// <returns> /// Return results are described through the returns tag.</returns> /// <seealso cref="SomeMethod(string)"> /// Notice the use of the cref attribute to reference a specific method </seealso> public int SomeOtherMethod() { return 0; } /// <summary> /// The entry point for the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="args"> A list of command line arguments</param> public static int Main(String[] args) { // TODO: Add code to start application here return 0; } }
XML 文档以 /// 开头。创建新项目时,向导将为您放入一些起始 /// 行。对这些注释的处理有一些限制:
以下是从上面的类生成的 XML 文件:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <doc> <assembly> <name>xmlsample</name> </assembly> <members> <member name="T:SomeClass"> <summary> Class level summary documentation goes here.</summary> <remarks> Longer comments can be associated with a type or member through the remarks tag</remarks> </member> <member name="F:SomeClass.myName"> <summary> Store for the name property</summary> </member> <member name="M:SomeClass.#ctor"> <summary>The class constructor.</summary> </member> <member name="M:SomeClass.SomeMethod(System.String)"> <summary> Description for SomeMethod.</summary> <param name="s"> Parameter description for s goes here</param> <seealso cref="T:System.String"> You can use the cref attribute on any tag to reference a type or member and the compiler will check that the reference exists. </seealso> </member> <member name="M:SomeClass.SomeOtherMethod"> <summary> Some other method. </summary> <returns> Return results are described through the returns tag.</returns> <seealso cref="M:SomeClass.SomeMethod(System.String)"> Notice the use of the cref attribute to reference a specific method </seealso> </member> <member name="M:SomeClass.Main(System.String[])"> <summary> The entry point for the application. </summary> <param name="args"> A list of command line arguments</param> </member> <member name="P:SomeClass.Name"> <summary> Name property </summary> <value> A value tag is used to describe the property value</value> </member> </members> </doc>
注意 XML 文件并不提供有关类型和成员的完整信息(例如,它不包含任何类型信息)。若要获得有关类型或成员的完整信息,文档文件必须与实际类型或成员上的反射一起使用。