
发表于:2011-11-02来源:未知作者:领测软件测试网采编点击数: 标签:缺陷管理
- Organize a design team;Modular architecture - low interdependency;Whats the target market? Usability studies customer feedback;Put together a prototype demo;How many people will you need? How many m

  - Organize a design team;Modular architecture -> low interdependency;What's the target market?

  Usability studies & customer feedback;Put together a prototype & demo;How many people will you need? How many months will it take to develop? Get VP approval

  2 Write Product Plans and Specifications ->Build a Consensus

  - Vision Document: What the VP approved;

  - Functional Specification: What features will the product have? What will they look like? What features will the product NOT have? What are the project milestones?

  Review documents with all teams

  Example vision statement: Internet Explorer

  Increase IE's market share to 65% in 1998 by delivering the premimer internet client for corporations and end users, a fast and robust experience, the lowest ownership cost, and the best complement to Microsoft Office.

  3 Drive day-to-day Development Process

  - Use Persuasion, not authority

  Persuasion styles: Logos - use logical reasoning;Pathos - appeal to the person's emotions;Ethos - appeal to the person's character and core values

  Keep the Dev's coding, the builds building and the bugs flowing ; Spot trouble before it happens

  - Typical Trouble Spots

  Unforeseen vacation, familiy leav;Job changes - people promote or leav/join team in mid-product cycle;Higher priority projects

  - From Development

  Workload imbanlance - one Dev gets way behind;Too feature-focused -> huge backlog of bugs;Time estimates were too optimistic;Product performance(speed)left to the end; requires major architectural change to fix

  - From Test

  Build aren't ready(aren't testable); Tool changes; Virues attack Test labs

  - From Build

  Build Breaks from destabilizing checkins; Code Forks & Merges; Build tools are complex, customized and break easily.

  4 Triage Meeting

  - Origin: Battlefield Hospitals; Players: Dev, Test, and PM( Later on Loc, Maketing, Books,VP and PSS)

  - Decision: What do we fix and when? (Persuation: logis, pathos, ethos)

  - Status of last meeting''s Action Items; -Assign Action items

  5 Coordination with Other Groups

  - Other Product Groups; Localization (foreign language translation); Books(product documentation); Marketing; legal; Beta Sites; Web Site & manufacturing

  You can't do it all; delegate and monitor

  6 Communicate status & Schedule - No surprises

  - Weekly Status Report

  Give a 1-3 sentence summary: Focus the team on core metric; use peer pressure; update the schedule

  - Monthly Presentation to VP

  - annual Product review with Bill Gated

  7 Hold a Post-Mortem

  - What worked well? What didn't work well?

  - What can we do to improve next time?

  - Sort the improvement ideas by priority and send results to entire team

  Performance review goal for PM:

  - Implement 3 of the top 5 improvement ideas in the next project

  Program vs Project Management

  They're very similar, and the primary diference + Program Management has no authority

  - People with innovative & creative ideas are less intimidated about suggesting them.

  Typical college of major of Nicrosoft PM's

  Computer Science, Business, Engineering(Electrical, Mechanical, etc): Psychology, Music, History, Architecture, almost anything

  It's not what subject you learn, it's how you learn and what you do with it.

  Developing PM Characteristics

  -passion: Have a vision and then move mountain to make it happen

  -Persuation: Logic, Emotion, and trust;How do your friend/ family persuade others? What techniques work or dont't? Why?

  -Communication:List 30 ways to send & receive massage;Make a mental map of how people in your group interact?

  -User Empathy:Use your own product; Start in Product Support or Sales; How do people use the thing you make? What do they like or not about it? Why? Certification programs.

  -Fast Learner: Find the key concepts and find out the rest; Use failures as learning opportunities.

  -Good Judgment: Which path agrees most with my core values? Is this fight worth fighting?

  Developing PM Skills

  -Coding Skills: Need to speak same language as Developers; Need to know what's possible and not.

  -Architectural Design: Make it modular, reduce interdependency; Make it extensible , so you don't have to start from scratch with version 2.0.

  -User Interface (UI) Design: Usability studies; Know how people think, remember & recall
