Move Websphere server

发表于:2007-05-26来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Environment: AIX 5.2, ML04, DB2 v7, websphere 4 Task: Change ip address, hostname, webspherehostname configuration Websphere change node name Environment: AIX 5.2, ML04, DB2 v7, websphere 4 Task: Change ip address, hostname, webspherehostn


AIX 5.2, ML04, DB2 v7, websphere 4


Change ip address, hostname, websphere hostname configuration

Websphere change node name


AIX 5.2, ML04, DB2 v7, websphere 4


Change ip address, hostname, websphere hostname configuration

1.ant="" font-weight="" font-size="" 7pt="" line-height="" font-size-adjust="" none="" font-stretch="" normal=""> Export websphere node config from admin client
--->Export to XML ---> input filename

2. Replace the old hostname with the new hostname in the XML file

3. Drop WAS db with db2 user
db2 drop db was

4. Create WAS db
db2 create db was

5. Change hostname and ip address
smitty tcpip
vi /etc/hosts

6. Modify /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/admin.config
#force websphere initial on the startup
#Create Adminserver database tables

7. Startup Webphere server
./usr/WebSphereAppServer/bin/ &

8. Startup admin client

9. Import websphere node config
        Console --->Import config file --->input filename
