ASP做查询分析器(Query Analyzer)(III)

发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
sql ultimate.asp--Part C html head titleBuildSQL/title !--#include file=DataTypeLib.asp -- script language= Java Script1.2 type=text/ java script !-- function addField(field){ strField = document.sqlForm.strSQL.value; strField = strField +
sqlultimate.asp--Part C

<!--#include file="DataTypeLib.asp" -->    

<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">

    function addField(field)     {
       strField = document.sqlForm.strSQL.value;
       strField = strField + " [" + field + "]";
       if(confirm("Add " + field + "?"))
             document.sqlForm.strSQL.value = strField;      



<body bgcolor="#f4e1d2">

If request("createTable") <> "Create Table" Then
   response.write("<form name=""sqlForm"" action=""sqlultimate.asp"" method=""POST"">" & vbCrLf)
End If

If request("createTable") = "Create Table" Then
   call createTable()
ElseIf strServer = ""  Or request("showConnectdb") = "Connect" Then    
<h2 align=center>Log into Database Server</h2>
   <p align=center>
            Server:        <input name="sqlserver" type="text" value="<%= strServer %>"><br>
            User Name: <input name="log_in" type="text" value="<%= strUserID %>"><br>
            Password:   <input name="user_password" type="password" value="<%= strPassword %>"><br><br>
              <input type=submit>
ElseIf request("savequery") = "Save Query" and strSQL <> "" Then
   call saveQuery(strSQL,request("booltableinfo"))
<h3 align=center>Server: <font color=Purple><%= strServer %></font>,
Database is: <font color=Purple><%= strDB %></font>,
User is: <font color=Purple><%= strUserID %></font></h3>
      <table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
         <td valign=top bgcolor=#f0f3b1 width="60%"><b>SQL Query</b></td>

         <td valign=top bgcolor=#cbf3bb width="40%"><b>Work Space</b>
<tr><td  bgcolor=black colspan=2>        
If strDB <> "" Then
    call getIdentity(strServer,strDB,strUserID, strPassword)
    call tableDropDown(strDB,strUserID, strPassword)

   <select name=sqlType>
   <option value="Select" <%= strQOption1 %>> Select</option>
   <option value="Insert" <%= strQOption2 %>> Insert</option>
   <option value="Update" <%= strQOption3 %>> Update</option>
   <input type=submit name="createSQLStatement" value="Create"> 
   <input type=submit name="createTable" value="Create Table">
   If request("createSQLStatement") = "Create" Then
         call makeSQLStatement(strTableName,strCreate)
   End If
  If request("createTable")= "Make Create Table Statement" Then
       strSQL = returnSQLCreateTableString()
  End If
End If
            <input name="booltableinfo" type="hidden" value="<%= boolTableInfo %>">        
            <input name="sqlserver" type="hidden" value="<%= strServer %>">
            <input name="log_in" type="hidden" value="<%= strUserID %>">
            <input name="user_password" type="hidden" value="<%= strPassword %>">
            <td width="60%"><textarea name="strSQL" rows="12" cols="55" wrap="soft"><%=strSQL%></textarea></td>
            <td width="40%"><textarea name="strClip" rows="12" cols="35" wrap="soft"><%=strClip%></textarea></td>


    <input type="submit" name="submitquery" value="Submit Query"> 
    <input type="submit" name="savequery" value="Save Query"> 
  If request("saveMyQuery") = "Save" Or request.cookies("isgood") <> "" Then
     Call makeQueryOptionBox(strSQL,strquery)
  End If
    <input type="submit" name="selectdb" value="Select DB"> 

call showdatabases(strConnect)
  If strUserID <> "" Then  %>
  <input type="submit" name="tableinfo" value="Table Info"> 
  <input type="submit" name="showConnectdb" value="Connect"><br>
End If
  If boolTableInfo <> "True" Then
     Response.write("</form>" & vbCrLf)
  ElseIf boolTableInfo = "True" Then
       call displayTableInfo(strDB,strUserID, strPassword)
     Response.write("</form>" & vbCrLf)
     call FK(strDB,strUserID, strPassword)
  End If
  If strSQL <> "" And strLoad <> "Load" And request("saveMyQuery") <> "Save" And request("createSQLStatement") = "" And request("tableinfo") = "" And request("createTable") <> "Make Create Table Statement"  Then    
     strSQL = replace(strSQL,vbCrLf,"")
     strQueryType = trim(UCase(mid(strSQL,1,5)))

  Select Case strQueryType
    Case "DROP"
    Case "GRANT"
    Case "INSER"
    Case "UPDAT"
    Case "DELET"
    Case "CREAT"
    Case "ALTER"
    Case "SELEC"
         displaySQL strSQL, boolTableInfo
    Case Else
         Response.Write(strSQL & "<br>")
           Response.Write("Operation requested not available. Modify the Case statement to allow new query options")
    End Select
  End If
End If   
