this.GetTextDate = function(theString){ //convert a string to a date, if the string is not a date, return a empty string var i = 0, j = 0, tmpChar = , find_tag = ; var start_at = 0, end_at = 0, year_at = 0, month_at = 0, day_at = 0; var tmp
this.GetTextDate = function(theString){ //convert a string to a date, if the string is not a date, return a empty string
var i = 0, j = 0, tmpChar = "", find_tag = "";
var start_at = 0, end_at = 0, year_at = 0, month_at = 0, day_at = 0;
var tmp_at = 0, one_at = 0, two_at = 0, one_days = 0, two_days = 0;
var aryDate = new Array();
var tmpYear = -1, tmpMonth = -1, tmpDay = -1;
var tmpDate = theString.toLowerCase();
var defDate = "";
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/(\D)0(\d)/g, "$1-$2");
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++){
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(this.MonthName[i].toLowerCase().substr(0,3), "-00" + (i+1).toString() + "-");
for (i = 9; i < 12; i++){
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(this.MonthName[i].toLowerCase().substr(0,3), "-0" + (i+1).toString() + "-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/jan/g, "-001-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/feb/g, "-002-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/mar/g, "-003-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/apr/g, "-004-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/may/g, "-005-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/jun/g, "-006-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/jul/g, "-007-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/aug/g, "-008-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/sep/g, "-009-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/oct/g, "-010-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/nov/g, "-011-");
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/dec/g, "-012-");
for (i = 0; i < tmpDate.length; i++){
tmpChar = tmpDate.charAt(i);
if (((tmpChar < "0") || (tmpChar>"9")) && (tmpChar != "-")){
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(tmpChar, "-")
while (tmpDate.indexOf("--") != -1){
tmpDate = tmpDate.replace(/--/g, "-");
start_at = 0;
end_at = tmpDate.length-1;
while (tmpDate.charAt(start_at) == "-"){
while (tmpDate.charAt(end_at) == "-"){
if (start_at < end_at+1){
tmpDate = tmpDate.substring(start_at, end_at + 1);
tmpDate = "";
aryDate = tmpDate.split("-");
if (aryDate.length != 3){
tmp_at = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
if (parseInt(aryDate[i], 10)==0){
year_at = i;
if (tmp_at > 1){
if (tmp_at == 1){
aryDate[year_at] = this.GetFormatYear(aryDate[year_at]).toString();
tmpDate = this.DateFormat;
year_at = tmpDate.indexOf("<yyyy>");
if (year_at == -1){
year_at = tmpDate.indexOf("<yy>");
month_at = tmpDate.indexOf("<MMMMMM>");
if (month_at == -1){
month_at = tmpDate.indexOf("<MMM>");
if (month_at == -1){
month_at = tmpDate.indexOf("<mm>");
if (month_at == -1){
month_at = tmpDate.indexOf("<m>");
day_at = tmpDate.indexOf("<dd>");
if (day_at == -1){
day_at = tmpDate.indexOf("<d>");
find_tag = "000";
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
if (aryDate[i].length == 3){
if ((aryDate[i] >= "001") && (aryDate[i] <= "012")){
if (find_tag != "000"){
tmpMonth = parseInt(aryDate[i], 10) - 1;
switch (i){
case 0:
find_tag = "100";
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[1], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[2], 10);
case 1:
find_tag = "010";
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[0], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[2], 10);
case 2:
find_tag = "001";
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[0], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[1], 10);
if (find_tag!="000"){
one_days = this.GetMonthDays(two_at, tmpMonth);
two_days = this.GetMonthDays(one_at, tmpMonth);
if ((one_at > one_days) && (two_at > two_days)){
if ((one_at <= one_days) && (two_at > two_days)){
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(two_at);
tmpDay = one_at;
if ((one_at > one_days) && (two_at <= two_days)){
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(one_at);
tmpDay = two_at;
if ((one_at <= one_days) && (two_at <= two_days)){
switch (find_tag){
case "100": //default month,day,year
tmpDay = one_at;
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(two_at);
if ((month_at > year_at) && (month_at > day_at)){
if (day_at > year_at){
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(one_at);
tmpDay = two_at;
case "010": //default day,month,year
tmpDay = one_at;
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(two_at);
if (((month_at > year_at) && (month_at < day_at)) || ((month_at < year_at) && (month_at > day_at))){
if (day_at > year_at){
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(one_at);
tmpDay = two_at;
case "001": //default year,day,month
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(one_at);
tmpDay = two_at;
if ((month_at < year_at) && (month_at < day_at)){
if (year_at > day_at){
tmpDay = one_at;
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(two_at);
default: //default day,year
tmpDay = one_at;
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(two_at);
return(new Date(tmpYear, tmpMonth, tmpDay));
find_tag = "000";
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
if (parseInt(aryDate[i], 10) > 31){
if (find_tag!="000"){
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(aryDate[i]);
switch (i){
case 0:
find_tag = "100";
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[1], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[2], 10);
case 1:
find_tag = "010";
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[0], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[2], 10);
case 2:
find_tag = "001";
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[0], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[1], 10);
if (find_tag == "000"){
if ((year_at > month_at) && (year_at > day_at)){
find_tag = "001";
if ((year_at > month_at) && (year_at < day_at)){
find_tag = "010";
if ((year_at < month_at) && (year_at > day_at)){
find_tag = "010";
if ((year_at < month_at) && (year_at < day_at)){
find_tag = "100";
switch (find_tag){
case "100":
tmpYear = parseInt(aryDate[0], 10);
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[1], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[2], 10);
case "010":
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[0], 10);
tmpYear = parseInt(aryDate[1], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[2], 10);
case "001":
one_at = parseInt(aryDate[0], 10);
two_at = parseInt(aryDate[1], 10);
tmpYear = parseInt(aryDate[2], 10);
tmpYear = this.GetFormatYear(tmpYear);
if (find_tag == "000"){
if ((one_at > 12) && (two_at > 12)){
if ((one_at <= 12) && (two_at > 12)){
if (two_at > this.GetMonthDays(tmpYear,one_at-1)){
return(new Date(tmpYear, one_at-1, this.GetMonthDays(tmpYear,one_at-1)));
return(new Date(tmpYear, one_at-1, two_at));
if ((one_at > 12) && (two_at <= 12)){
if (one_at > this.GetMonthDays(tmpYear,two_at-1)){
return(new Date(tmpYear, two_at-1, this.GetMonthDays(tmpYear,two_at-1)));
return(new Date(tmpYear, two_at-1, one_at));
if ((one_at <= 12) && (two_at <= 12)){
tmpMonth = one_at-1;
tmpDay = two_at;
if (month_at > day_at){
tmpMonth = two_at-1;
tmpDay = one_at;
return(new Date(tmpYear, tmpMonth, tmpDay));
this.CreateYearList = function(MinYear, MaxYear){ //create year list
var theName = this.Name;
var theYearObject = document.all.item(theName + "_YearList");
if (theYearObject == null){
var theYear = 0;
var theYearHTML = "<select id=\"" + theName + "_YearList\" style=\"" + this.YearListStyle + "\" tabIndex=\"-1\" onChange=\"document.jsMonthView.UpdateMonthGrid(this)\" onBlur=\"document.jsMonthView.DeleteMonthGrid()\">";
for (theYear = MinYear; theYear <= MaxYear; theYear++){
theYearHTML += "<option value=\"" + theYear.toString() + "\">" + theYear.toString() + "</option>";
theYearHTML += "</select>";
theYearObject.outerHTML = theYearHTML;
this.CreateMonthList = function( ){ //create month list
var theName = this.Name;
var theMonthObject = document.all.item(theName + "_MonthList");
if (theMonthObject == null){
var theMonth = 0;
var theMonthHTML = "<select id=\"" + theName + "_MonthList\" style=\"" + this.MonthListStyle + "\" tabIndex=\"-1\" onChange=\"document.jsMonthView.UpdateMonthGrid(this)\" onBlur=\"document.jsMonthView.DeleteMonthGrid()\">";
for (theMonth = 0; theMonth < 12; theMonth++){
theMonthHTML += "<option value=\"" + theMonth.toString() + "\">" + this.MonthName[theMonth] + "</option>";
theMonthHTML +="</select>";
theMonthObject.outerHTML = theMonthHTML;
this.setDayList = function(theYear, theMonth, theDay){ //set the month view show a date
var theName = this.Name;
var theDayObject = document.all.item(theName + "_DayList");
if (theDayObject == null){
theDayObject.value = theDay.toString();
var theFirstDay = new Date(theYear, theMonth, 1);
var theCurrentDate = new Date();
var theWeek = theFirstDay.getDay();
if (theWeek == 0){
theWeek = 7;
var theLeftDay = 0;
if (theMonth == 0){
theLeftDay = 31;
theLeftDay = this.GetMonthDays(theYear, theMonth - 1);
var theRightDay = this.GetMonthDays(theYear, theMonth);
var theCurrentDay = theLeftDay - theWeek + 1;
var offsetMonth = -1; //the month is previous month
var theColor = this.InvalidColor;
var theBgColor = this.UnselectBgColor;
var theBdColor = theBgColor;
var WeekId = 0
var DayId = 0;
var theStyle = "";
var theDayHTML = "<table width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
theDayHTML += " <tr style=\"" + this.TitleStyle + "\">";
for (DayId = 0; DayId < 7; DayId++){
theDayHTML += " <
td width=\"10%\" style=\"" + this.WeekListStyle + "\">" + this.WeekName[DayId] + "</td>";
theDayHTML += " </tr>";
theDayHTML += " <tr>";
theDayHTML += " <td colspan=\"7\" style=\"" + this.LineBgStyle + "\">";
theDayHTML += " <table style=\"" + this.LineStyle + "\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
theDayHTML += " <tr><td></td></tr>";
theDayHTML += " </table>";
theDayHTML += " </td>";
theDayHTML += " </tr>";
for (WeekId = 0; WeekId < 6; WeekId++){
theDayHTML += " <tr style=\"" + this.DayStyle + "\">";
for (DayId = 0; DayId < 7; DayId++){
if ((theCurrentDay > theLeftDay) && (WeekId < 3)){
offsetMonth++; //the month is current month;
theCurrentDay = 1;
if ((theCurrentDay > theRightDay) && (WeekId > 3)){
offsetMonth++; //the month is next month;
theCurrentDay = 1;
switch (offsetMonth){
case -1:
theColor = this.InvalidColor;
case 1:
theColor = this.InvalidColor;
case 0:
if ((DayId == 0) || (DayId == 6)){
theColor = this.WeekendColor;
theColor = this.ValidColor;
if ((DayId == 0) || (DayId == 6)){
theBgColor = this.WeekendBgColor;
theBgColor = this.UnselectBgColor;
theBdColor = this.DayBdColor;
if ((theCurrentDay == theDay) && (offsetMonth == 0)){
theColor = this.SelectedColor;
theBgColor = this.SelectedBgColor;
theBdColor = theBgColor;
if ((theYear == theCurrentDate.getFullYear()) && (theMonth == theCurrentDate.getMonth()) && (theCurrentDay == theCurrentDate.getDate()) && (offsetMonth == 0)){
theBdColor = this.TodayBdColor;
theStyle = "border:" + this.DayBdWidth + " solid " + theBdColor + "; color:" + theColor + "; background-color:" + theBgColor + ";";
theDayHTML += "<td style=\"" + theStyle + "\" onMouseOver=\"" + this.OverDayStyle + "\" onMouseOut=\"" + this.OutDayStyle + "\" onMouseDown=\"document.jsMonthView.CreateMonthGrid(" + theYear.toString() + ", " + (theMonth + offsetMonth).toString() + ", " + theCurrentDay.toString() + ")\">";
theDayHTML += theCurrentDay.toString();
theDayHTML += "</td>";
theDayHTML += "</tr>";
theDayHTML += " <tr style=\"" + this.FooterStyle + "\" onMouseDown=\"document.jsMonthView.CreateMonthGrid(" + theCurrentDate.getFullYear().toString() + ", " + theCurrentDate.getMonth().toString() + ", " + theCurrentDate.getDate().toString() + ");\">";
theStyle = "border:" + this.DayBdWidth + " solid " + this.TodayBdColor + "; " + this.TodayListStyle + ";";
theDayHTML += " <td style=\"" + theStyle + "\"><br></td>";
theDayHTML += " <td colspan=\"6\" style=\"" + this.TodayListStyle + "\"> " + this.TodayTitle + " " + this.SetDateFormat(theCurrentDate.getFullYear(), theCurrentDate.getMonth(), theCurrentDate.getDate()) + "</td>";
theDayHTML += " </tr>";
theDayHTML += "</table>";
var theMonthGrid = document.all.item(theName + "_MonthGrid");
theMonthGrid.innerHTML = theDayHTML;