最近许多网友在讨论计数器的问题,偶尔看到一篇文章,贴出来以解大家燃眉之急 一下代码贴在第一页即可 % ‘’ Declare our vaiables Dim objFSO, objCountFile ‘’ object vars for FSO and File Dim strCountFileName ‘’ filename of count text file Dim
‘’ Declare our vaiables
Dim objFSO, objCountFile ‘’ object vars for FSO and File
Dim strCountFileName ‘’ filename of count text file
Dim iCount ‘’ count variable
Dim bUseImages ‘’ boolean whether or not to use images
Dim I ‘’ standard looping var
‘’ Determine whether we use images or plain text
‘’ You could just set this to True or False instead
bUseImages = CBool(Request.QueryString("images"))
‘’ Compute our count file‘’s filename
‘’ This is based on the file from which you call count.asp
‘’ It basically takes that name and appends a .cnt so I don‘’t
‘’ a
clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccidently overwrite any files. If for some reason you have
‘’ a file named script_name.asp.cnt then change this or watch out!
strCountFileName = Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & ".cnt")
‘’ Create FileSystemObject to deal with file access
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
‘’ Open the file as a text stream (1 = ForReading, True = Create)
Set objCountFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strCountFileName, 1, True)
‘’ Read the current count from the file
If Not objCountFile.AtEndOfStream Then
‘’ Set value to contents of the file
iCount = CLng(objCountFile.ReadAll)
‘’ If no file exists or it‘’s empty start at 0
iCount = 0
End If
‘’ Close the file and destroy the object
Set objCountFile = Nothing
‘’ Increment the count
iCount = iCount + 1
‘’ Overwrite existing file and get a text stream to new one
Set objCountFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strCountFileName, True)
‘’ Write updated count
objCountFile.Write iCount
‘’ Close the file and destroy the object
Set objCountFile = Nothing
‘’ Destroy the FSO object
Set objFSO = Nothing
‘’ We‘’re all done with the hard part
‘’ All that‘’s left is to display the results
If bUseImages Then
‘’ Loop through the count integer showing each digit
‘’ You can grab the images one at a time or get the zip
‘’ http://www.asp101.com/samples/download/counter_imgs.zip
For I = 1 to Len(iCount)
‘’ Output the IMG tag using the right digit
Response.Write "<IMG SRC=""./images/digit_"
Response.Write Mid(iCount, I, 1)
Response.Write ".gif"" ALT="""
Response.Write Mid(iCount, I, 1)
Response.Write """ WIDTH=""20"" HEIGHT=""27"">"
Next ‘’I
‘’ No image w
anted just show the variable
Response.Write iCount
End If