
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
% @#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @# 程序作用:打印request.form输入的所有值 @#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response.Write FormData() function FormDa
@# 程序作用:打印request.form输入的所有值
Response.Write FormData()
function FormData()
Dim llngMaxFieldIndex
Dim llngFieldIndex
Dim llngMaxValueIndex
Dim llngValueIndex
Dim lstrDebug
@# Count Form
llngMaxFieldIndex = Request.Form.Count

@# Let user know if Form Do Not exist
if llngMaxFieldIndex = 0 Then
FormData = "Form data is empty."
Exit function
End if

@# Begin building a list of all Form
lstrDebug = "<OL>"

@# Loop through Each Form
For llngFieldIndex = 1 To llngMaxFieldIndex
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<LI>" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Form.Key(llngFieldIndex))

@# Count the values
llngMaxValueIndex = Request.Form(llngFieldIndex).Count

@# if the Field doesn@#t have multiple values ...
if llngMaxValueIndex = 1 Then
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & " = "
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Form.Item(llngFieldIndex))
@# Else Loop through Each value
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<OL>"
For llngValueIndex = 1 To llngMaxValueIndex
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<LI>"
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Form(llngFieldIndex)(llngValueIndex))
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</LI>"
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</OL>"
End if
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</LI>"
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</OL>"
@# Return the data
FormData = lstrDebug

End function


@# 函数功能:输出所有输入request.querystring值,用于调试!

Response.Write QueryStringData()
function QueryStringData()
Dim llngMaxFieldIndex
Dim llngFieldIndex
Dim llngMaxValueIndex
Dim llngValueIndex
Dim lstrDebug
@# Count QueryString
llngMaxFieldIndex = Request.QueryString.Count

@# Let user know if QueryString Do Not exist
if llngMaxFieldIndex = 0 Then
QueryStringData = "QueryString data is empty."
Exit function
End if

@# Begin building a list of all QueryString
lstrDebug = "<OL>"

@# Loop through Each QueryString
For llngFieldIndex = 1 To llngMaxFieldIndex
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<LI>" & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString.Key(llngFieldIndex))

@# Count the values
llngMaxValueIndex = Request.QueryString(llngFieldIndex).Count

@# if the Field doesn@#t have multiple values ...
if llngMaxValueIndex = 1 Then
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & " = "
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString.Item(llngFieldIndex))
@# Else Loop through Each value
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<OL>"
For llngValueIndex = 1 To llngMaxValueIndex
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "<LI>"
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString(llngFieldIndex)(llngValueIndex))
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</LI>"
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</OL>"
End if
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</LI>"
lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "</OL>"
@# Return the data
QueryStringData = lstrDebug

End function

