BASP Source Code:/B HR % Dim objFSO, objInFile ‘’object variables for file access Dim strIn, strTemp ‘’string variables for reading and color processing Dim I ‘’standard loop control variable Dim strASPFileName ‘’string containing f
<B>ASP Source Code:</B>
Dim objFSO, objInFile ‘’object variables for file access
Dim strIn, strTemp ‘’string variables for reading and color
Dim I ‘’standard loop control variable
Dim strASPFileName ‘’string containing filename of ASP file to view
Dim ProcessString ‘’flag determining whether or not to output each
‘’ We don‘’t start showing code till we find the start script comment
ProcessString = 0
‘’ Get file name from query string
strASPFileName = Request.QueryString("file")
‘’ Conditional limiting use of this file to current directory
If InStr(1, strASPFileName, "\", 1) Then strASPFileName = ""
If InStr(1, strASPFileName, "/", 1) Then strASPFileName = ""
‘’ Set the default so it shows itself if nothing or an invalid
‘’ path is passed in. Delete the following line to just display
‘’ a message.
If strASPFileName = "" Then strASPFileName = "source.asp"
If strASPFileName <> "" Then
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objInFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("D:\Webs\asp101
\www\samples\" & strASPFileName)
Response.Write "<PRE>" &
‘’ Loop Through Real File and Output Results to Browser
Do While Not objInFile.AtEndOfStream
strIn = Server.HTMLEncode(objInFile.ReadLine)
‘’ Check for start script comment
If InStr(1, strIn, "<!-- BEGIN SCRIPT -->",
1) Then
ProcessString = 1
strIn = Server.HTMLEncode
End If
‘’ Check for end script comment
If InStr(1, strIn, "<!-- END SCRIPT -->", 1)
Then ProcessString = 0
‘’ If we‘’re on a line to be processed then do so
If ProcessString = 1 Then
strTemp = ""
‘’ Loop through line
For I = 1 to Len(strIn)
‘’ First look for script openers
to start red
If InStr(I, strIn, "<%", 1) =
I Then
strTemp = strTemp
& "<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>" & Mid(strIn, I, 1)
‘’ If no script openers
look for closers to end red
If InStr(I, strIn, "%
>", 1) = I Then
strTemp =
strTemp & "%></FONT>"
I = I + 4
‘’ If neither
just copy to strTemp as is
strTemp =
strTemp & Mid(strIn, I, 1)
End If
End If
‘’ Output out processed line
Response.Write strTemp & vbCRLF
End If
Response.Write "</PRE>" & vbCRLF
‘’ Close file and free variables
Set objInFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
‘’ If they entered no filename or one with a / or \ ... deny
Response.Write "Sorry, but you do not have access to view
files outside the current directory."
End If