
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
/** *表格排序 *t:表格体.例:myTable.tBodies[0] *iRowEnd:第几行停止排序.例:myTable.tBodies[0].rows.length-1 *fReverse:升序,降序.例:true(升)false(降) *iColumn:第几列需要排序.例 4 */ function insertionSort(t, iRowEnd, fReverse, iColumn) { var i
*iColumn:第几列需要排序.例 4
function insertionSort(t, iRowEnd, fReverse, iColumn)
  var iRowInsertRow, iRowWalkRow, current, insert;

  for ( iRowInsert = 0 + 1 ; iRowInsert <= iRowEnd ; iRowInsert++ )
    if (iColumn)
      if( typeof(t.children[iRowInsert].children[iColumn]) != "undefined")
        textRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert].children[iColumn].innerText;
        textRowInsert = "";
      textRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert].innerText;
    for ( iRowWalk = 0; iRowWalk <= iRowInsert ; iRowWalk++ )
      if (iColumn)
        if(typeof(t.children[iRowWalk].children[iColumn]) != "undefined")
          textRowCurrent = t.children[iRowWalk].children[iColumn].innerText;
          textRowCurrent = "";
        textRowCurrent = t.children[iRowWalk].innerText;

    // We save our values so we can manipulate the numbers for
    // comparison
      current = textRowCurrent;
      insert  = textRowInsert;

    //  If the value is not a number, we sort normally, else we evaluate    
    //  the value to get a numeric representation

      if ( !isNaN(current) ||  !isNaN(insert))
        current= eval(current);
        insert= eval(insert);
        insert= insert.toLowerCase();

      if ( (   (!fReverse && insert < current)
               || ( fReverse && insert > current) )
           && (iRowInsert != iRowWalk) )
        eRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert];
        eRowWalk = t.children[iRowWalk];
        t.insertBefore(eRowInsert, eRowWalk);
        iRowWalk = iRowInsert; // done

