
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
index.asp ----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--#include file=templateclass.asp-- % ‘’ This is the code used to load and display the template. ‘’ See how clean it is!!! :) sub go() dim oTemplate set
<!--#include file="templateclass.asp"-->
‘’ This is the code used to load and display the template.
‘’ See how clean it is!!! :)
sub go()
dim oTemplate

set oTemplate = new template

with oTemplate
  .tag("date") = Date()
  .tag("self") = "<div style=‘’background:#dddddd‘’>" & .gettemplate("message.tpl",true) & "</div>"
  .tag("aspcode") = .gettemplate("index.asp",false)
  .tag("howtouse") = .gettemplate("howtouse.tpl",false)
end with

set oTemplate = nothing
end sub

‘’ This is the template object. It allows the creation, reading
‘’ and editing of templates on the server.
‘’ CREATED BY: Christopher Brown-Floyd
‘’ DATE: November 3, 1999
class template

  ‘’ This variable stores the template
  private mytemplate ‘’as string

  ‘’ This method gets a template from the server and returns
  ‘’ the whole file as a string.
  public function gettemplate(pathfilename,encodetohtml) ‘’as string
    dim oFSO ‘’as object
    dim oTemplate ‘’as object
    dim temptemplate ‘’as string

    ‘’ Open type for the template(read-only)
    const forreading = 1,boolcreatefile = false
    if IsNull(encodetohtml) or encodetohtml = "" or encodetohtml = false then
     encodetohtml = false
     encodetohtml = true
    end if

    on error resume next
    ‘’ Create filesystemobject
    set oFSO = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

        ‘’ Create template object
        set oTemplate = oFSO.opentextfile(server.mappath(pathfilename),forreading,boolcreatefile)
          if err <> 0 then
            exit function
          end if
          ‘’ Get the whole file as a string
          temptemplate = oTemplate.readall
          ‘’ Encode template to HTML?
          if encodetohtml then
           gettemplate = tohtml(temptemplate)
           gettemplate = temptemplate
          end if

          ‘’ Close the template

        ‘’ Free the server resources
        set oTemplate = nothing

    set oFSO = nothing
  end function

  ‘’ This procedure gets and stores a template
  public sub usetemplate(pathfilename)
    thistemplate = gettemplate(pathfilename,false)
  end sub

  ‘’ This property replaces tags with the user‘’s template
  public property let tag(tagname,userstring)
    dim ld, rd ‘’as string
    dim temptag ‘’as string
    dim tagstart, tagend ‘’as integer

    ld = "<!--"
    rd = "-->"
    tagstart = 1

    do while tagstart > 0 and tagstart < len(thistemplate)
      tagstart = instr(tagstart,thistemplate,ld)
      if tagstart > 0 then
        tagend = instr(tagstart,thistemplate,rd)
        if tagend > (tagstart + 3) then
          temptag = mid(thistemplate,tagstart + 4,tagend-(tagstart+4))
          if (trim(temptag) = tagname) or (temptag = tagname) then
            if IsNull(userstring) then
              thistemplate = replace(thistemplate,ld & temptag & rd,"")
              thistemplate = replace(thistemplate,ld & temptag & rd,userstring)
            end if
            exit do
            tagstart = tagstart + 4
          end if
        end if
      end if
  end property

  public sub removeTags()
    dim ld, rd ‘’as string
    dim temptag ‘’as string
    dim tagstart, tagend ‘’as integer

    ld = "<!--"
    rd = "-->"
    tagstart = 1

    do while tagstart > 0 and tagstart < len(thistemplate)
      tagstart = instr(tagstart,thistemplate,ld)
      if tagstart > 0 then
        tagend = instr(tagstart,thistemplate,rd)
        if tagend > (tagstart + 3) then
          temptag = mid(thistemplate,tagstart + 4,tagend-(tagstart+4))
          thistemplate = replace(thistemplate,ld & temptag & rd,"")
          tagstart = tagend
        end if
      end if
  end sub

  ‘’ This property allows the user to assign the current template
  public property let thistemplate(template_as_string)
    if vartype(template_as_string) = vbstring _
    or vartype(template_as_string) = vbnull then
      mytemplate = template_as_string
    end if
  end property

  ‘’ This property returns the current template
  public property get thistemplate() ‘’as string
    thistemplate = mytemplate
  end property

  ‘’ This subroutine displays the current template
  public sub display()
   response.write thistemplate
  end sub

  ‘’ This subroutine encodes the current template to HTML
  public sub htmlencode()
  end sub

  ‘’ This procedure saves the current template to the server
  public sub saveas(pathfilename)
    dim oFSO ‘’as object
    dim oTemplate,oBackup ‘’as object
    dim strTruePath ‘’as string

    ‘’ Open type for the template(read-only)
    const forreading = 1,forwriting = 2,boolcreatefile = true

    on error resume next

    ‘’ Create filesystemobject
    set oFSO = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

        ‘’ Create template object
        strTruePath = server.mappath(pathfilename)
        if oFSO.fileexists(strTruePath) then
                oFSO.copyfile strTruePath, strTruePath & ".bak", true
        end if
        set oTemplate = oFSO.opentextfile(strTruePath,forwriting,boolcreatefile)
          if err <> 0 then
            exit sub
          end if

          ‘’ Write the whole template to the server
          oTemplate.write thistemplate

          ‘’ Close the template

        ‘’ Free the server resources
        set oTemplate = nothing

    set oFSO = nothing
  end sub

  ‘’ This function encodes text to html
  private function tohtml(temptemplate)
   temptemplate = replace(temptemplate,"<","<")
   temptemplate = replace(temptemplate," "," ")
   temptemplate = replace(temptemplate,vbcrlf,"<br />")
   tohtml = temptemplate
  end function

  ‘’ This procedure clears the variable that the current template
  ‘’ is stored in when the object is created.
  private sub class_initialize()
    mytemplate = ""
  end sub

  ‘’ This procedure clears the variable that the current template
  ‘’ is stored in when the object is terminated.
  private sub class_terminate()
    set mytemplate = nothing
  end sub
end class


<h3>Object‘’s properties:</h3>
<div style="background:#dddddd"><p><b>thistemplate</b> = <i>String</i>
Loads a dynamically built template into the template object. Use this method
when there isn‘’t a file to read from.</p></div>

<h3>Object‘’s procedures:</h3>
<div style="background:#dddddd"><p><b>tag(<i>tag name as string</i>)</b> = <i>String</i>
Replaces all oclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccurrences of a tag within the current template with the specified string.</p>

<p><i>variable</i> = <b>gettemplate(<i>path as string</i>,<i>[encode to html] as boolean</i>)</b>
Returns the template from the specified path; however, it isn‘’t loaded into the object.</p></div>

<h3>Object‘’s methods:</h3>
<div style="background:#dddddd"><p><b>usetemplate(<i>path as string</i>)</b>
Loads the template from the specified path into the object.</p>

Encodes the current template loaded into HTML.</p>

Writes the current template to the user‘’s browser.</p>

Removes all tags that haven‘’t been replaced.</p>

<p><b>saveas(<i>path as html</i>)</b>
Saves the current template to the specified path. Use this method when you
want to save the changes made to the template.
NOTE: If a file of the same name exists at the specified path, ".bak" will be
added to the end of its name; thus "myfile.tpl" would become "myfile.tpl.bak".</p></div>

  This is an example of how to use my template class.
  Dynamic data for your template can come from anywhere.
  It can come from a built-in ASP function: <!--date-->
  It can come from a file:
  You can even use it as an online source editing tool for your ASP code:
  <form><textarea cols="80" rows="30"><!--aspcode--></textarea></form>
  NOTE: Templates can‘’t have any ASP code in them. It‘’ll only process HTML.
        This is good practice, because it produces cleaner code and HTML.

