
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
今天刚刚看到罗亭的许可. 请勿做商用. 说明: 1.罗亭的可输入下拉框是个加密版.(变量名,函数名都被替换成数字) 2.函数众多.比如添加删除OPTION等被简化掉了.各位可以参考罗亭的贴子. 总之,这个要小上一点.看起来也可能会清楚点. test.html HTML HEAD TITLEcomp

<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=shift_JIS">

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" src="ComboBox.js"></SCRIPT>
<BODY onload="init();"><!-- onresize="resetAllSize();"这句话不加好象也可以.-->
<form name="form1">

  <table border="1" width="395">
      <td width="140">input web address:</td>
      <td width="216">
        <select id="comboBox1" style="POSITION: absolute;
           onResize="if (combox1!=null) {combox1.doResize();}"
           onChange="if (combox1!=null) {combox1.doChange();}" name="select2">

          <option value=www.51js.com selected>www.51js.com</option>
          <option value=www.clearcase/" target="_blank" >ccbfu.com>www.ccbfu.com</option>
          <option value=www.sina.com.cn>www.sina.com.cn</option>
      <td width="140">input web address:</td>
      <td height="200" width="216">

        <select id="comboBox2" style="POSITION: absolute"
           onResize="if (combox2!=null) {combox2.doResize();}"
           onChange="if (combox2!=null) {combox2.doChange();}" name="select">
          <option value=www.51js.com selected>www.51js.com</option>
          <option value=www.ccbfu.com>www.ccbfu.com</option>
          <option value=www.sina.com.cn>www.sina.com.cn</option>

  <input type="submit" value="submit">
var combox1,combox2;
function init()
  combox1 = new combobox("comboBox1", "combox1");

  combox2 = new combobox("comboBox2", "combox2");


function getLeftPostion( theObj )
  var pos = 0;
  while ( theObj != null )
    pos += theObj.offsetLeft;
    //get the Object which contain theObj.
    theObj = theObj.offsetParent;
  return pos;
function getTopPostion( theObj )
  var pos = 0;
  while ( theObj != null )
    pos += theObj.offsetTop;
    //get the Object which contain theObj.
    theObj = theObj.offsetParent;
  return pos;
function checkVersion()
  var isBadVersion=true;
  var curVer=navigator.appVersion;
  var pos=parseInt(curVer.indexOf("MSIE"));
  if (pos>=1)
    var intVer=parseInt(curVer.charAt(pos+5));
    if (intVer>=5)
    { isBadVersion=false;}
  if (isBadVersion)
    var msg="This page may not be displayed properly:\n"+
            " This product requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later browser only.";

//check the browser version

// the array of comboBoies
theArray = new Array();

function combobox(objId, objHandler)
  this.comObj = document.all[objId];
  this.comObj.selectedIndex = -1;
  this.getValue = getValue;
  this.doResize = doResize;
  this.doChange = doChange;
  this.loseFocus = loseFocus;
  this.doSelectIdx = doSelectIdx;
  this.focus = focus;

  var strMsg="";

// create the text object
  var txtObjIdName = objId + "_text";

  if (document.all[txtObjIdName] != null)
    strMsg="The following id: @#" + txtObjIdName +"@# is used internally by the Combo Box!\r\n"+
           "Use of this id in your page may cause malfunction. Please use another id for your controls.";

  var txtInner = "<INPUT type=@#text@# id=" + txtObjIdName + " name=" + txtObjIdName +
                 " onblur=@#" + objHandler + ".loseFocus()@# " +
                 " style=@#display: none; position: absolute@# value=@#@# >";

  this.comObj.insertAdjacentHTML("afterEnd", txtInner);

  this.txtObj = document.all[txtObjIdName];
// end

  this.beResizing = false;
  theArray[theArray.length] = this;

function loseFocus()
  var theComObj = this.comObj;
  var theTxtObj = this.txtObj;
  var i;
  theComObj.selectedIndex = -1;

  if (theTxtObj.value == "")
  { return; }

  var optLen = theComObj.options.length;
  for (i=0; i<optLen; i++)
    var comVal = theComObj.options[i].text;
    var txtVal = theTxtObj.value;

    if (comVal == txtVal)
    { theComObj.selectedIndex = i;

function doResize()
  if (!this.beResizing)
    this.beResizing = true;
    this.txtObj.style.posLeft = getLeftPostion(this.comObj);
    this.txtObj.style.posTop = getTopPostion(this.comObj) + 1;
    this.txtObj.style.posWidth = this.comObj.offsetWidth - 16;
    this.txtObj.style.posHeight = this.comObj.offsetHeight;
    this.comObj.style.position ="absolute";
    this.comObj.style.posLeft = this.txtObj.style.posLeft;
    this.comObj.style.posTop = this.txtObj.style.posTop;
    this.offWidth = this.comObj.offsetWidth;
    var strRect = "rect(0 "+(this.comObj.offsetWidth)+" "+ this.comObj.offsetHeight +
               " "+(this.txtObj.style.posWidth - 2 )+")";

    this.comObj.style.clip = strRect;
    this.beResizing = false;

function doChange()
  var idx = this.comObj.selectedIndex;
  var opt = this.comObj.options[idx];
  this.txtObj.value = opt.text;

function getValue()
{ return this.txtObj.value; }

function doSelectIdx(i)
  var optLen = this.comObj.options.length;

  if ((i >=0) && (i < optLen))
  { this.comObj.selectedIndex = i;
    this.txtObj.value = this.comObj.options[i].text;

  this.txtObj.value = "";

function focus()
{ this.txtObj.focus(); }

/* resize all combobox when window be resized */
function resetAllSize()
  var i;
  for (i=0; i < theArray.length; i++)
