
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
% ‘’ 以前写全文检索程序的时候写的. ‘’ 原创 by 飞鸟@dev-club.com ‘’ Email: flybird@dev-club.com ‘’ ie5.5 脚本引擎 required dim patern dim found dim str dim result patern=(a)|(b) str= A dog fall in love with a cat. Can you believe? re
‘’ 以前写全文检索程序的时候写的.
‘’ 原创 by 飞鸟@dev-club.com
‘’ Email: flybird@dev-club.com
‘’ ie5.5 脚本引擎 required

    dim patern
    dim found
    dim str
    dim result
    str=" A dog fall in love with a cat. Can you believe?"
    call getMatchText(str,result,false)
    Response.Write result

    sub getMatchText(byref str,byref result,isNeedTrunc)
        ‘’on error resume next
        Dim regEx, Match, Matches
        dim tStr
        Set regEx = New RegExp         ‘’ 建立正则表达式。        
        regEx.Pattern = (patern)    ‘’ 设置模式。
        regEx.IgnoreCase = True         ‘’ 设置是否区分字符大小写。
        regEx.Global = True         ‘’ 设置全局可用性。
        Set Matches = regEx.Execute(str)   ‘’ 执行搜索。    
        if err.number<>0 then
            response.write "错误1:" & err.description
            exit sub
        end if
        if matches.count <>0 then
            dim startIndex            
            dim myMatchValue
            for each match in matches
                if (instr(str,match.value)>0) then
                    if instr(str,match.value)-50 >0 then
                    end if
                    exit for
                end if
            if isNeedTrunc then
                result= (mid(str,startIndex,strLength(myMatchValue)+100))
                result= (str)    
            end if
            for each match in matches
                if not(instr(result,"<font color=red>" & match.value & "</font>")>0) then
                    result=replace(result,match.value,"<font color=red>" & match.value & "</font>" )
                end if
        end if    
        set regEx=nothing
    end sub
