使用索引服务器 - 创建ASP页面

发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
创建ASP页面 在ASP页面上一切都变得非常酷。你用表单中的值来驱动对索引 服务器 进行查询的对象。 整个过程是这样的: ◆ 打开记录集。 ◆ 用标准ADO 方法,一步步地走过记录集。 % "Create a Query object, initialize it using "SetQueryFromURL, and dump
  ◆ 打开记录集。
  ◆ 用标准ADO 方法,一步步地走过记录集。
  "Create a Query object, initialize it using
  "SetQueryFromURL, and dump the object state
  "set the query object
  Set objQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
  "get the query properties set from the
  "incoming URL (from the form GET operation)
  "tell the object what columns to include
  "open the recordset, causing the query to be
  set rsQuery = objquery.createrecordset("nonsequential")
  "now, if rsquery.eof is not TRUE, then we have results
  "to show. If it IS TRUE, no results were found.
  "get the page out for the user...
  <h1>Search Results</h1>
  A maximum of 200 results will be returned, 20 hits per page will be shown. <br><br>
  if not rsquery.eof then
  Response.Write rsquery.recordcount & " hit(s) were found. "
  if rsquery.recordcount > 30 then
  Response.Write "You may want to refine your query."
  end if
  Response.Write "<br>"
  end if
  if not rsquery.eof then
  while not rsquery.eof and rowcount > 0
  if rsquery("doctitle") <> "" then
  Response.Write "<p><b><a href="" & rsquery("vpath") & "">" & rsquery("doctitle") & "</a></b><br>"
  response.write "<font size=-1>" & rsquery("characterization") & "...</font><Br>"
  Response.Write "<font size=- 2>" & rsquery("hitcount") & " hit(s)</font></p>"
  end if
  rowcount = rowcount - 1
  Response.Write "<br><Br>"
  end if
  Set objQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
