
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
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dim sc_name,sc_pass,sc_pass1,sc_ip,sc_flag,sc_sex,sc_comin,sc_goout,sc_userflag,sc_bq(100),sc_aclearcase/" target="_blank" >cction(100,2),sc_friend(100)
dim sc1_user1(30,8),sc1_point,sc1_message,sc1_usernum,sc1_user,sc1_userout,sc1_userout1(30,6)
    sc1_point = application("ap_point")
    sc1_message = application("ap_message")
    sc1_usernum = application("ap_usernum")
    sc1_user = application("ap_user")
    sc1_userout = application("ap_userout")
    for i = 1 to 30
        for j = 1 to 8
            sc1_user1(i,j) = ""
        for j = 1 to 6
            sc1_userout1(i,j) = ""
    sc1_ff = 0
    sc1_time = now
    for i = 1 to 30
        if trim(sc1_user(i,1)) <> "" then
            sc1_time1 = cdate(sc1_user(i,7))
            if datediff("s",sc1_time1,sc1_time) < 61 then
                j = j + 1
                for k = 1 to 8
                    sc1_user1(j,k) = sc1_user(i,k)
                sc1_usernum = sc1_usernum - 1
                if sc1_point > 50 then
                    sc1_point = 1
                end if
                sc1_message(sc1_point,1) = sc1_user(i,1)
                sc1_message(sc1_point,2) = "所有人"
                sc1_message(sc1_point,3) = sc1_user(i,3)
                sc1_message(sc1_point,4) = ""
                sc1_message(sc1_point,5) = "8"
                sc1_message(sc1_point,6) = "<font color=‘’#FF0000‘’>"
                sc1_ttt = now
                if hour(sc1_ttt) < 10 then
                    sc1_message(sc1_point,7) = "0" + cstr(hour(sc_ttt)) + ":"
                    sc1_message(sc1_point,7) = "" + cstr(hour(sc_ttt)) + ":"
                end if
                if minute(sc1_ttt) < 10 then
                    sc1_message(sc1_point,7) = sc1_message(sc1_point,7) + "0" + cstr(minute(sc_ttt)) + ":"
                    sc1_message(sc1_point,7) = sc1_message(sc1_point,7) + cstr(minute(sc_ttt)) + ":"
                end if
                if second(sc1_ttt) < 10 then
                    sc1_message(sc1_point,7) = sc1_message(sc1_point,7) + "0" + cstr(second(sc_ttt))
                    sc1_message(sc1_point,7) = sc1_message(sc1_point,7) + cstr(second(sc_ttt))
                end if
                sc_point = sc_point + 1
                if sc_point > 50 then
                    sc_point = 1
                end if
            end if
        end if
    j = 0
    for i = 1 to 30
        if trim(sc1_userout(i,1)) <> "" then
            sc1_time1 = cdate(sc1_userout(i,5))
            if datediff("s",sc1_time1,sc1_time) < 1 then
                j = j + 1
                for k = 1 to 6
                    sc1_userout1(j,k) = sc1_userout(i,k)
            end if
        end if
    ‘’用户状态 4正常,0异常,1被踢,2被禁止说话,3禁止浏览
    sc_ssss = 0
    for i = 1 to 30
        if trim(replace(trim(request.form("t1")),"<","<")) = trim(sc1_userout1(i,2)) then
            if sc1_userout1(i,3) = "1" then
                session("ss_nowflag") = 1
                sc_ssss = 1
                exit for
            end if
            if sc1_userout1(i,3) = "2" then
                session("ss_nowflag") = 2
                sc_ssss = 1
                exit for
            end if
            if sc1_userout1(i,3) = "3" then
                session("ss_nowflag") = 3
                sc_ssss = 1
                exit for
            end if
        end if
    if sc_ssss = 0 then
        session("ss_nowflag") = 4
    end if
    application("ap_point") = sc1_point
    application("ap_message") = sc1_message
    application("ap_usernum") = sc1_usernum
    application("ap_user") = sc1_user1
    application("ap_userout") = sc1_userout1
sc_ip = request.servervariables("remote_addr")
sc_name = replace(trim(request.form("t1")),"<","<")
sc_pass = trim(request.form("t3"))
set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.open "chat","chat","chat001"
sc_flag = 0
sc_sql1 = "select user_password,user_flag,user_sex from user_info_table where user_name=‘’" + sc_name + "‘’"
set rs = conn.execute(sc_sql1)
if rs.eof then
    sc_flag = 1
    if rs(1) = 3 then
        response.redirect "nochat.asp"
    end if
    sc_pass1 = trim(rs(0))
    sc_userflag = trim(cstr(rs(1)))
end if
if sc_flag = 0 then
    if sc_pass <> sc_pass1 then
        sc_flag = 2
    end if
end if
if sc_flag = 0 then
    dim sc_userall
    sc_userall = application("ap_user")
    for i = 1 to 30
        if sc_userall(i,1) = sc_name then
            sc_flag = 3
        end if
        if sc_userall(i,4) = sc_ip then
            sc_flag = 4
        end if
end if
if sc_flag = 0 then
    sc_nn = application("ap_usernum")
    if sc_nn >=30 then
        sc_flag = 5
    end if
end if
select case sc_flag
    case 0
    sc_sql2 = "select * from user_hello_table where user_name=‘’" + sc_name + "‘’"
    set rs = conn.execute(sc_sql2)
    sc_comin = rs(1)
    sc_goout = rs(2)
    dim sc_user,sc_message,sc_userout,sc_usernum,sc_point
    sc_user = application("ap_user")
    sc_message = application("ap_message")
    sc_userout = application("ap_userout")
    sc_point = application("ap_point")
    sc_usernum = application("ap_usernum")
    if sc_point > 50 then
        sc_point = 1
    end if
    sc_message(sc_point,1) = sc_name ‘’源
    sc_message(sc_point,2) = "所有人" ‘’目的
    sc_message(sc_point,3) = sc_comin ‘’进入语
    sc_message(sc_point,4) = "" ‘’表情
    sc_message(sc_point,5) = "7"
    sc_message(sc_point,6) = "<font color=‘’#000000‘’>"
    sc_ttt = now
    if hour(sc_ttt) < 10 then
        sc_message(sc_point,7) = "0" + cstr(hour(sc_ttt)) + ":"
        sc_message(sc_point,7) = "" + cstr(hour(sc_ttt)) + ":"
    end if
    if minute(sc_ttt) < 10 then
        sc_message(sc_point,7) = sc_message(sc_point,7) + "0" + cstr(minute(sc_ttt)) + ":"
        sc_message(sc_point,7) = sc_message(sc_point,7) + cstr(minute(sc_ttt)) + ":"
    end if
    if second(sc_ttt) < 10 then
        sc_message(sc_point,7) = sc_message(sc_point,7) + "0" + cstr(second(sc_ttt))
        sc_message(sc_point,7) = sc_message(sc_point,7) + cstr(second(sc_ttt))
    end if
    sc_point = sc_point + 1
    if sc_point > 50 then
        sc_point = 1
    end if
    application("ap_point") = sc_point
    application("ap_message") = sc_message
    sc_usernum = sc_usernum + 1
    sc_userall(sc_usernum,1) = sc_name ‘’用户名
    sc_userall(sc_usernum,2) = sc_comin ‘’进入语
    sc_userall(sc_usernum,3) = sc_goout ‘’退出语
    sc_userall(sc_usernum,4) = sc_ip
    sc_userall(sc_usernum,5) = sc_userflag
    sc_userall(sc_usernum,6) = request.form("r1")
    sc_userall(sc_usernum,7) = cstr(now)
    sc_userall(sc_usernum,8) = sc_sex
    application("ap_user") = sc_userall
    application("ap_usernum") = sc_usernum
    sc_sql3 = "select user_bq from user_bq_table where user_name=‘’所有人‘’ or user_name=‘’" + sc_name + "‘’"
    sc_sql4 = "select acction_name,user_acction from user_acction_table where user_name=‘’所有人‘’ or user_name=‘’" + sc_name + "‘’"
    sc_sql5 = "select user_friend from user_friend_table where user_name=‘’" + sc_name + "‘’"
    set rs=conn.execute(sc_sql3)
    for i = 1 to 100
        sc_bq(i) = ""
        sc_acction(i,1) = ""
        sc_acction(i,2) = ""
        sc_friend(i) = ""
    sc_i = 0
    do while not rs.eof
        sc_i = sc_i + 1
        sc_bq(sc_i) = rs(0)
    set rs=conn.execute(sc_sql4)
    sc_i = 0
    do while not rs.eof
        sc_i = sc_i + 1
        sc_acction(sc_i,1) = rs(0)
        sc_acction(sc_i,2) = rs(1)
    set rs=conn.execute(sc_sql5)
    sc_i = 0
    do while not rs.eof
        sc_i = sc_i + 1
        sc_friend(sc_i) = trim(rs(0))
    if sc_point -2  < 1 then
        session("ss_oldpoint") = sc_point +48
        session("ss_oldpoint") = sc_point - 2
    end if
    session("ss_usernum") = sc_usernum
    session("ss_nowflag") = 1
    session("ss_bq") = sc_bq
    session("ss_acction") = sc_acction
    session("ss_friend") = sc_friend
    session("ss_nowwhat") = "正常登录"
    session("ss_name") = sc_name
    session("ss_userflag") = sc_userflag
    session("ss_color") = "#000000"
    session("ss_qq") = "4"
    session("ss_who") = "所有人"
    session.timeout = 30
    response.redirect "chat.asp"
    case 1
    response.redirect "nochat.asp"
    case 2
    response.redirect "nochat.asp"
    case 3
    response.redirect "nochat.asp"
    case 4
    response.redirect "nochat.asp"
    case 5
    response.redirect "nochat.asp"
end select


response.write(ss(1))%> </p>

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dim sc_user(30,8) ‘’登录用户数组
‘’1.用户名 2.进入语 3.退出语 4.IP 5.权限 6.图片 7.刷新时间 8.性别
dim sc_message(50,7) ‘’聊天内容数组
‘’1.源 2.目的 3.动作/内容 4.表情 5.标志位 6字体颜色 7时间
dim sc_userout(30,6) ‘’被管理的特殊用户
‘’1.源 2.目的 3.动作类型 4.开始时间 5.结束时间 6.时长
dim i,j
for i = 1 to 30
    for j =1 to 6
        sc_user(i,j) = ""
        sc_userout(i,j) = ""
    sc_user(i,7) = ""
    sc_user(i,8) = ""
for i = 1 to 50
    for j =1 to 6
        sc_message(i,j) = ""
application("ap_user") = sc_user
application("ap_userout") = sc_userout
application("ap_message") = sc_message
application("ap_usernum") = 0
application("ap_point") = 1


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dim sc_user,sc_user1(30)
    sc_user = application("ap_user")
for i = 1 to 30
    sc_user1(i) = sc_user(i,1)
if request.form("b1") = "确定" then
    set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
    conn.open "chat","chat","chat001"
    sql = "update user_info_table set user_flag=" + request.form("d2") + " where user_name=‘’" + trim(request.form("d1")) + "‘’"
    set rs=conn.execute(sql)
end if

<form method="POST" action="userflag.asp">
  <p>将<select name="D1" size="1">
for i = 1 to 30
    if trim(sc_user1(i)) <> "" then
%>    <option value="<%response.write(trim(sc_user1(i)))%>"><%response.write(trim(sc_user1(i)))%></option>
    end if
next%>  </select>的权限改为<select name="D2" size="1">
    <option value="0">超级用户</option>
    <option value="1">普通管理员</option>
    <option selected value="2">普通用户</option>
    <option value="3">封闭账号</option>
  </select><input type="submit" value="确定" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="取消"
