发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
tableAct.htc public:eventname=onrowselect ID=rowSelect / public:property name=hlColor / public:property name=slColor / public:property name=@#dragColor@# / PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT=ondetach ONEVENT=cleanup() / public:attachevent=oncontentready o
<public:event    name="onrowselect" ID=rowSelect />
<public:property name="hlColor" />
<public:property name="slColor" />
<public:property name=@#dragColor@# />

<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="ondetach" ONEVENT="cleanup()" />
<public:attach     event=oncontentready onevent="init();" />

<script language=jscript>

var currRow = -1;
var selRow = -1;

if (element.tagName == @#TABLE@#)
    element.attachEvent(@#onmouseover@#, onMouseOver);
    element.attachEvent(@#onmouseout@#, onMouseOut);
    element.attachEvent(@#onclick@#, onClick);
    alert("Error: tableAct not attached to a table element");

function cleanup()

    element.detachEvent(@#onmouseover@#, onMouseOver);
    element.detachEvent(@#onmouseout@#, onMouseOut);
    element.detachEvent(@#onclick@#, onClick);

function onClick()
    srcElem = window.event.srcElement;

    //crawl up the tree to find the table row
    while (srcElem.tagName != "TR" && srcElem.tagName != "TABLE")
        srcElem = srcElem.parentElement;

    if(srcElem.tagName != "TR") return;

    if(srcElem.rowIndex == 0 ) return;

    if (selRow != -1) selRow.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = @#@#;

    srcElem.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = slColor;
    selRow = srcElem;
    var oEvent     = createEventObject();
    oEvent.selected = selRow;

function onMouseOver()
    srcElem = window.event.srcElement;
    //crawl up to find the row
    while (srcElem.tagName != "TR" && srcElem.tagName != "TABLE")
        srcElem = srcElem.parentElement;

    if(srcElem.tagName != "TR") return;

    if (srcElem.rowIndex > 0)


function onMouseOut()
    // Make sure we catch exit from the table
    hilite(-1, -1);

function hilite(newRow)
    if (hlColor != null )
        if (currRow != -1 && currRow!=selRow)
            currRow.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = @#@#;

        if (newRow != -1 && newRow!=selRow)
            newRow.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = hlColor;
    currRow = newRow;

/// sort
// global variables
var tbody=null;                    
var theadrow=null;
var colCount = null;

var reverse = false;
var lastclick = -1;                    // stores the object of our last used object

var arrHitTest = new Array();
var bDragMode = false;
var objDragItem;
var arrHitTest = new Array();
var iArrayHit = false;

function init() {

    // get TBODY - take the first TBODY for the table to sort
    tbody = element.tBodies(0);
    if (!tbody) return;

    //Get THEAD  
    var thead = element.tHead;
    if (!thead)  return;
    theadrow = thead.children[0]; //Assume just one Head row
    if (theadrow.tagName != "TR") return;

    theadrow.runtimeStyle.cursor = "hand";

    colCount = theadrow.children.length;
    var l, clickCell;
  var cx=0;
  var cy=0;
  var c;

    for (var i=0; i<colCount; i++)
        // Create our blank gif

        clickCell = theadrow.children[i];
        clickCell.selectIndex = i;
        clickCell.insertAdjacentElement("beforeEnd", l)
        clickCell.attachEvent("onclick", doClick);

        arrHitTest[i] = new Array();

        c = clickCell.offsetParent;

       if(cx == 0 && cy == 0 )
            while (c.offsetParent != null) {
                  cy += c.offsetTop;
                  cx += c.offsetLeft;
                  c = c.offsetParent;

    arrHitTest[i][0] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft;
    arrHitTest[i][1] = cy + clickCell.offsetTop;
    arrHitTest[i][2] = clickCell;
    arrHitTest[i][3] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft + eval(clickCell.width);


  defaultTitleColor = theadrow.children[0].currentStyle.backgroundColor;     


// doClick handler
function doClick(e)
    var clickObject = e.srcElement;

    while (clickObject.tagName != "TD")
        clickObject = clickObject.parentElement;

    // clear the sort images in the head
    var imgcol= theadrow.all(@#srtimg@#);
    for(var x = 0; x < imgcol.length; x++)
        imgcol[x].src = "dude07232001blank.gif";

    if(lastclick == clickObject.selectIndex)
        if(reverse == false)
            clickObject.children[0].src = "dude07232001down.gif";
              reverse = true;
            clickObject.children[0].src = "dude07232001up.gif";
            reverse = false;
        reverse = false;
        lastclick = clickObject.selectIndex;
        clickObject.children[0].src = "dude07232001up.gif";

    insertionSort(tbody, tbody.rows.length-1,  reverse, clickObject.selectIndex);

function insertionSort(t, iRowEnd, fReverse, iColumn)
    var iRowInsertRow, iRowWalkRow, current, insert;
    for ( iRowInsert = 0 + 1 ; iRowInsert <= iRowEnd ; iRowInsert++ )
        if (iColumn) {    
        if( typeof(t.children[iRowInsert].children[iColumn]) != "undefined")
                   textRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert].children[iColumn].innerText;
            textRowInsert = "";
        } else {
           textRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert].innerText;
        for ( iRowWalk = 0; iRowWalk <= iRowInsert ; iRowWalk++ )
            if (iColumn) {
            if(typeof(t.children[iRowWalk].children[iColumn]) != "undefined")
                textRowCurrent = t.children[iRowWalk].children[iColumn].innerText;
                textRowCurrent = "";
            } else {
            textRowCurrent = t.children[iRowWalk].innerText;

        // We save our values so we can manipulate the numbers for
        // comparison
        current = textRowCurrent;
        insert  = textRowInsert;

        //  If the value is not a number, we sort normally, else we evaluate    
        //  the value to get a numeric representation
        if ( !isNaN(current) ||  !isNaN(insert))
            current= eval(current);
            insert= eval(insert);
            current    = current.toLowerCase();
            insert    = insert.toLowerCase();

            if ( (   (!fReverse && insert < current)
                 || ( fReverse && insert > current) )
                 && (iRowInsert != iRowWalk) )
            eRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert];
                eRowWalk = t.children[iRowWalk];
                t.insertBefore(eRowInsert, eRowWalk);
                iRowWalk = iRowInsert; // done

/// Drag

function InitHeader()
  var cx=0;
  var cy=0;
  var c;
  for (i=0; i<colCount ; i++) {

    var clickCell = theadrow.children[i];
    clickCell.selectIndex = i;
    c = clickCell.offsetParent;

    if(cx == 0 && cy == 0 )
        while (c.offsetParent != null) {
                  cy += c.offsetTop;
                  cx += c.offsetLeft;
                  c = c.offsetParent;

    arrHitTest[i][0] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft;
    arrHitTest[i][1] = cy + clickCell.offsetTop;
    arrHitTest[i][2] = clickCell;
    arrHitTest[i][3] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft + eval(clickCell.width);

function onSelect()
    //disable selection
    return false;

function ChangeHeader(iChange)
    for(var y = 0; y < arrHitTest.length; y++)
    if (arrHitTest[y][2].currentStyle.backgroundColor == dragColor)
        arrHitTest[y][2].style.backgroundColor = defaultTitleColor;

    if(iChange == "-1") return;

    arrHitTest[iChange][2].style.backgroundColor = dragColor;

function onMouseUp(e)
    if(!bDragMode)    return;
    bDragMode = false;

    var iSelected = objDragItem.selectIndex;
    objDragItem = null;


    if( (iArrayHit - 1) < 0 || iSelected < 0) return;    // default faliure

    CopyRow(iSelected, (iArrayHit - 1) );

    // Reset our variables
    iSelected = 0;
    iArrayHit = -1;

function onMouseDown(e)
    bDragMode     = true;
    var src     = e.srcElement;
    var c     = e.srcElement;

    while (src.tagName != "TD")
        src = src.parentElement;

    // Create our header on the fly
    objDragItem = document.createElement("DIV");
    objDragItem.innerHTML        = src.innerHTML;
    objDragItem.style.height    = src.currentStyle.height;
    objDragItem.style.width     = src.currentStyle.width;
    objDragItem.style.background     = src.currentStyle.backgroundColor;
    objDragItem.style.fontColor    = src.currentStyle.fontColor;
    objDragItem.style.position     = "absolute";
    objDragItem.selectIndex        = src.selectIndex;
    while (c.offsetParent != null)
        objDragItem.style.y += c.offsetTop;
        objDragItem.style.x += c.offsetLeft;
        c = c.offsetParent;
     objDragItem.style.borderStyle    = "outset";
    objDragItem.style.display    = "none";


function onMouseMove(e)
    if(!bDragMode || !objDragItem) return;    // If we aren@#t dragging or our object
                                // is null, we return

    // Hardcoded value for height difference
    var midWObj = objDragItem.style.posWidth / 2;
    var midHObj = 12;

    // Save mouse@#s position in the document
     var intTop = e.clientY + element.document.body.scrollTop;
     var intLeft = e.clientX + element.document.body.scrollLeft;

    var cx=0,cy=0;
    var elCurrent = objDragItem.offsetParent;
               while (elCurrent.offsetParent != null) {
                  cx += elCurrent.offsetTop;
                  cy += elCurrent.offsetLeft;
                  elCurrent = elCurrent.offsetParent;

      objDragItem.style.pixelTop  = intTop  - cx - midHObj;
      objDragItem.style.pixelLeft = intLeft - cy - midWObj;

    if(objDragItem.style.display == "none") objDragItem.style.display = "";

    iArrayHit = CheckHit(intTop , intLeft , e);

    e.cancelBubble = false;
    e.returnValue = false;

function CheckHit(x,y,e)
    midWObj = objDragItem.style.posWidth / 2;
    midHObj = 12;

    if( ((x) > (arrHitTest[0][1] + 20) ) || ( (x) < (arrHitTest[0][1]) ) )
        return -1;

    for(var i=0; i < colCount; i++)
        if( (y) > (arrHitTest[i][0]) && (y) < (arrHitTest[i][3] )) //+ 100))
            return i + 1;
    return -1;

// Copy from row to row.. Does the Header also.
function CopyRow(from, to)
    if(from == to) return;

    var origfrom = from;
    var origto = to;
    var iDiff = 0;

    if( from > to )

        iDiff = from - to;

        var saveObj     = theadrow.children[from].innerHTML;
        var saveWidth     = theadrow.children[from].width;

        for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++)
            theadrow.children[from].innerHTML = theadrow.children[from - 1].innerHTML;
            theadrow.children[from].width = theadrow.children[from - 1].width;
        theadrow.children[to].innerHTML     = saveObj;
        theadrow.children[to].width = saveWidth;

        iDiff = to - from;

        var saveObj = theadrow.children[from].innerHTML;
        var saveWidth     = theadrow.children[from].width;

        for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++)
            theadrow.children[from].innerHTML = theadrow.children[from + 1].innerHTML;
            theadrow.children[from].width = theadrow.children[from + 1].width;

        theadrow.children[to].innerHTML     = saveObj;
        theadrow.children[to].width = saveWidth;

    for(var i = 0 ; i < theadrow.children.length; i++)
            theadrow.children[i].selectIndex = i;

    for ( var iRowInsert = 0 ; iRowInsert < tbody.rows.length; iRowInsert++ )
        from = origfrom;
        to = origto;
        if( from > to )
            iDiff = from - to;
            var saveObj = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML
            for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++)
                tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from - 1].innerHTML;
            tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[to].innerHTML = saveObj;

            iDiff = to - from;
            var saveObj = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML
            for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++)
                tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from + 1].innerHTML;
            tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[to].innerHTML = saveObj;



