也许是好东西——Windows Script Host-5[关机/For win9x]

发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
‘’************************************************ ‘’ File:RunExit. vb s (WSH sample in VB Script) ‘’ Author:(c) G. Born ‘’ ‘’ Using the Run method to call the Windows 95/98 ‘’ ExitWindows API function ‘’**********************
‘’ File:    RunExit.vbs (WSH sample in VBScript)
‘’ Author:  (c) G. Born
‘’ Using the Run method to call the Windows 95/98
‘’ ExitWindows API function
Option Explicit

Dim WshShell

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

If (MsgBox("Shut down Windows 95/98", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
    "WSH sample - by G. Born") = vbYes) Then _
    WshShell.Run _
        "%WINDIR%\RunDll32.exe user,ExitWindows", 1, -1

‘’*** End
