
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
下面的第一个例子为只是将客户端的文件上传到服务端的例子 第二个例子为将文件内容保存入 数据库 中。 文件fupload.asp % dim ResultHTML ‘’Some value greater than default of 60s (According to upload size.) ‘’The maximum speed is about 100kB/s f
dim ResultHTML
‘’Some value greater than default of 60s (Aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording to upload size.)
‘’The maximum speed is about 100kB/s for IIS4, P200 and local upload, 4kB/s for modem users.
Server.ScriptTimeout = 400

If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then ‘’Request method must be "POST" for get the fields
‘’  BeginTimer ‘’Starts timer.
  ‘’*************************************************   Main Upload - start
    Dim Fields
‘’    on error resume next
    ‘’Set upload limit to 10M
    UploadSizeLimit = 10000000

    ‘’Gets uploaded fields
    Set Fields = GetUpload()

    ‘’There are all of form fields in the Fields object. Example :
    ‘’Fields("File1").ContentType - content type of File1 field
    ‘’Fields("File1").Value - Binary value of File1 field
    ResultHTML = ""
    If Err = 0 Then ‘’Upload was OK
      ‘’Write statistics about upload
      dim Field
      For Each Field In Fields.Items
        ResultHTML = ResultHTML & "<br>Field : <b>" & LogF(Field.name) & "</b>, Length : <b>" & LogFn(Field.Length) & "</b>, Content-Type : <b>" & LogF(Field.ContentType) & "</b>, SourceFileName :?b>" & LogF(Field.FileName) & "</b>"

      ‘’Saves the fields to the disk, writes result to the client and writes log.
      ‘’See utils.inc. You can change the function to save the files to another location.
      ResultHTML = ResultHTML & "<BR>" & SaveUpload(Fields, Server.MapPath("."), LogFolder)
    Else ‘’Error in upload. Write the error
      ResultHTML = ResultHTML & "<br>Error : " & Err.Description
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Fields = Empty ‘’Clear the variable
  ‘’*************************************************   Main Upload - end
‘’  EndTimer ‘’Writes info about consumed time.
End If ‘’Request method must be "POST"


<%‘’upload.inc, contains GetUpload function, Required for upload - only the one file%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="fupload.inc"-->
<%‘’utils.inc, contains SaveUpload function%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="futils.inc"-->
<%‘’format.inc, contains head and Foot function, optional.%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="fformat.inc"-->
<%=Head("Sample multiple binary files upload via ASP", "Demonstrates using of the ByteArray class for working with binary data from Request.BinaryRead.")%>

  <form method=post ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
    <TR BGColor=Silver><TD></TD><TD Align=Right><input type="submit" Name="Action" value="Upload the files >>"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD ColSpan=2>
      <Table Width=100% Border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><TD>
      <Div ID=files>
        File???input type="file" name="File1"><br>
        File???input type="file" name="File2">
      <TD><TD Align=right VAlign=top>
        <A style=cursor:hand onclick=return(Expand())><Font COlor=Blue><U>add a file</U></Font></a>
    <TR><TD>Checkbox</TD><TD><input type="CHECKBOX" name="Check1" Checked></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD>Password</TD><TD><input type="PASSWORD" name="PASSWORD"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD>Comments</TD><TD><input size="60" name="Comments" value="Some comments."></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD>Description</TD><TD><textarea cols="60" rows="8" name="Description">Some long text of any size - without 80k limit of ASP Request.Form("...").</textarea></TD></TR>
  var nfiles = 2;
  function Expand(){
    files.insertAdjacentHTML(‘’BeforeEnd‘’,‘’<BR>File?+nfiles+‘’??input type="file" name="File‘’+nfiles+‘’">‘’);
    return false

<%‘’upload.inc, contains GetUpload function, Required for upload - only the one file%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="fupload.inc"-->
<%‘’format.inc, contains head and Foot function, optional.%>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="fformat.inc"-->
<%=Head("Sample database upload via ASP", "Demonstrates using of the ByteArray class for working with binary data from Request.BinaryRead.")%>

  <form method=post ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
    <TR><TD></TD><TD Align=Right><input type="submit" Name="Action" value="Upload the file >>"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD>File to upload</TD><TD><input type="file" name="DBFile"></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD>Title</TD><TD><input size="60" name="Title" value="Title of the file."></TD></TR>
    <TR><TD>Description</TD><TD><textarea cols="60" rows="8" name="Description">Type description of the file.</textarea></TD></TR>


‘’Some value greater than default of 60s (According to upload size.)
‘’The maximum speed is about 100kB/s for IIS4, P200 and local upload, 4kB/s for modem users.
Server.ScriptTimeout = 200

If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then ‘’Request method must be "POST" for get the fields
  ‘’*************************************************   Main Upload - start
    Dim Fields
  ‘’  on error resume next
    ‘’Gets uploaded fields
    Set Fields = GetUpload()
    ‘’There are all of form fields in the Fields object. Example :
    ‘’Fields("File1").ContentType - content type of File1 field
    ‘’Fields("File1").Value.String - File1 field converted to a string
    ‘’Fields("File1").Value.ByteArray - File1 field as safearray to store in binary RS field or file
    ‘’Fields("Comments").Value.String - value of Comments field

    If Err = 0 Then ‘’Upload was OK
      ‘’Saves fields to the database and returns result to the client.
      Response.Write DBSaveUpload(Fields)
    Else ‘’Error in upload. Write the error
      Response.Write Err.Description
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Fields = Empty ‘’Clear the variable
  ‘’*************************************************   Main Upload - end
End If ‘’Request method must be "POST"

function DBSaveUpload(Fields)
  dim Conn, RS
  Set Conn = GetConnection
  Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  RS.Open "Upload", Conn, 2, 2
    RS("UploadDT") = Now()

    RS("RemoteIP") = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
    RS("ContentType") = Fields("DBFile").ContentType
    RS("SouceFileName") = Fields("DBFile").FileName

    RS("Description") = BinaryToString(Fields("Description").Value)
    RS("Title") = BinaryToString(Fields("Title").Value)
    RS("Data").AppendChunk Fields("DBFile").Value
  DBSaveUpload = "<br>File <b>" & Fields("DBFile").FileName & "</b>, length : <b>" & Fields("DBFile").Length & " B</b> was saved to the database. "
end function

function GetConnection()
  dim Conn, AuthConnectionString
  Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  ‘’MDB connection
  AuthConnectionString = "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(".") & "\fupload.mdb;DefaultDir=" & Server.MapPath("/") & ";" & _
      "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;UID=;"
  Conn.open AuthConnectionString
  ‘’SQL connection
  ‘’Simply change connection and create table to upload to MS SQL
‘’  Conn.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
‘’  Conn.Open "Server=(Local);Database=Auth", "sa", "password"
    set GetConnection = Conn
end function

function CreateUploadTable(Conn)
dim SQL
SQL = SQL & "    UploadID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,"
SQL = SQL & "    UploadDT datetime NULL ,"
SQL = SQL & "    RemoteIP char (15) NULL ,"
SQL = SQL & "    ContentType char (64) NULL ,"
SQL = SQL & "    SouceFileName varchar (255) NULL ,"
SQL = SQL & "    Title varchar (255) NULL ,"
SQL = SQL & "    Description text NULL ,"
SQL = SQL & "    Data image NULL "
SQL = SQL & ")"
Conn.Execute SQL
end function
