
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
用ASP发电子邮件 % Dim strTo, strSubject, strBody @#Strings for recipient, subject, boby Dim objCDOMail @#The CDO object @#First we@#ll read in the values entered strTo = Request.Form(to) @#These would read the message subject and body if we
Dim strTo, strSubject, strBody @#Strings for recipient, subject, boby
Dim objCDOMail @#The CDO object
@#First we@#ll read in the values entered
strTo = Request.Form("to")
@#These would read the message subject and body if we let you enter it
@#strSubject = Request.Form("subject")
@#strBody = Request.Form("body")
strSubject = "Sample E-mail sent from X-Bit!"
@# This is multi-lined simply for readability
strBody = "This message was sent from a sample at X-Bit. "
strBody = strBody & "It is used to show people how to send e-mail from an "
strBody = strBody & "Active Server Page. If you did not request this "
strBody = strBody & "e-mail yourself, your address was entered by one of "
strBody = strBody & "our visitors. We do not store these e-mail addresses."
strBody = strBody & " Please address all concerns to pplo@sina.com."

@#Ok we@#ve got the values now on to the point of the script.

@#We just check to see if someone has entered anything into the to field.
@#If it@#s equal to nothing we show the form, otherwise we send the message.
@#If you were doing this for real you might want to check other fields too
@#and do a little entry validation like checking for valid syntax etc.
If strTo = "" Then
<FORM ACTION="./email_cdo.asp" METHOD="post">
Enter your e-mail address:<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="to" SIZE="30"></INPUT>

<!-- These would be used if we decided to let you edit them
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" SIZE="30"></INPUT><BR>

<TEXTAREA NAME="body" ROWS="10" COLS="40" WRAP="virtual"></TEXTAREA><BR>

<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send Mail!"></INPUT>
@# Create an instance of the NewMail object.
Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

@# Set the properties of the object
objCDOMail.From = "ppop@sina.com"
objCDOMail.To = strTo
objCDOMail.Subject = strSubject
objCDOMail.Body = strBody

@# There are lots of other properties you can use.
@# You can send HTML e-mail, attachments, etc...
@# You can also modify most aspects of the message
@# like importance, custom headers, ...
@# Check the documentation for a full list as well
@# as the correct syntax.

@# Some of the more useful ones I@#ve included samples of here:
@#objCDOMail.Cc = "kola100@163.com;kola100@163.com"
@#objCDOMail.Bclearcase/" target="_blank" >cc = "wwew@sina.com;wwew@sina.com"
@#objCDOMail.Importance = 1 @#(0=Low, 1=Normal, 2=High)
@#objCDOMail.AttachFile "c:file.txt", "file.txt"

@# Send the message!

@# Set the object to nothing because it immediately becomes
@# invalid after calling the Send method.
Set objCDOMail = Nothing

Response.Write "Message sent to " & strTo & "!"
End If
