
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
本文实现的是一个帐务管理系统中分级权限的控制,程序使用ASP和 Java Script编写,在装有IIS4.0的win NT 服务器 上运行,速度快,易维护。 权限级别划分如下: ①、院长和财务科长:不能输入,可以无限制查询、统计; ②、副院长:不能输入,可以查询、统计
     本文实现的是一个帐务管理系统中分级权限的控制,程序使用ASP和JavaScript编写,在装有IIS4.0的win NT服务器上运行,速度快,易维护。
  ②、BM数据库及字段:id(序列号) ,bmid(部门号);
  ③、JZPZ数据库及字段:id(序列号),bm(部门), zgs(子公司),xmz(项目组),xm(项目),sr(收入),zc(支出),szfx(收支方向),szxs(收支形式),rq(日期),jbr(经办人),lrr(录入人),szsm(收支说明);
  if (thisPage.firstEntered) then
  if session("tright")<> "1" then
  end if
  Textbox7.value=year(date) & "-" & month(date) & "-" & day(date)
  Textbox9.value =session("username")
  set cnn1=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
  set rst1=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
  cnn1.ConnectionTimeout =30
  cnn1.Open "DSN=jky"
  rst1.Open "select * from bm ",cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox3.addItem rst1.Fields("bmName"),cint(rst1.Fields("id"))
  “Response.Write rst1.Fields("bmname") & rst1.Fields("id")
  end if
  rst1.Open "select zgsname from zgs where bmid=" & id,cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox4.addItem cstr(rst1.Fields("zgsname"))
  end if
  call writerst
  end if
  end function
  sub button2_onclick
  dim s
  Response.Write s
  end sub
  sub listbox3_onchange
  dim id,i
  do while i>-1
  call Listbox4.removeItem(i)
  id=listbox3.getValue (listbox3.selectedIndex)
  set cnn2=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
  set rst2=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
  cnn2.ConnectionTimeout =30
  rst2.Open "select zgsName from zgs where bmid=" & id,cnn2,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst2.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst2.EOF
  Listbox4.addItem cstr(rst2.Fields("zgsName"))
  end if
  end sub
  sub button2_onclick
  set cnn5=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
  cnn5.ConnectionTimeout =30
  cnn5.Execute "insert into jzpz(bm,zgs,xmz,xm,sr,zc,szfx,szxs,rq,jbr,lrr,szsm) select bm,zgs,xmz,xm,sr,zc,szfx,szxs,rq,jbr,lrr,szsm from wjzpz where lrr=“" & session("username") & "“"
  cnn5.Execute "delete from wjzpz where lrr=“" & session("username") & "“"
  end sub
  function thisPage_onenter()
  set cnn1=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
  set rst1=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
  cnn1.ConnectionTimeout =30
  cnn1.Open "dsn=jky"
  select case session("Tright")
  case "3"“副院长
  rst1.Open "select bm.bmName from jk_user ,bm where JK_user.bmid=bm.id and jk_user.username =“"& session("username") & "“",cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox1.addItem cstr(rst1.Fields("bmName"))
  end if
  rst1.Open "select zgsname from zgs ",cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox2.addItem cstr(rst1.Fields("zgsname"))
  end if
  Checkbox1.setChecked (true)
  case "2"“部门经理
  Listbox1.addItem session("bm")
  rst1.Open "select zgsname from zgs where bmid=" & session("bmid"),cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox2.addItem cstr(rst1.Fields("zgsname"))
  end if
  Checkbox1.setChecked (true)
  case "1"“会计
  rst1.Open "select bmName from bm ",cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox1.addItem cstr(rst1.Fields("bmName"))
  end if
  rst1.Open "select zgsname from zgs ",cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox2.addItem cstr(rst1.Fields("zgsname"))
  end if
  case "4"“院长
  rst1.Open "select bmName from bm ",cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox1.addItem cstr(rst1.Fields("bmName"))
  end if
  rst1.Open "select zgsname from zgs ",cnn1,1,1,adcmdtext
  if rst1.RecordCount >0 then
  do while not rst1.EOF
  Listbox2.addItem cstr(rst1.Fields("zgsname"))
  end if
  end select
  end if
  end function
  sub button1_onclick
  dim rst2,cnn2,str,i
  dim bm(1),zgs(1),xmz(1),xm(1),szfx(1),szxs(1),rq(2),jbr(1)
  if bm(0) then
  bm(1)=Listbox1.getText(Listbox1.selectedIndex )
  str=" and bm=“" & bm(1) & "“"
  end if
  if zgs(0) then
  zgs(1)=Listbox2.getText(Listbox2.selectedIndex )
  str=str & " and zgs =“"& zgs(1) & "“"
  end if
  if xmz(0) then
  xmz(1)=trim(txtxmz.value )
  str=str & " and xmz like “%" & xmz(1) & "%“"
  end if
  if xm(0) then
  xm(1)=trim(tztxm.value )
  str=str & " and xm like “%" & xm(1) & "%“"
  end if
  if szfx(0) then
  szfx(1)=Listbox3.getText(Listbox3.selectedIndex )
  str =str & " and szfx =“" & szfx(1) & "“"
  end if
  if szxs(0) then
  szxs(1)=Listbox4.getText(Listbox4.selectedIndex )
  str =str & " and szxs =“" & szxs(1) & "“"
  end if
  if jbr(0) then
  jbr(1)=trim(txtjbr.value )
  str =str & " and jbr like “%" & jbr(1) & "%“"
  end if
  set cnn2=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
  set rst2=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
  cnn2.ConnectionTimeout =30
  cnn2.Open "dsn=jky"
  Response.Write "<table border=“1“ cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=“650“ height=“33“ >"
  Response.Write "<tr>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“100%“ colspan=“6“ height=“44“ align=“middle“ bgcolor=lightblue>"
  Response.Write "<p align=“center“><b><font color=“#000084“>记 帐 凭 证 列 表"
  Response.Write "</font></b></p></td></tr> "
  Response.Write "<tr>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightsteelblue>"
  Response.Write "部 门</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“20%“bgcolor=lightsteelblue>"
  Response.Write "子公司</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightsteelblue>"
  Response.Write "项目组</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightsteelblue>"
  Response.Write "项目名/合同号</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightsteelblue>"
  Response.Write "收入金额(万元)</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightsteelblue>"
  Response.Write "支出金额(万元)</td></tr>"
  if session("Tright")="1" then
  “Response.Write "AAAAAAAA"
  rst2.Open "select * from jzpz where id>0 and lrr=“" & session("username") & "“" & str ,cnn2,1,1,adcmdtext
  “Response.Write "FFFFFFFFFFFFF"
  rst2.Open "select * from jzpz where id>0 " & str ,cnn2,1,1,adcmdtext
  end if
  if rst2.RecordCount >0 then
  rst2.PageSize =20
  rst2.AbsolutePage =1
  do while not rst2.EOF and i< rst2.PageSize
  Response.Write "<tr>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightgrey>"& rst2.Fields("bm")& "</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightgrey>"& rst2.Fields("zgs")& "</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightgrey>"& rst2.Fields("xmz")& "</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“15%“ bgcolor=lightgrey><a href=“FMjz1.asp?Id="& rst2.Fields("id") & "“ target=“_blank“>" & rst2.Fields("xm")& "</a></td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“5%“ bgcolor=lightgrey>"& rst2.Fields("sr")& "</td>"
  Response.Write "<td width=“5%“ bgcolor=lightgrey>"& rst2.Fields("zc")& "</td>"
  Response.Write "</tr>"
  end if
  Response.Write "</table>"
  Response.Write "</div>"
  j= rst2.PageCount
  Response.Write "<P align=center><b>共有页数: "
  for i=1 to j
  Response.Write "<a href=“Fmjzpzck1.asp?ID=" & i & "“ target=“_blank“>" & i & "</a>" & " "
  if j mod 10= 0 then
  Response.Write "
  end if
  Response.Write "</b></p>"
  end sub
    应用以上程序,可以根据用户的权限,按照用户的要求实行订制查询,该系统在win NT、IIS4.0和win98、PWS上运行通过。
