
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
原作者:东子 global.asa 放在你的根目录 object runat=Server scope=Application id=rstActiveUsers progid=ADODB.Recordset /object script language= VB Script runat=Server ‘’ The first thing you should notice is the top line. ‘’ It creates an

global.asa 放在你的根目录
<object runat="Server" scope="Application"
id="rstActiveUsers" progid="ADODB.Recordset">

<script language="VBScript" runat="Server">
‘’ The first thing you should notice is the top line.
‘’ It creates an application scoped recordset object
‘’ named rstActiveUsers that I‘’ll use to store all
‘’ our user information.
‘’ Note: I‘’ve wrapped it for readability

Sub Application_OnStart()
    ‘’ Selected constants from adovbs.inc
    Const adInteger = 3
    Const adVarChar = 200
    Const adDate = 7
    ‘’ Here I set up in memory active user recordset
    ‘’ by adding the fields I want to it and defining
    ‘’ their data types.
    rstActiveUsers.Fields.Append "id", adInteger
    rstActiveUsers.Fields.Append "ip", adVarChar, 15
    rstActiveUsers.Fields.Append "browser", adVarChar, 255
    rstActiveUsers.Fields.Append "started", adDate

    ‘’ Next I open our recordset so that we can use it.
    ‘’ That basically gets everything ready for our
    ‘’ first user.
End Sub

Sub Session_OnStart()
    ‘’ Set session timeout to 20 minutes
    Session.Timeout = 20

    ‘’ Set a session start time.  This is pretty pointless,
    ‘’ but it does ensure that we start a session and
    ‘’ assign the user a session id and it can help
    ‘’ troubleshooting if we ever need it.
    Session("Start") = Now()
    ‘’ Move to the end so records are added in order.
    ‘’ Again not of any real importance, but it keeps our
    ‘’ user table nice and orderly.
    If Not rstActiveUsers.EOF Then rstActiveUsers.MoveLast

    ‘’ Add a record and insert users data.  I‘’m just
    ‘’ storing some basic info, but naturally you‘’re free
    ‘’ to store whatever you want.
    rstActiveUsers.Fields("id").Value = _
    rstActiveUsers.Fields("ip").Value = _
    rstActiveUsers.Fields("browser").Value = _
    rstActiveUsers.Fields("started").Value = _
    ‘’ Now that we‘’ve got the information, all that‘’s
    ‘’ left is to display it.  See test_page.asp for a
    ‘’ demo.  It includes the pages show_count.asp and
    ‘’ show_users.asp which can also be used
    ‘’ individually if desired.
End Sub

Sub Session_OnEnd()
    ‘’ Selected constants from adovbs.inc
    Const adSearchForward = 1
    Const adBookmarkFirst = 1
    Const adAffectCurrent = 1

    ‘’ Find the appropriate record.  Using session id is the
    ‘’ easiest way since I use this as the primary key.
    ‘’ This line positions us on the appropriate record.
    rstActiveUsers.Find "id = " & Session.SessionID, _
        0, adSearchForward, adBookmarkFirst
    ‘’ Now that we‘’re on the record, delete it.
    ‘’ I use the EOF to make sure we‘’ve got one.
    If Not rstActiveUsers.EOF Then
        rstActiveUsers.Delete adAffectCurrent
    End If
End Sub
