在浏览器里实现类似VB Form的界面控制

发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
在浏览器里很容易实现类似 VB Form的文本框,按钮等控制 主要用到 keydown,keyup,keypress 等事件 对按键的捕获使用 window 对象的子对象 event 的 keycode 属性 以下代码仅供参考: %@ Language=VBScript % %@# By Chen Kang @# Any Problem please email to @
在浏览器里很容易实现类似VB Form的文本框,按钮等控制
主要用到 keydown,keyup,keypress 等事件
对按键的捕获使用 window 对象的子对象 event 的 keycode 属性

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<%  @# By Chen Kang
    @# Any Problem please email to
    @# chenkang@chenkang.com
    @# VI 6.0 Scripting Object Model Enabled %>
<!--#include file="_ScriptLibrary/pm.asp"-->
<% if StartPageProcessing() Then Response.End() %>
<FORM name=thisForm METHOD=post>

<META name=VI60_DTCScriptingPlatform content="Client (IE 4.0 DHTML)">
<META name=VI60_defaultClientScript content=VBScript>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

<SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersVBS LANGUAGE=vbscript>

Sub btnOK_onclick()
    dim rtnValue
    set rtnValue = logon.execute.CheckPasswd(thisForm.txtUserID.value,thisForm.txtPasswd.value)
    select case rtnValue.return_value
        case 0
        case 1
            @#set highlight
            set highLight = thisForm.txtUserID.createTextRange
            @#set focus
        case 2
            set highLight = thisForm.txtPasswd.createTextRange
        case 3
            set highLight = thisForm.txtPasswd.createTextRange
    end select
End Sub

Sub txtUserID_onKeyup()
    if window.event.keyCode=13 or window.event.keyCode=40 then
        set highLight = thisForm.txtPasswd.createTextRange
    end if    
End Sub

Sub txtPasswd_onKeyup()
    if window.event.keyCode=13 or window.event.keyCode=40  then
    end if
    if window.event.keyCode=38 then
        set highLight = thisForm.txtUserID.createTextRange
    end if    
End Sub

Sub window_onload
End Sub

<P align=center>操作员登录号:
<INPUT  id=txtUserID name=txtUserID maxLength=2 style="HEIGHT: 21px; WIDTH: 142px">
操作员  密码:
<INPUT id=txtPasswd name=txtPasswd maxLength=4 style="HEIGHT: 21px; WIDTH: 142px" type=password>
<P align=center>
<INPUT id=btnOK name=btnOK align=center type=button value="确认" style="COLOR: darkslategray; FONT-SIZE: larger; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; HEIGHT: 35px; WIDTH: 86px">

<% @# VI 6.0 Scripting Object Model Enabled %>
<% EndPageProcessing() %>
