
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
在不入前的一天,当我为了解决一个语法问题来翻阅 VB script文档时,偶然间发现在了下面的一句话: Class Statement Declares the name of a class, as well as a definition of the variables, properties, and methods that comprise the class. 翻译过来
  Class Statement
  Declares the name of a class, as well as a definition of the variables, properties, and methods that comprise the class.
  Class 声明
  Class aspcn
  Private aspcn
  Private Sub Class_Initialize
  aspcn="Aspcn Is Good!<br>"
  End Sub
  Public Function DoIt()
  End Function
  Public Sub QueryStr(stat)
  Response.write stat
  End Sub
  End Class
  Set Hi_aspcn=New aspcn '定义一个名为Hi_aspcn的aspcn对象实例
  response.write Hi_aspcn.DoIt
  varstr="Aspcn Is Cool!<br><font color=red>http://www.aspcn.com</font><br>WelCome!!!"
  Hi_aspcn.QueryStr varstr
  Aspcn Is Good!
  Aspcn Is Cool!
  以后,咱们就可以把我们常用到的程序写成一个类,到时候就用<!--#include file="xxx.asp"-->来包含进来就行了,这给我们开发程序又提供了新的空间,真是爽啊!和C++一样了,有点回归自然的感觉.
