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<title>Chart Example</title>


<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
  <td><font face=verdana,arial size=2 color=blue>Chart Example</font></td>
    <td width=60% collspan=2> <object id=ChartSpace1 classid=CLSID:0002E500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046
      <script language=vbs>
Sub Window_OnLoad()
Dim categories(4)
Dim valuesopen(4),valuesclose(4),valueshigh(4),valueslow(4)

    ‘’ Create an array of strings representing the categories.
    categories(0) = "15/03/2000"
    categories(1) = "16/03/2000"
    categories(2) = "17/03/2000"
    categories(3) = "18/03/2000"

    ‘’ Clear the contents of the chart workspace. This removes
    ‘’ any old charts that may already exist and leaves the chart workspace
    ‘’ completely empty. One chart object is then added.
    Set c = ChartSpace1.Constants
ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Type = c.chChartTypeStockOHLC

    ‘’ Add one serie to the chart.‘’


ReDim values(4,4)

valuesopen(0) = 10
valuesopen(1) = 18
valuesopen(2) = 9
valuesopen(3) = 16

valuesclose(0) = 16
valuesclose(1) = 21
valuesclose(2) = 11
valuesclose(3) = 17

valueshigh(0) = 17
valueshigh(1) = 29
valueshigh(2) = 16
valueshigh(3) = 16

valueslow(0) = 9
valueslow(1) =15
valueslow(2) = 9
valueslow(3) = 11

ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).Caption = "Ativo X"
ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, categories
ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimOpenValues, c.chDataLiteral, valuesopen
ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimHighValues, c.chDataLiteral, valueshigh
ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimLowValues, c.chDataLiteral, valueslow
ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimCloseValues, c.chDataLiteral, valuesclose
    ‘’ Make the chart legend visible, format the left value axis as percentage,
    ‘’ and specify that value gridlines are at 10% intervals.
    ChartSpace1.Charts(0).HasLegend = True
    ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Axes(c.chAxisPositionLeft).MajorUnit = 1
End Sub
  <td width=40%><font face=verdana,arial size=1 color=blue>This is a small
Chart Example</font></td>

