
发表于:2007-06-30来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
一段没有空格的长英文,系统会认为它是一个单词,为了保持单词的完整性不会自动换行。其实这种情况不处理也可以,因为在实际应用中除了 测试 或有人捣乱不会出现这种情况,不过为了以防万一吧,我几个月前写了下面这个函数,只是一种权宜之计,为了对付恶意破
‘’  function name: autowrap
‘’  description : 解决长英文不自动换行的问题
‘’  parameters :  a_strSourceString :要转换的源字符串
‘’                a_intSize , 每行宽度
‘’  author:       bigeagle
‘’  date :        2000/4/17
‘’  history:      2000/4/17 : version 1.0
   function AutoWrap(a_strSourceString , a_intSize)
       dim l_strDestString
       ‘’if instr(a_strSourceString , chr(13) + chr(10) ) <> 0 then
       ‘’   AutoWrap = replace(a_strSourceString , chr(13) + chr(10) , "<br>")
       ‘’   exit function
       ‘’end if
       ‘’check if valid parameters
       call assert(vartype(a_strSourceString) = 8 , "AutoWrap" , "a_strSourceString must be a string")
       call assert(vartype(a_intSize) = 2 , "AutoWrap" , "a_intSize must be a integer")
       dim i     
       if a_intSize >= len(a_strSourceString) then
          l_strDestString = a_strSourceString
        ‘’  l_strDestString = left(a_strSourceString , a_intSize)   
          for i = 1 to len(a_strSourceString) step a_intSize
              if instr( i , mid(a_strSourceString , i , a_intSize) , chr(32) ) = 0 _
                 or instr( i , mid(a_strSourceString , i , a_intSize) , chr(13)+chr(10) )then
                 l_strDestString = l_strDestString + " " +  mid (a_strSourceString , i + 1 , a_intSize)        
                 l_strDestString = l_strDestString + mid(a_strSourceString , i + 1 , a_intSize)                 
              end if   
       end if
       call print("[AutoWrap:]return value is : ‘’" + l_strDestString + "‘’")
       l_strDestString = replace(l_strDestString , chr(13) + chr(10) , "<br>")
       AutoWrap =  l_strDestString
   end function
