
发表于:2007-06-17来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Public Function LoadFileToTB(TxtBox As Object, FilePath As _ String, Optional Append As Boolean = False) As Boolean `PURPOSE: Loads file specified by FilePath into textcontrol `(e.g., Text Box, Rich Text Box) specified by TxtBox `If Append

  Public Function LoadFileToTB(TxtBox As Object, FilePath As _
   String, Optional Append As Boolean = False) As Boolean
`PURPOSE: Loads file specified by FilePath into textcontrol

`(e.g., Text Box, Rich Text Box) specified by TxtBox

`If Append = true, then loaded text is appended to existing
` contents else existing contents are overwritten

`Returns: True if Suclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessful, false otherwise

Dim iFile As Integer
Dim s As String

If Dir(FilePath) = "" Then Exit Function

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
s = TxtBox.Text

iFile = FreeFile
Open FilePath For Input As #iFile
s = Input(LOF(iFile), #iFile)
If Append Then
    TxtBox.Text = TxtBox.Text & s
    TxtBox.Text = s
End If

LoadFileToTB = True

If iFile > 0 Then Close #iFile

End Function

Public Function SaveFileFromTB(TxtBox As Object, _
   FilePath As String, Optional Append As Boolean = False) _
   As Boolean
`PURPOSE: Saves contents of text control (e.g., Text Box,
`Rich Text Box) specified by TxtBox to file specified by FilePath

`If Append = true, then TxtBox`s contents are
`appended to existing file contents
`else existing file is overwritten

`Returns: True if Successful, false otherwise

Dim iFile As Integer

iFile = FreeFile
If Append Then
    Open FilePath For Append As #iFile
    Open FilePath For Output As #iFile
End If

Print #iFile, TxtBox.Text
SaveFileFromTB = True


Close #iFile
End Function
